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Everything posted by Orbit

  1. They had 6 lethals, the channel was locked, and 85% of those juniors are not by any means "top fraggers". I doubt mass armor was used and I can almost guarantee that lethals were NOT authed. Again its an EVENT; at that its the hardest event on the server. No reason it should be a walk in the park.
  2. This is not at all the strat batcan. Smoke is used to block angles and the armor is used to make it to the wall lol. Aegis was raised inside a canister of smoke nothing new for them.
  3. Me and Caden were in the first hawk that was in BW and zeuse was in the other. 2 armed planes were shot down over rebel boat meir seconds after shooting at the hawk. This is NOT true at all.
  4. If you don't bring the gear then you could have argued in an IA
  5. Again that's here nor there, I play the faction to enjoy it, I also would like to see change, and unfortunately sometimes there is nothing us lower fuckers can do. They've sat in higher chairs then me for a long long time. Not to mention I had to rebuild my reputation from the ground up. Again, its in internal issue, If I had say trust me! It'd be different. I can only go as far as they let my words travel.
  6. Thats a issue within the sAPD and I have nothing to say in regards to it. Again, what was your numbers, I can almost guarantee you had a medic, and the epis came quick.
  7. If the APD know that no progress will be made its the seniors call. At the end of the day its all delt with on the back end and with the sAPD. IA's would be the only way to fix this because the rules are wrote in favor of situations. If the APD had to sit and run through fed and explain every situation to new cops, it would be a waste of time, players would decline being a cop, and how effective is it really when the strats change constantly.
  8. Interesting. Again the skill gap is large, hunters are not tough, and the JAPD hardly knows what to do without a brained player screaming down the mic, you guys had no issue with the amount of armor used at feds months ago.. Until BWs (the hardest event) turned into loses. I was not there but this is a valid point, I would take pictures of channels, videos of waves, and explain it all in a IA. Was this due to poor positioning and over extending? If this is the BW Im thinking of you all were way out of the inner amount. You also had a solid 14 players and a medic. If the treatment towards the events is overwhelming then simply submit an IA. I can assure you with rexo stepping in and the understanding of both sides change will be made. It may have to be made at the expense of someones rank and thats what happens sometimes. Some seniors see an issue and play very on the back side and others see the civ side and the win rate as valid cause to perform the way they do. The gang aegis has grown a name for the skill behind the players. You cannont sit here and argue as if you guys are new to events.
  9. They are always being discussed from the high ranks in the APD, through the leads of CC, and through staff and devs daily.
  10. Whoever the sAPD member was that said this I'm curious about. The less gear you use, the less explosives used, and the less cancer strats abused, all relate to the force responded with, If you had no gear and it was possible to slam without 150 round belts slammed into hatchbacks with zafs then there would be hardly any reason to pull armor to run around and do crazy shit. Armor would then be used halfway through to attempt a defuse like its always been used for. The response is all based on the skill, gear, and numbers. I cannont speak for those calling the shots because thats not me. Not much I can do as a JAPD member, if they let me sit in and propose, then they would have to let everyone.
  11. There has not been a roundtable post for three months. I'm talking recently due to the active state of events. Speaking on the last roundtable posted, the changes regarding feds were directly related to FTO's including .9mm sups and .45mm sups at feds..
  12. There was 14 titans on the floor in rebel last night when we raided after you have titaned 2 planes, three hawks, and were still attempting to shoot down more. We brought three hawks, one to fight the hawk you had, and two for the 4 titans you had on ground. Blackwaters are not meant to be easy and with the gear you had three hawks in the air after leaving BW and being multiple hawks lost seems plenty fair. You also had a rebel with NO NLR and respawns. Again its all hidden info, nothing they propose is public, and we are not sitting in on meetings regarding it.
  13. Thank you @ Zahzi . When I was an active member of Aegis during the summer of 2023 so May through July we started increasing the amount of federal events done. The static rate dropped as everyone spaced out and burned out overtime; you can see the steady increase from late 2023 to early 2024 as we steadily increase in the combined rate. When I was in Federal Civ Council we had a dollar amount of gold sold and the exact amount of bombs blown etc on a spreadsheet shared each month. Id be curious to see the current dollar amounts and stats etc. As for the entire countering from the APD, I will speak as a heavy head in the Federal events from the APD side currently. The skill level between the solid 24 aegis members who played in the last month and the entire JAPD is so different. I'd say a rough average of more then 50% of the JAPD have never done a Blackwater or Fed on the Civ Side; and if some have they most likely failed. We cannot change the knowledge of the APD and what they soak in is based on what they deal with. At the end of the day me and majority of the APD as a whole want to WIN. That's the goal in the APD against the civs. In order to win we have to be able to push and make progress; if the JAPD does not understand how to push it makes it impossible to fight. Armor is necessary to push when the gear is at the level it is, the liquid money Aegis has backing them, and once again the skill gap. Lethals are needed when situations are outnumbered and progress is not made. Medics increase the productivity of the Civs and decrease progress from the APD; this is also a reason in which lethals are authed more often. I can assure from the seniors I speak to daily they have no intentions on making the fight aids; only to balance the fight at hand. Federal events are not meant to be easy, back in 2020 the APD was a hammer on nails, they would beat down every event, the win rate was very low, and the fights were tough. In no way should it be changed from then to now, only that civs have grown to learn new strats and abuse new features. The APD and the win rate recently is a reflection of overall handling of a whole situation and NOT select APD members. At the end of the day I do not have the privilege to sit in on the sAPD round table and I'm genuinely curious as into what happens during them in regards to the stats and how they approach handling future events. I believe the force that is pushed is beyond balanced and at the end of the day its not always going to be black and white. Things happen and every situation is different.
  14. TLDR; half the changes benefit civs the other half the APD, only changes that would pass are the civ sided, and this spreadsheet is no where near the full list, I would ask that @ SPBojo @ Zahzi post the stats from march regarding the entire server.
  15. Happy birthday @cheater... cough @ Xlax


    1. jig


      his birthday isnt till tomorrow man you should know this

    2. Orbit


      i am in a forgein country on TOP SECRET KCE business; you should know this! 

  17. ryan gets more bitches then the entire staff team combined!
  18. 25c388b6b8c2169c3d731fe81037291d.jpg

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @ Orbit  Fixed your image so it embeds correctly and you look like slightly less of a complete failure ❤️

    2. Orbit
  19. congrats @ HydraPOX well deserved!

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