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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Status Updates posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Dutch? I thought Mr. Panda was Netherlandian. -Luke Duke



  2. The time has come for me to get an Animal Style 4x4 w/Animal Style Fries. Here I go. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dustin87


      animal style has "Special sauce" (some sort of thousand island relish sorta thing really good) and then it also has grilled onions.

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Animal style fries: cheese, thousand island, and cheese on the fries. Animal style burger: burger of your choice with hand-leafed lettuce, tomato, a mustard cooked beef patty; add pickle, extra spread with grilled onions

    4. Thomas


      Thats how they come here in tx.  You have to request grilled onions tho

  3. Haven't had an In-N-Out Burger in forever. Might go for a 3x3 Animal Style and Animal Style Fries on Thursday after school. I'm a Californian for fuck's sake! I should be having one once a week.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Thomas


      Your little skinny ass can't handle the double double dustin.  You probably only eat half.  But seriously in N out and mooyah have the best burgers all other places can suck a fat clemenza

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      "Suck a Fat Clemenza." That's priceless. I'll keep that in mind, hahaha!

    4. Dustin87


      my mom says clemenza sounds like a STD.

  4. Day 384: Turn to page three hundred and ninety-four...

  5. Fade to Black is easily one of the best songs ever written... In the world. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Virus1


      Was one of the first songs I ever tried to learn on guitar

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      It's a doozy. How'd it go for you?

    4. DeathDingo


      Ive seen Metallica live four times in three different Countries....def my fav band of all time!!! Nothing Else Matters fav song because it its home when being away from home :)

  6. I figured out why it's called Exile... You go there to live in exile from playing ArmA. 700 Beta testers and it completely shits the bed on release. It's actually worse than the Obama Administration.

  7. When men in their 40s play video games...

    This was the best part of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MU7XoMkX6U&feature=youtu.be&t=6m48s

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dejay
    3. Thomas
    4. QKSILVR73


      Um I don't act that way LOL. I'm cool as cucumber


  8. There once was a thug named Brown Who bum-rushed a cop with a frown     Six rounds later, he met his creator              Then his homies burned down the town

    Happy one-year anniversary of your death, Mike. Hell is hot. 

  9. Made it to Henderson, NV. It's 103°F here and I only brought jeans... I'll be back on Friday afternoon if I don't die from heatstroke out here first. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Muthinator


      Vegas Sucks... lol!

    3. Dustin87


      Yikes, stay hydrated. Ill be leading the APD in your absence.

    4. Thomas


      Go to the bunny ranch I heard they stay moist

  10. Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
    und das heißt: Erika.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Marty


      People's weapon? Do you mean Volkswagen or Luftwaffe, dingo?:huh:

    3. DeathDingo


      I mean Volkswaffe. Youtube it, its a German WW2 weapon so to speak hahaha

    4. Marty
  11. I wholeheartedly approve of the Music Channel. It played the whole of the Animals album from Pink Floyd...

  12. Title says it all...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      I think you left the stratosphere....

    3. dannyfrog87


      dam didnt expect that no coming back from that one rip lol

    4. D3V1L
  13. Why does anyone do anything? I don't know, I was really drunk at the time.

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Where you drunk at the moment? I play with a glass of wine most of the time. But always coherent. Although I do not know about your particular situation.

  14. Saw this and had to laugh. https://instagram.com/p/2oz83wB9gG/

    1. Fedot


      You and D3V1L mane. Weird shit on social media

    2. Fedot


      http://i.imgur.com/8HT0m2Z.png the Countdown was a nice touch
    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Worst spelling of Allahu Akbar ever, fagroy

  15. Did a field workout today; still ran less than Mayweather.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. orcpoc


      i guess im confused? is this the first time anyone has watched a mayweather fight? also if he was running the entire fight how did he throw/land more punches?

    3. Vitalis


      Skinny Clemeza soon to be?

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Clemenza was too much of a gangster to lose weight.

  16. Anyone here from Penistone, South Yorkshire?

  17. That moment when you have 9,000 rounds of 9mm, 13 Rooks, 11 PDWs, and 8 Stings in your Kavala Scat Pad. #MyAmbitionzAzAHoardah

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      *House gets searched*

    2. Brennan


      Good thing none of those items are illegal.

  18. Had a coroner's investigator come to my class to lecture. Saw at least 50 pictures of dead people. Really interesting, but I don't think I'll be eating anytime soon...

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I LOVE THEM PICS. No joke, I think I'm a psycho.

  19. Hey Huskers. Boston>New York.

    1. Dustin87
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I just realized how ironic this looks considering Clemenza is from New York.

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Park the car at Harvard Yard

  20. This song gets down, mang.

    1. Warfare


      Pretty sure one of them said "lets go bust a nut in one of these cows"

    2. HamOfMoose


      cowads that slang too hard :o

  21. That moment when you spawn without your MXM, go to escort a prisoner, game crashes due to some sort of server side bug, and your own officer sends your bones to jail. Now I'm sittin' here for a half hour. ArmA just wants to watch the world burn.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moose


      I would feel bad if this was anyone but clemenza

    3. Thomas


      that moment when a crook kills you with a rook

    4. DeathDingo


      Sounds like my last 12 hours lol

  22. Thrones was quite good

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ToeKnee


      i heard the first 4 episodes was leaked

    3. Fat Clemenza
    4. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      just watched all the leaked once and i must say WOW

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