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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Congratulations to the boy @Huskers for graduating the New York Police Academy. Good luck with probation, dude. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      1 hour ago, Matt The Savage said:

      I thought Huskers was a nurse??

      If he was a nurse I have much respect.

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      He's not a nurse. However if he chooses to talk about it, I leave that to him.

    4. Rusty


      huskers is a fucking g

  2. No. Why? Because of your faggoty-assed forum name and avatar. Do us all a favor and
  3. Remember folks, the national recidivism rate in the U.S. is between 67%-76%. I'd be interested to see if there's a similar trend in our community. 

  4. You're joking, right?
  5. Checking license plates and doing checkpoints are rules? That's News to me. Care to cite a Server Rule section or an APD Handbook section for me? Go on ahead. I'll wait.
  6. TLDR, if you arrest someone and they hit you with "how did you know my name," then you're clear to say "your name's over your head you fat-faced, bridge-nosed, flying-j-faggot slob!"
  7. Oh boy. My stomach turned over for a second. I know a Huntington cop who lives a few doors down. Pull this shit again and you won't have a safe place, hahaha!
  8. MFW Will's in MC, is a friend of Moob & I and was our friend when we were Chiefs of Police and still didn't get promoted beyond Corporal. That blows the narrative open, doesn't it? As for getting promoted? At least in my experience, you have work hard and be in the right place at the right time.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      You realise you just showed your facebook account?

    3. Fat Clemenza
    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      You got me there. Assuming that is you, you look pretty Gr8

      Like not better then socio but ya know



    1. platinumfire


      best post ever to cross this forum page

  10. Outta here like Peace niiiaaa
  11. Despite all my rage I'm still making minimum wage

  12. The issue is not whether or not Vigilantes should be allowed to deploy a taser on a cop. The tasering of Cops by Vigilantes and other taser-wielding Civs has been going on (rather infrequently) since Day 1 on Olympus. The issue is the most recent update that now gives Civilians the ability to restrain a Cop. This makes taking a Cop hostage or robbing a Cop significantly easier than it has been in days gone by; you don't even need to 3-to-1 Cops anymore due to the recent addition of the Cop-restrain feature. The SPAR-16 was added in order to buff a horrendously underpowered Vigilante faction. With this new addition, Vigilantes have become horrendously overpowered when it comes to fighting cops. If a reversal of the change is deemed too extreme, then maybe it's time to remove the SPAR-16 from the Vigi Shop? Maybe the APD should start treating Vigilantes and any other taser-wielding Civs as suspects? If I had to give an opinion, I'd say the most efficient solution is to revert the change. It forces to Civs to work harder to take a Cop hostage or to rob a Cop of their gear and it also removes the rules that were put in place to combat the Cop-restraining feature. I just think the complete erasure of this change is better than any regulation put in place to combat/curtail the abuse of the feature. You could still take Cops hostage or rob them. You could even do it at a Federal Event (provided the recent rule updates are nullified, thus making hostage-taking and robbing of cops at Federal Events legal again), but it'll be more difficult. Seems even to me.
  13. You mentioned one of mates reseated his RAM and that did the trick. It seems you've no alternative, but out-of-the-box thinking. Reseat the RAM as stupid as that sounds.
  14. Left Click macro for when I use the CMR-76 or AK-12 on TDM and KOTH.
  15. Saw this and had to make it my wallpaper.
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