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Status Updates posted by Element_

  1. congrats on LT!!!!!! @ monster

  2. 8d791fa3d8578199da70f06687ed4d31.jpg

    Another day, another strafe run on the APD

  3. Going through my old clips before I delete shit, found this. @ Mako


    1. -dante-


      I say no more armored waves @ Rexo since it’s too OP. Let's just have a launcher run. Might be more effective anyways. 

    2. Rexo


      APD AA online

    1. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      Got to love those messages. Always puts a smile on my face🤣

    2. -dante-


      Could be worse. Could have random weirdos in the community popping in your streams to name members of your family or get unpaid delivery pizza delivered to your house to prove you knew where you lived lmao. People take this shit mad serious 

    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Shit man, people making threats are mouth breathers.

      Just hit 'em with the ol' reliable "I hope your wife gives birth to centipedes and you go broke paying for shoes" and call it a day.

  4. His animation saved me from getting blasted ong


    1. -dante-


      If he didn’t die, you should have both just holstered and put your hands up and called a truce. No other resolution would have been appropriate 

  6. Happy bday to the MUG BLOODED AMERICAN himself @ Clash

    1. Clashingtin


      thank you sir but sorry to say im canadian

  7. https://gyazo.com/cc128ae9c016a4e1a23f3153bf8d10dd

    Rare vehicle yard W, @ Greezy Gabe nuts for bringing a fucking RPG

    1. FaXe


      element you did fuck all mate do one 

    2. Element_


      I have done one, it instantly got third partied by Aegis for an orca smoke and HMG prowler.

    3. FaXe


      have you got a syndrome mate

  8. @ WALT Calzones router fell again

    1. Server Lag

      Server Lag

      Have you ever considered Rehab?

    2. Cooper:P


      @ Server Lag we should be asking u the same question 

    3. Tommy12


      overtime go crazy 

  9. Ay yo what the frit doin?

  10. Hbd @ Tyrone

    #1 stealer of tasers and cop gear from me

  11. I have Covid... again. 

    More time to kidnap medics and rob tasers from TP ig, 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Element_
    3. Skys


      im just worried that you might choke in your sleep

    4. Cooper:P


      i mean he isn't wrong im sure you and ur roommate aren't laughing everytime...

  12. Sit down, go back to sitting in your houses shooting enemy gang members who don't even know you exist

    @ Tammy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Element_


      lol i was laughing quietly as my roommate was asleep, but yeah rob my kit i can get basically for free as a vigi and kick me from silla discord because tammy is dogshit. The silla dickriders going crazy when all they do is sit in Kav and kill nakeds.

    3. Skys
    4. Skys
  13. @ Rexo stream ended, I'm literally shaking and don't know what to do. Guess ill go camp rebel with a drum mag as vigi.

  14. https://gyazo.com/b441e33a21a20adbc3586e9f031dcb87

    on the vigi wiki page, i don't think they're $100 now

    1. Element_


      virtual items list has it as well


    2. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      Yea man wiki is full of small stuff like this. I find it best to blame @ hawk  for these kinds of issues since hes canadian.

    3. Iceman


      @ xXElementClanXx  Ill take a look at this later today. Thanks! 

  15. Just a normal day playing conquest

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Element_


      I’m not saying it’s not wtf, it’s just a funny clip of a guy backpacking me and still getting folded. 

    3. Mako


      @ Mc Pooperson work on that jesus christ.

    4. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      Atleast he didnt V into the wall and shoot you. Seems to be pretty popular now.

  16. Boomers voice is too distinctive to be playing as undercover APD. 

    1. nicole


      i aint a cop bub 😅

  17. https://gyazo.com/6ccf165a8f727f9b6646007405f8ec4e

    APD getting some cheap ass guns

    1. Mako


      Fixed, thanks for reporting the issue.

    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      not the spar ?!?!?!?

  18. First forum post i make people already hating, go touch grass or something


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