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Everything posted by hawkg

  1. Happy birthday @ Fraali       Free the guys good sir 

  2. @ Jordan540 going to the ravens game tonight 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hawkg


      Lol what happened @ WALT

    3. WALT


      We got shit on. Time for change.

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      @ WALT Tomlin has looked like Marvin Lewis over the last 8 years.

  3. @ ThatNerdyGuy your team is a joke lol!  Ravens are the king in the north.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hawkg


      No he’s a bengals fan 

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      I was at the game on Saturday in Pittsburgh. I can't wait to see Pittsburgh get bounced by the Ravens this weekend. But really, KC is afraid of the Bengals, the ONLY team to give them a run for their money since Brady.

    4. hawkg


      Yeah I think kc definitely wanted to lose so the bengals wouldn’t make it in. They had the excuse of sitting the 1st string of course

  4. @ ThatNerdyGuy  sorry ass team lol. bmore winning the bowl 

    1. JoeL
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Gotta beat the Chiefs, couldn’t last year. 

  5. Why do u say that my boy?
  6. Since I was treated so unjust this year, I think it’s only fair if Olympus gives some back. I need 2 mill and someone to remove the crybaby tag thanks
  7. Olympus in December 2024… guess what? It’s still shiddy 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Millennium


      Poor implementation???? Homie, it's 2024. The server is 10+ years old and is one of the few RP servers left alive. I think we're a little past the implementation phase of it...

    3. -dante-


      Yea unbanning you was pointless. If your only purpose is to log in to say brain dead things then you can go back to timeout 🙂 

    4. Boovin


      Dante having withdrawals from going 24 hours without giving a brand new player a 7d ban because he only waited 4.9 seconds before shooting someone 

  8. All @ -dante- does is false ban
  9. I’m not saying you should unban her. I’m saying that you know there’s something wrong with the server when the most qualified person has been spurned
  10. I play war selection with her. She said she’s never asking to come back the only way she would come back if staff pulled her into teamspeak and asked her to
  11. Free the people who actually care. 2 players of the top 5 most played time are perm banned… what does that say about the server. sovereign had the most qualifications to become an admin on the server. She cares about upholding the rules and holding people accountable. She has top 5 most hours on the server and close to no bans yet she was spurned whereas someone like Clark who acts extremely obsequious was accepted lol. why would anyone want to play a server when the staff is entirely influenced and motivated by cliques lol
  12. Everything was Why’s that?
  13. Olympians, Olympus is in the Shitter. Staff has constantly punished people who care a lot about the server and its growth. This is to be excepted tho; coming from a staff that has been predominantly been motivated and influenced by cliques. We have all seen it. There is no denying it. All I’m saying is you should actually unban the people who care about the server lol and you wouldn’t have to give people like Brock lesner senior positions. We all know that the APD was better with goat and rabid. They actually cared lol.
  14. Because I got it by myself 

  15. People still play in 2024?
  16. U are retarded He making real money and ur sitting on ur ass complaining about not being unblacklisted lol
  17. Why does every cock smoking dev and every cock smoking civ council want to implement new things into the server. I promise you quality over a quantity is real relationship.

    If you spend your time refining and improving the content that the server already has rather than implementing new content ( that is vapid and clutter) ,the server would be a lot better.

    1. silton


      Preach. Fix what we got not add new shit. Art gallery rework has been on the Dev cards for over 2 years .

    2. Millennium


      I agree to a certain extent. You can absolutely go a long way with just quality things and improving things that are already in the server and there is a lot to improve on, however it comes to a point that it will not entertain people anymore.

      That goes for every game though, hence why every game has large content updates to draw people back in. Then based on that they decide if they wanna keep playing it or stop playing it afterwards. Examples: WoW, Palsworld, Rust, etc.

      I did mention a few days to Zeuse & the APD for at least a relocation/redesign of the art gallery the other day. As far as rework that @ silton  is talking about I haven’t seen a card for it… may have been archived.

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