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Big Boss Fredo

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Everything posted by Big Boss Fredo

  1. Fuck the APD called a martial law in kavala what will I DO?

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Zeuse its true I only rob solo po’s, but then again your whole faction plays like some solo po’s so it’s easy work 😂

    3. destruct


      holy hell, that's a lot of comments, lots of fun as always! that's the goal guys! fun!

      p.s. you're only ever getting away with a shotgun t3 vest if i go to Kavala big boy

    4. MAV
  2. 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 Feels good to be unbanned

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      shit i got disputed 4 times ill see you guys in a week

  3. @ Brandyn  @ Hazardous  @ Kaotic wanna join NYPD? we got a ghawk yall can hide in so nothing changes gameplay wise for you guys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Natee


      @ Kaotic can't even aford a hawk, nigga can't keep himself out the casino

    3. Kaotic


      Dont even know who you are lol 

    4. Dep Chief NYPD

      Dep Chief NYPD

      fredo that’s crazy work 

  4. For gang wars we need international hosts to bring diversity and I suggest @ Revenge  and @ US DIPLOMATIC SECURITY , only revenge commentates and we give diplo godmode and 100 epis

  5. Only thing I’ll be pimping is any team trying to fight my squad also if one of the girls can’t make it I have another girl as a 6th for a standin and that will be @ Rexo
  6. I’m registering with my 5 man TEAM GAMER GIRLS @ Big Boss Fredo @ snacky2319 @ GracieGirl @ Lea @ katel Any players thinking of joining the cs2 tournament should just surrender no chance you beat us
  7. Hey @ Brandyn  wanna join the NYPD? 

    1. Arnold


      For real you can tell haz he can join too once they find out hes been leaking info for years too 🙉

    2. Dep Chief NYPD

      Dep Chief NYPD

      Sorry fredo we have a strict policy no fags it’s in the handbook 

  8. Sounds like you deserved it
  9. https://streamable.com/lqx61y @ CaloomClark PROOF REVENGE ONLY SAID "ME NIGGA" if you want to punish someone you can punish me because Im the one teaching revenge english @ Kito why u nigga?
  10. Free my nigga revenge all he said was nigga, he didn’t say hard R that’s just his accent
  11. Fuck peepee all my niggas hate peepee
  12. I'm extremely proud of everyone in NYPD ❤️, In our first month my faction was able to achieve 403 cop robberies!! 
    @ Rexo  ur faction needs to retire my nigga

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. billdroid
    3. HyperGoat


      You can have kavala, but you cant have the rest of the map. 

      No more spawning in kavala easy fix

    4. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ HyperGoat  Thankfully I have a house in front of every HQ around the map ❤️ 

  13. Happy birthday to day 1 homie @ nman

    also free my nigga nman did nothing wrong 

  14. I have 4
  15. rip @ Doc  cant believe u o7'd cuz of JDC 

  16. Happy valentines day APD! ❤️ Me and my wife are wishing you guys the best in these hard times.

    1. PJ.


      Man got the blicky with the switch on doing drive bys

  18. Hey man being better than you with a p07 is not abuse it’s a skill issue, I’ve yet to be tased by a vigi using a tier 1
  19. Start an event to unrestrain a naked black man with a p07 is crazy work
  20. Smh when I put a cop back there to take a photo I get a exploiting ban smh smh
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Grandma Gary  I keep the “rare” tasers for giveaways 

    3. Tyronee


      @ Big Boss Fredo  nah man that day you were neo rat

    4. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Tyronee  i get very lonely in kavala cuz APD never show up so i start visiting them at other HQ's 

  21. hbd @ -dante-  thanks for always comping me within a 2 minute span 

  22. Ill miss you nicole you always had the best tasers
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