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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. 171
  2. Try and beat these charges bishh



  3. What happened to the stats page? :o 

  4. Wya dude? Happy berfday

    1. Big B

      Big B

      LOL thanks bruh, back now 😉

  5. Yeah we have our resident big guy @Peter Long but he doesn't get on the servers so we have nothing to worry about
  6. I am done with this server smh gamebreaking.
  7. 6.5 cause the helmet and the face expression.
  8. Making a quick announcement to let everybody know that @Jesse had just added a new weapon to his arsenal and OS has added another member to our army, @Kurt! He will be assisting Jesse with server development, and even though he officially became a staff member today he has already good some good stuff cookin' in the crock pot. Please join me in congratulating/welcoming this man, and let's hope he doesn't get driven away by our great forum manners
  9. 22
  10. Considering doing a forums giveaway, but I am bored of normal ones so it would be very cringy. Who's down? :Kappa:

  11. mfw the rapper Khalid is only a week older than me and he looks like he's 25 when I look 14:


    1. proud


      Ur a really funny gay.

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      What makes you think he's gay? 

      2 hours ago, Proud said:

      Ur a really funny gay.


    3. Fedot


      it's funny bc u look16 most

  12. Happy birthday to the two people I would probably not fly with!@EatMeth@hadi mokdad

    1. Guest


      I am trained to make things blow up, dont blame me

  13. Must have been all of that rapping.
  14. GG boys! Was a fun day.
  15. Happy birthday man! 

  16. "Comp or Ban"
  17. I'll give you 3 moob wheelchair memes and a picture of your ass for it.
  18. Could I take some lessons?
  19. One of the ways to spell Deadpool
  20. If we work together we can cure it.
  21. He's not dead just retarded.
  22. @Corporal_Moob Tryin' to get bopped? @TheCmdrRex @Pledge @Grandma Gary
  23. @Skrood why make an alt account just to give your main account reputation? Tsk tsk...


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JAMIE


      The struggle 

    3. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      let the down voting begin

    4. Skrood


      lul that was a meme u guys took it way backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

      next mission : -rep 50 

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