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Status Replies posted by Biggs

  1. image.png.cc2e25b4f472aca9056ef9926574967e.png


    @staff least lemme see it smh

    @Biggs keep it up and you wont be posting

  2. Thought a wireless charger was completely wireless, but I have to plug it in... Doesn't sound to wireless to me. False Advertisement.

  3. @Phizx

    Please stop messaging my gang members to join your new gangs every time.

    Snake somewhere else.

  4. I don’t join your gang so you DDoS me, good job. Don’t join complexity ts @Tom

  5. First time fighting cartels in months and it's a group of roachers -_- this the new meta or some shit

    1. Biggs


      No its not always like this u can get a good fight without roaches 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. For everyone who is Down Voting everything I post, my rep went from 275 to 150 so u win I guess :(

    1. Biggs


      1 minute ago, Proud said:

      I don't even know what I did but it's a dick head move


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Tag people who need this forum icon:


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  8. After taking 20m to read all the shit show at Proud's post Im just going to say that yall gotta chill it's a game and you get mad 2 easily and btw@call_me_dog our comms aren't the best at all but about them asking for comp for their loadouts? lol bro they literally deposited 20mill in gang funds so me and jaconite could buy a gangshed so trust me when I say they don't give a shit about a loadout.

  9. After taking 20m to read all the shit show at Proud's post Im just going to say that yall gotta chill it's a game and you get mad 2 easily and btw@call_me_dog our comms aren't the best at all but about them asking for comp for their loadouts? lol bro they literally deposited 20mill in gang funds so me and jaconite could buy a gangshed so trust me when I say they don't give a shit about a loadout.

    1. Biggs


      What do u mean ur the one keeping this going. Keep replying and ill keep replying just want it to get though ur head im better and ur not good at all once again look at ur montages got 8 likes from ur gang member good job i guess on that one

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  10. After taking 20m to read all the shit show at Proud's post Im just going to say that yall gotta chill it's a game and you get mad 2 easily and btw@call_me_dog our comms aren't the best at all but about them asking for comp for their loadouts? lol bro they literally deposited 20mill in gang funds so me and jaconite could buy a gangshed so trust me when I say they don't give a shit about a loadout.

    1. Biggs


      Do u really want me to start playing again to make a montage to show im better then both of u

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  11. After taking 20m to read all the shit show at Proud's post Im just going to say that yall gotta chill it's a game and you get mad 2 easily and btw@call_me_dog our comms aren't the best at all but about them asking for comp for their loadouts? lol bro they literally deposited 20mill in gang funds so me and jaconite could buy a gangshed so trust me when I say they don't give a shit about a loadout.

    1. Biggs


      10 minutes ago, Proud said:

      ÉÉÉ Biggs

      funny u have no clue what that means

      19 minutes ago, Savage said:

      All Ima say is dream more buddy

      look at ur last montages look at my montages

      u are nowhere near as good

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  12. After taking 20m to read all the shit show at Proud's post Im just going to say that yall gotta chill it's a game and you get mad 2 easily and btw@call_me_dog our comms aren't the best at all but about them asking for comp for their loadouts? lol bro they literally deposited 20mill in gang funds so me and jaconite could buy a gangshed so trust me when I say they don't give a shit about a loadout.

    1. Biggs


      1 hour ago, Savage said:

      That's ur problem Biggs

      Dog don't ever call yourself good again. I can't recall the last kill you got in a fight. Maybe cause u never got 1

      I dont play that much or have money but im still better then u dont EVER think different 

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  13. After taking 20m to read all the shit show at Proud's post Im just going to say that yall gotta chill it's a game and you get mad 2 easily and btw@call_me_dog our comms aren't the best at all but about them asking for comp for their loadouts? lol bro they literally deposited 20mill in gang funds so me and jaconite could buy a gangshed so trust me when I say they don't give a shit about a loadout.

    1. Biggs


      3 hours ago, Proud said:

      il end this shit with prime but 1 trash talk comment from them and its back on

      U know i cant stop

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  14. MC has nothing better to do than camp kavala rebel during fights....fucking sad that one of the longest standing gangs stoops to such a low level.

  15. MC has nothing better to do than camp kavala rebel during fights....fucking sad that one of the longest standing gangs stoops to such a low level.

    1. Biggs


      39 minutes ago, Young Mogul said:

      I cant take you seriously with your lisp ahahaha

      Watch yourself

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  16. So its official. After being thrown to the curb for no fucking reason I have decided leave the staff for good. This time on my own terms. The staff has some leadership issues that they need to straighten out hopefully sooner than later.

    1. Biggs


      Shouldnt you be strudying and not wonderign why you got removed?

    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)

  17. i miss voa, anyone know if brian still plays/ has it going? i just know abe let out a massive ban hammer wave on anyone who was in ts at the time 

  18. sometimes i just feel like a kid in this community, always having to be babysat :(. 

    1. Biggs


      @Trumper i feel the same why do people treat me like this :(

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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