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Status Updates posted by Element_

    1. SPBojo


      but where's the 150 round mag you slacker!?!?

  1. @ Big Boss Fredo Where are you at when I need you? 


    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      When I use to do that as a tier 5 vigi I would alt f4 and let my niggas restrain but don’t tell any admins I told you that 

    2. Element_


      @ Big Boss Fredo its alright Scribble actually did his job 


  2. Bullet benders or absolute NPCS, there has been no inbetween on Labs for me this wipe.

    at 12 seconds you can see someone wide peek from parking, didn't even see that until after lmao.

    1. WALT


      Exactly why we're taking a break this wipe.

    2. billdroid


      It’s a skill gap I’m kappa

  3. Most normal fed gameplay @ WALT

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium


      not in event = not gonna die

    3. Mako


      Forgot to add him to the event until later on unfortunately however when you did nail him with rockets, (in Event) true to the rumors Walt always tanks the laggy cunt.

      The AT Qilin does kill, it's just that you blew up a vehicle with Tasers loaded, similar behaviour to VDMing someone in a Heli on APD tasing them.

    4. knifemaster


      @ Mako  never thought id say this but thank you for making that 20 minutes of hell a little less shit haha

  4. Happy birthday @ nman !!!!

    Come tase cops on vigi with me pwease?

  5. I stand with @ Big Boss Fredo

    Can someone enlighten me on how tasing a cop 3 times is excessive? 

    afaik that's the max tases you can do before excessive becomes an issue as a rule of thumb.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Element_  the person reporting was laughing, it’s the higher ups in the back telling him to report cuz they upset 

    3. Millennium


      Tbf there is no set amount in the rules. People have always just gone off the “3 times any more is excessive.” However when they are doing it at something like a bank they are doing it knowing they are unable to actually restrain that individual. 

      So it really is up to the staff member on what they consider excessive. There is no point to tasing cops at the bank besides to annoy them.

    4. Zombie Mall Cop

      Zombie Mall Cop

      Apparently there is a grey area rule for tasing cops at these events, hopefully these grey area rules will be added to the wiki in the future but ill explain it quick from what I've heard.

      Example of valid tasing; if you only have a taser when the event starts, tase the cop and ask someone to come lethal him.

      Example of invalid tasing: You tase the cops while having a lethal in your inventory to hold back waves etc..

      The reasoning behind this is most event are under 20 minutes so the tasing delay is essentially to OP imagine if AP, TP or Aegis just tased all cops every wave lol


  6. Happy birthday to the ticket whore and false banner himself @ -Shawn-

    1. -dante-


      @ Diamond  slowly tryna take my role as the ticket whore. Finally some competition ;D

    2. Diamond
    3. Diamond
  7. Congrats @ SheriffJohnBeard

    If you titan engage me on medic anymore im slamming my ghawk into your forehead

    1. SheriffJohnBeard


      thank you 🙂

      LOL hummingbirds are too tempting.. I can not make any promises, but I'll try my best not titan you again


  8. Server full GGs 

    1. Lucky luciano

      Lucky luciano

      sorry me and my people have vip 



  9. @ Mako happy birthday, how many times did you say "kill yourself" this past year?

  10. Happy birthday @ Brandyn , we go extract camp emercom?

    1. Brandyn


      No ones leaving through emercom 😈

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeuse


      G36 is ass man

    3. Element_


      @ Zeuse New recoil makes it usable and its stupid cheap from PK 3

    4. Zeuse


      Yeah, I'd rather use any other 5.56 or 5.45 tbh.

  11. MAR 10 Taser on AH, buy it or @ Mako will add fursuits to the client mod. 

  12. Can we make this a horn? 

    1. Ryan


      If we had the screaming without the charges being read… I would of been down 😞 

    2. Element_


      Yeah blame @ KermitZooicide fuck that guy 

    3. KermitZooicide


      Unfazed, not bothered, in my own lane, doing my shit

  13. kny tried to join trouble on an alt can you really believe it? 


    I really want to make a certain joke referencing a cylindrical object but I don't want this hidden.

  14. 7405fd3aff93a94e209e9b8138a9cc1b.png

    @ -Shawn- FUCK YOU

    1. -dante-


      You know I been through it with your damn reports bruh 

  15. @ Masonn sorry 

    1. Masonn


      It's ok I was probably going to insta die and alt f4 either way just saved me embarrassing myself 😂

  16. https://gyazo.com/dc60146be500226161a5bd75875bf475

    @ monster  Reporting for my free LT whitelist where do I start?

    1. monster
    2. xsmitherz


      @ monster yea some of the guys can be a little much, let me know if you have any problems with them

  17. 25566222731af5a21944306307cb162d.png

    @ G H O S T

    Should've brought a toolkit now the APD gonna impound it.

    He crashed IRL, he is okay, we are all clowning on him now. Buddy needs to put in a comp request

    1. knifemaster


      At least he has it clipped for comp request.....

  18. https://gyazo.com/8a8f807c482b7ac12cdd59a19c4560b7


  19. Can I stack with any Cop T4 vest and not just the black variant? Thanks btw clash for responding to gas station robbery!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Element_


      Nah he had a type taser man had cash

    3. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Element_ what you don’t know it was clash that started the gas station robbery, nigga down bad needed that 60k 

    4. KermitZooicide


      We was just testing the alarms, he didn't have to pull up

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