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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. R.I.P. Disapponted...

  2. Then we did what we were trying to do
  3. That's sick! I guess the hype was real lol
  4. I am upset because I have yet to notice a different with it. It is crazy how over-hyped it was
  5. No Internet because of the storm and already having withdrawals :FeelsBad:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      Be a shame if it went out again after it came back on... @savage (; @Joel @M2A1

    3. DeadPool


      I feel a bear grlis meme coming soon 

    4. iPopsicle


      5 hours ago, DOPEMANtheTHIRD said:

      Be a shame if it went out again after it came back on... @savage (; @Joel @M2A1


  6. This just made me like the News Team a lot more. Keep working on it, I love the overlays you got, great gob @Wonderwaffle!
  7. I am assuming we were baited..
  8. @snipeZ You're never getting comp.

    1. snipeZ


      This means war

    2. iPopsicle


      If you would like compensation, please submit a comp ticket at http://www.runescape.com

  9. Does this mean.........
  10. 고릴라의 발 냄새 맡아.
  11. Best English teacher KR
  12. Now the APD has one more drunk to worry about.. @Winters Grats man!

    1. Winters


      Playing drunk is the only way to play. :DDD

    2. iPopsicle


      @Pledge The grind was worth it, and @Trimorphious about damn time ;)

  13. Gang Wars 10 confirmed for 3/25/2017


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      The sad part is that Colt isn't even joking...

  14. If the APD successfully catches you and you tazed them, typically they would add attempted manslaughter as the bullets harm the officer. I feel like having an automatic charge would be good to have, and quite possibly if you have 5 or more of this taxing charge you can be sent straight to jail. Just an idea.
  15. T O X I C
  16. The mug must have ran out of CSATs to wear if it broke that easily.
  17. At the end of this video of the guy dancing, a digital code will appear and it's for Arma 3. Just watch it to the end, enjoy man use it wisely!
  18. KappaPride
  19. I have been looking everywhere for a fix for that. Do you all have with Windows 10 also?
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