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APD Officer
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Everything posted by JaydenB

  1. All off the cuff and improvised
  2. yall shot me in the head for this makes me sad i just opposed the marriage he was cheating o7
  3. Happy birthday my bro @ YakGod

  4. Happy Birthday old ass mf

  5. Happy Birthday Babygirl xxx

  6. Congrats homie well deserved

  7. Happy Birthday!!

  8. Happy birthday man

  9. you're not wrong those guys are ass definitely there fault they should just fix the server honestly
  10. IMG_3483.png

    More pet appreciation

    1. Eddy Spagooti

      Eddy Spagooti

      that seems strangely familiar 🤨

  11. congrats @ SpecTGV and @ Diamond well deserved homies

    1. SpecTGV


      Thank you very much!

    2. Diamond
  12. o7 homie was good my guy

  13. congrats @ GrizzlyMan1252  Well Deserved homie

  14. Imagine making feds aids and unenjoyable to fight on cop and then complaining when theres no cops who want to participate in these events with you because you have lethals normally 90% of the apd do not have access to lethals unless authorised by a sr and as Tap Tap had mentioned we do have lives outside of the server which we intend to enjoy you cant pretend like you enjoyed having to tase people and then try push them to get the restrain off just to be killed by someone watching there body for 20+ minutes straight maybe open your perspective to see how people who arent in your position view these situations and how they can actually react to them with their limitations
  15. bump again
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