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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. sooo, Altis money is good on Tanoa?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      Well that sucks.

    3. Poseidon


      considering the vehicle transport can carry 1300+ virtual items with a zamac loaded its gotta cost a good bit

    4. JBruesch


      Not saying the price is bad, I think it is kinda fair considering it is basically a flying tank (RIP to the Derputies-Corps when someone flies around the Police HQ). Just sad :FeelsBad: im probs not gonna be buying one any time soon.

  2. BF1 closed Alpha. YEp


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      No way! LOL


    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Is it under an NDA?

    4. QKSILVR73


      I think so, I clicked so fast and didn't read any of it :)

  3. I drove up seen you guys sitting there. Um What's going on. Then I saw. LMAO with a perp still in the back. He wasn't in this pic
  4. QKSILVR73

    Oh no

    We need an all nighter Admin for the wee hours of the morning on....
  5. I want comp for whomever is putting superglue on the back of my head. You assholes have contributed to me dieing this way than by any other means. It's not funny anymore. Drop your gear, oh wait I can't cause they are glued on my head!!!! UGGGH You will pay glue man, YOU WILL PAY!!

    1. Fedot


      Inb4 rebels dont know how to rp and shoot you for not following orders @McDili

  6. If hostage negotiations fail, and the perps never say we will die if the cops don't comply. Then the cop gets shot cause he pulls out his gun and gets killed. The Perps then drop us off building. Is this allowed?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Scratch what I said about the negotiatior being able to be killed if negotiations fail. I think we proposed that in a meeting, but it never went through. Everything else in my and Andrew's reply is accurate. With that said, you probably would've been killed had the officer walked away instead of pulling his gun... which he shouldn't have had. 

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Normally throwing someone off a building for shits and giggles is a FAILRP. I don't know about the particular scenario but I assume they threatened to throw you off the building initially if negotiations weren't met. If that was the case, I don't mind for the sake of RP. 

      On the APD side of things. What Clemenza and Andrew mentioned. 

    4. QKSILVR73


      Thanks all for your input. I was yelling at the guy he couldn't do this. LOL Sadly shadowplay botched the recording so I can't even post it for giggles LOL.

  7. Only if the wife let's me play. Only time I am on is usually late night early mornings when my work schedule allows it. :/
  8. omg I get this all the time. Haha. Ive never heard Mr Long, so... Btw Im probably one of the older ones that plays. Hell, I'll be 43 next weekend.
    1. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      Only if they work the same way they work in Mario Kart

  9. When you're told you've been comped, but no comp happens. Scratching head. LOL Oh well. :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      I did over 15 comp requests the other night so I may have overlooked your name because I didn't see you on the servers. Either life-control didn't register the change in your bank account or you were playing under a different name because I made sure to check the servers just in case you were playing in game when I was doing the comp requests. Anyways, if you still want the comp put in another comp request and an admin will get to it when they are available to do so.

    3. Fedot



    4. Tman15tmb


      #Shutup Fedot

  10. I like the night time better.
  11. GHOSTSS Sell that house!
  12. I just need an ETA when this all gets resolved. Seriously though I think most want an ETA to see if they are even close on the list. I would rather just re-spawn if the medic isn't going to be able to get to me. If he can't get me, oh well. It's just a game. It's more of just a convenience thing so I don't have to re-gear up.
  13. cringe at all the NLR and RDM today. ...

  14. Love the trash talking on CQC server haha.

  15. congrats
  16. When you land you Mohawk at your house, transfer 64 moonshine to it, PC crashes and you log back in only to be  3.4k from the chopper!! Lost 100 shine in my chopper. If you access your house, it should save your location!! GRRR

    1. Fedot


      GET GOOD Kappa,


      I'm sorry for your loss

    2. Brennan


      Blame your computer, not the server for not saving :)

    3. QKSILVR73


      I blame both!!

  17. I like it. Dont let the haters ruin it for ya. Toss those to the curb.
  18. hey why you leaving Neighbor?
  19. Place speed bomb on cop car.  Cop then impounds all the cop cars.  Dick/pansy ass move.  :/

    Didnt come after me or nothing. Guess I'll have to shoot at them next time. 

  20. Im 42 and role play all of the time. I just be me, myself and I. Of course Ive been gaming since the days of Atari, Intellevision and Colecovision.
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