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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. The fact your mag isn't full but is missing two rounds is really irritating me.
  2. Few kills off making it, sigh.
  3. Bravo Meeting in 2 hours.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I may be a Low Tier Senior, but least I was a High Tier Admin!

    3. Grandma Gary
    4. Lethals Loaded
  4. Shoutout to person hitting me with that phatty DDOS, mobile internet ftw

  5. @Linka he stole yo' avatars man. This is what Linka says: there's only one pokimane enthusiast and you're not it.
  6. What's your first weapon? Bugged lethals.
  7. b0a6a395b27fdd8d250f610025d6e28f.gif

    This sway man

    1. Fedot


      inb4 you were a cop when this was taken :Kappa: 

  8. Black ARCO's plz ;_;

    1. Alfredo


      And new balaclavas!

  9. -Spams for 10 min to get in

    -Hyped for the fight

    -Memory leak, killed on spawn

    - Spams for 5 min

    - 'You were kicked.'

    "Going to bed boys."

    1. ProfessionalHostage


      Sometimes you just lose.


  10. By getting banned (. . )
  11. RIP 4th Orca thanks to the kick message =]

  12. @Poseidon can ya tell me why only on Olympus I get kicked for wrong signature for files? Reinstalled Arma, changed profiles, removed Mods, removed profiling build, validated files, removed System 32 etc. Can play anything and everything but Olympus.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      It's literally only Olympus. Any other Life server or anything works fine.

    3. Brennan


      1 hour ago, Low Tier Senior Andrew said:

      It's literally only Olympus. Any other Life server or anything works fine.

      Didn't answer my question m9

  13. I bet if it was OS versus BFO then BFO would win, though.
  14. From the amount of textures I'm apparently missing when joining Olympus I don't think I got system 32 installed.

  15. The "you were kicked" messages are really getting to me now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marty


      i had them last week too, when i played on tanoa.

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      It appears I'm missing like every texture in the game according to the messages.. noice.

    4. Dustin87


      i think its the skins dude.

  16. Examples / Portfolio?
  17. Profiling Build works again. Finally stable FPS and textures unload a lot less. ^-^

  18. #worth
  19. inb4 Zeus and Hades
  20. Orcpoc cant even grow up without being trash :Kappa:

    Happy birthday bro! @orcpoc

  21. It's an Arma thing, recently it became more frequent. Removing your malloc, or trying to put a different one may help your case.
  22. Inb4 McDili scams you
  23. Red Dead Redemption is out on Xbox 1, time to switch over for some time ^.^

    1. DeadPool


      im 5th legend and that game is the literal shit

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