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Everything posted by Lea

  1. Cupcakes for you. I'm sorry you lost a friend today over entitlement. Unfortunately, it happens. I thinned my herd before my hubs past just to eliminate problems and I'm glad I did. Sometimes it's pretty easy to tell who really has you. Keep those people.
  2. @ ZeroBlade , Happiest of Birthdays my conquest double!!!!!!!! Have the best day ever! 🧁🧁❀️

  3. After careful review, your application has been denied for the following reasons: I like gaming with Pipey. You're full of shit If I can do my important adulting things and still find time to play, you can too But in case it's for real, ily, do great things, and I wish you the absolute best. Most importantly, don't forget your Arma mom; always know there's a seat at my table.
  4. Hmmm... I think being in the crate is exploiting if I'm not mistaken. Weird how you drove right up to it and used the vehicle animation to get into the crate...
  5. Happy Birthday! I love you!!!🧁🧁

    sexy GIF

  6. Congrats @ WALT ! ❀️ 

    1. WALT


      Thank you Lea

  7. Happy Birthday Beautiful @ SPBojo ! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

  8. Happy Birthday @ Noble !!!

  9. Happiest of Birthdays! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

  10. And... Press 1 if you are upset and actually lost something you care about. Press 2 if you have read this post and expect 50k comp for Sov wasting your time.
  11. Happy Birthday my love, @ Revy ! ❀️ 🧁🧁🧁

  12. Happy Birthday, birthday twin! ❀️ ❀️ 🧁🧁🧁🧁

    1. JaydenB


      Thank you March 5th best birthday confirmed

  13. Number 1 in feet pic sales on Oly... I'm a healer irl too yay me!
  14. NGL I've been so busy lately that I have no idea who got what in the last couple of weeks... SO yall get a generic blanket Congratulations to those who want to be congratulated. 🧁🧁🧁

  15. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Also, don't push yourself after surgery. It's a nasty repair.
  16. Happy Birthday my sweet girl! @ GracieGirl 🧁

  17. It has been another long day πŸ˜” I just wanted to take a moment to thank this insanely toxic community for the outpouring of support I've received. 🧁🧁

    You have no idea how invaluable having just one place of normal is to me right now. Lots of love and cupcakes 🧁🧁 I'm hanging in there as best I can. 

  18. My brain hurts from all the photos I've been sorting through. Plus side I recovered all the Arma clips I thought I had deleted.Β 

  19. RIP Mr LeaΒ πŸ’”

    If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know all of you. He wasn't a player, but being home to care for him these past several years led me to gaming.

    Take care of your health, its the only thing that can prevent you from living.

    Mr Lea died from complications of type 2 diabetes that he was non compliant with the entirety of his life. In the end, his kidneys had failed, his eyes were failing, he couldn't walk very far or steadily, he couldn't feel his hands or feet.

    And last night I said my goodbyes in a cardiac ICU while a nurse was on top of him doing chest compressions.

    And all he had to do was track his blood sugars and moderate his diet.

    Pray for our daughters and grandchildren.

    And if I'm in game these next few days and look more lost than ever, I am. Maybe don't report me for that RDM πŸ˜‰Β or blown up fed truck πŸ˜ƒΒ 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TapTap


      Prayers for you and your family Lea. If you ever need to talk or vent I, as well as the rest of the server is here to support you.

    3. buckie


      Sorry for your loss, life is precious SEE YO FAMILY

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      I'm sorry for you and your family's loss @ Lea . You've always been a positive person in this community, and quite frankly, you don't deserve for that to happen to you.Β  Prayers going up for you and everyone around you.

  20. I had this problem months ago. I figured it out on my own like a real grandma.... Unfortunately, I don't remember what I did. I think it was something with my graphics card recording settings, Nvidia that is.
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