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Fat Clemenza

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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Damn those Blackfoot attack choppers are fun.

    1. SPBojo


      not when you shoot bojo! :(

    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I was amazed at how much punishment that Taru could take, man. We were already running dry on ammo, so you were able to escape... or I'm just a piss poor shot, hahaha

    3. SPBojo
  2. I know the Super Bowl was months ago, but this post-game rage was hysterical. I'm in tears laughing right now. http://youtu.be/2jg7XcAmDGc

  3. #CapitalPunishmentForConan
  4. How not to be a gun enthusiast.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jorbis


      But seriously since when is playing around with a loaded gun with safety off a good idea...

    3. Warfare


      Was expecting him to shoot a whole in his wall

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Me too, but he kept the finger off the trigger. Idiot should have kept the thing unloaded. Hell, he shouldn't have bought the KSG at all. It's a piece of crap

  5. Damn. No more Yippee ki-yay motherfucker.
  6. That's still up for debate, Jpeg. I try to stick to Ace's wishes when it comes to vehicles as well, but some people argue that his wish was for us to only abide by it when we see someone on foot. Some argue a vehicle is fair game at all times. I disagree. You'll only get stopped by me if you're breaking the law regardless of what you're using as transportation or lack thereof. Lastly, Jpeg, Ace wants us to do this, but it is not a server rule. We can abide by it if we want to. With that being said, if you're stopping Joe Shit the Ragman for no reason other than the fact that the game's telling you he's wanted, then good luck getting promoted.
  7. I dreamt that Server 3 went back up, but then it turned into a nightmare when I learned that a 4th server went up, but it was KOTH instead of Wasteland. I woke up with a tear in my eye.

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Server 3 come up... Pfft! That would mean people would come back.. screw that!

    2. Big Bad Adam

      Big Bad Adam

      they need to go back to 1 server

  8. Guns? That would imply that the barrel of the firearm in question does not have an rifling and is therefore a smoothbore firearm, such as a shotgun. .308 rifles or go home
  9. Ok, now Corporals don't need .308 rifle is, or are you now personifying the rifle by saying it (the rifle) possesses guys?
  10. You're right, Dustin. We don't need "rifels" chambered in .308. We need rifles chambered in .308.
  11. Nascar is really, really boring compared to F1. Although F1 is experiencing some trouble. If they went back to V12s it'd be great.
  12. Formula 1 > College Basketball
  13. Just say no to drugs
  14. I am curious, Talindor. What languages did he try you in?
  15. Naw, dude. It'd be called "Keeping up with the Olympians."
  16. I've noticed some members have the forum title of "Deterous Member" What's that supposed to mean? It's not even a word...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Papamunski


      fit new jack hustler in there before OG

    3. Hades


      Ya I missed a letter in the title so it looked weird. Its been fixed.

    4. Grandma Gary
  17. Did anyone else notice that Ebzekro is completely absent from the Top Donors list?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne


      Ebzekro after crashing his mohawk 15 times and seeing absolutely no benefit from the pilot helmet especially since he couldnt fly anymore decided there was no poont in donating, he then proceeded to charge back his donations and is no longer a donator xD


    3. HamOfMoose


      he requested to be removed from lists if he wants you to know why he will tell you

    4. Dustin87


      Probably sick of being steryotyped

  18. Two more weeks and my eight week course will be done! I'll be free from 1400-1900 on Wednesdays!

  19. I do like these newspaper like things, Warfare. Keep up the good work, mang.
  20. Better late than never, eh? Welcome aboard for the first time... Well, sort of
  21. Anybody here into Formula 1 racing?

    1. Deathtripper


      A little, more so Motorcycle racing and motocross.. But all kinds of motorsports

    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Awesome. Do you think Mercedes will still be the team to beat this year, or do you not follow the sport that closely?

    3. Deathtripper


      Don't follow that closely. Looking for Guy Martin to win the IOM TT this year tho.

  22. When you try to RP with someone instead of being a robot and just get murdered by the rest of the gang. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot


      Nah Man, I Didnt call them in. they where getting mad cause it was taking over 10 minutes and then texted me "The Bomb has been planted! terrorists win"

    3. TheAntiStud


      We were doing a rescue mission for our guy, and so we shot you so we could get him out unscaved, then you guys respawned we didn't want to get tazed, so we initiated RP and you didn't comply the first time so we shot you, then the second time cLoak put his hands up and we didn't shoot him.

    4. brodyunderwood1


      If only they ever put this kind of effort into their excuses when the situation was ACTUALLY happening then the RP on the servers might actually be fun and halfway decent.

  23. Anybody know if you can gift Steam Wallet funds?

    1. SPBojo


      nop... they are stuck to your account :o

    2. Vancey


      You can buy the thing and gift it to then

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Alright, well I think I'll just level with the guy when he streams.

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