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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Free @DeadPool it's just a game. Let him and other people play and have fun. Nobody is perfect enough to follow those nazi rules all the time :shrug:

  2. Does he smoke the pole?
  3. It's Ignis lol
  4. Wanted to react to this post but I don't see downvote button anymore so I am gonna like it instead. Take that staff!
  5. Dude let's have zero patience because I want these actual people to drop all their responsibilities that pertain to their personal health and financials to respond to my suspension to a server in a video game. *Knock knock* You there dumb ass? People don't get paid for this you know. I played this server for years without getting banned for breaking a rule so my advice to you is don't break a rule. And also to flex your donations to this server. It was your choice to donate you should never use that as leverage to get priority lol.
  6. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/how-to-write-dates/
  7. Selling forums account: positive K/D and no rep limit. Put offers below :-)

  8. Dick is gross after not eating it for 6 months holy shit. 

  9. It's fo real this time I swear
  10. lol i would like it if I could you brave soul bless your heart
  11. Dabble in as many different fields as you can because there's a lot to do out there in the software world it's insane. I haven't even touched the surface.
  12. Gotta get used to this :/ just know I love you all tanks for everything
  13. @[Slug] RapidKillz Go fuck yourself nobody here likes you stop lying to yourself Just needed to get that out
  14. I go to school for software development, then if I am not doing that I go to work for software development, and then I go home to messages asking me to do more software development in my free time which frankly is too much for me and I don't want to get burnt out of my passion. I clearly have not done as much as @Peter Long but I have done my fair share. Over 500 bans as mod/admin and too many tickets to be proud of. I love Olympus but I can't hold a position I don't keep up with. But yeah I will still be around probs. I just don't have time to contribute as I should and I just don't feel it's fair. I need to spend more time kissing my BMW But yeah thank you all for the laughs and letting me have fun banning you. Shout out to the most fun people to deal with when banning them: @buckie @zoomzooooooom @Silton @Sam @Google @Proud @Savage @GHOSTK1LL3R and your brother I forgot his name whoops If I didn't tag you I didn't ban you enough I am not leaving because @Ares became owner, @Fusah no balls'd me earlier. But yeah I guess I will spend time tagging people @McDili @Jesse @Kurt If I had a nickel for every time an insult was thrown at me from you three I could have bought the server myself. You guys were fun to play with and shit. McDili your racism was honorable and Jesse I only like you because you have a cute dog obviously. Kurt cannot wait until we meet in Niagra @Peter Long I replied in your o7 post you already know fam @Grandma Gary If Ares tosses you I will give you a big LEL. Thanks for being the best spooderman I know and always finding a way to trigger me. @Corporal Moob The fact you were going to remove me but I was inactive until you forgot to remove me was hilarious. I only got to stay in MC because I picked Moobs drugs for him while he smoked out his window while afking in his orca. Now we're buds and that's some good shit. Give Doobie a kiss for me @Virus Still convinced you hacked bro I swear that one time at Kavala gang hide out you tazed me without even looking at me. Lucky I couldn't afford a go pro @Fat Clemenza Your civic screams bro @Fusah The man with a small mouth. I will show you the world little boy don't you worry @TheCmdrRex @Dante The other two parts to the best mod trio in Olympus history. Rex won I couldn't last anymore haha. Dante glad to see you moving up in real life and it cool to see more happy snaps then dramatic sad snaps. @ArX You cretin hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha I miss you yelling in MC @Plumber Virgin overlord//racist cop stay swole bro @Mercury I am not sorry for trying to kill civs with that mk1 on medic . Good time/soundboards from S. Korea to gangwar fights in kav square. Never stop being that crazy communist. @Eggman Eggmasta I hated your old avatars but you're a good guy please don't fall like humpty cumpty @ikiled You vapelord I know you own a Louis Vuitton backpack dont fricken lie @D P You really don't know how many times I vouched for you lol. Why did you shave your fucking head lmao and your new house view looks sick @Luke Duke Please shoot more blanks in your basement that was hilarious @hawk Thanks for being a great guy and not changing even though you became sAPD. #breakthenorm @GoodDustin noob. You are far better than @Dustin87. <3 @FlapJack Hi I remember when you were very squeaker and last time we talked you sounded like man. Time flies lol @Kyle Lake Low key have to admit never were annoyed of you or disagreed with anything you've done besides the telescope and the neighbors. You are the actual shit and people shit on you because they know you're a great guy and can take the jokes (most of the times ) @Outcast I hope you like your new iPhone. And also stay in school and quit the dip. If I ever need my dog put down I will hit you up. @Panda :) Fix your shitty internet I was sick of the lag switch reports @Pledge Smartest man I've met on Olympus. Stop flexing your knowledge on your twitch streams you make me feel dumb. Love you (unless your not 18 yet) @KrispyK I hated you because of your old profile picture of that really ugly girl lmao sorry pal So yeah if you weren't tagged my fingers hurt and I wanna play PUBG so yeah. I will still probably linger on the teamspeak but now you guys can't bug me about stupid shit :D Peace out! Dillon
  15. I hate those British cunts... especially @Ares. Luckily he's inactive and will never read this.

  16. @Peter Long. Fuck you, but thank you. Fuck you for leaving me with @Ares. Thank you for being a cool dude and turning into a great friend. We started back in MC and I played cop with you when we were both low levels, and you fucking skyrocketed ranks. I however was a squeaker 15/16 year old that everyone hate. You could consider me the OG Proud and Savage which is why PO was where I stuck. But over the years, I was able to talk to you more and more, especially when I weaseled my way into a staff position in the beginning of 2017. You always pissed me off when you challenged my bans (you know what ban I am talking about specifically). But you are a very selfness and overall good dude. Taking all of my insults like a champ and giving it back. Your dedication to this community was almost annoying lol (but in a good way). I don't got much more to say but thank you because you know we're going to keep in touch. But this gives me the perfect opportunity to post this one last time.... love ya man
  17. Anyone wanna buy the division 2 for me pls

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. iPopsicle
    3. Lorphan.


      holy shit lmfao, i would of if it was 30 

      ill do it for a free unban pass :dejaywink:

    4. iPopsicle
  18. Let's remove guns to increase the roleplay

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Omar


      change rook price to $140,000 and just go up from every weapon? 

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      "Drop your gear mother fucker this is a robbery!!"

      "Um... No?"

      "Alright...well...fuck you then!"


  19. Ah, yes. I see your thought process on things now. Since someone else is racist, you can be racist. Since someone else leaks ips, you can follow suit. Thank's for clarifying that for us we were mucho confused.
  20. Bruh you accidentally posted it in teamspeak and sent it multiple times where others could open it? It was a list of IPs like what are you even saying lmfao I cannot wait until you begin doing cancerous things again. Administration team unbanned him on everything, but the rest is accurate.
  21. But I banned you off of everything after you posted dumps of community member's IPs in teamspeak after you realized you didn't have a chance of getting unbanned. It's hilarious you're allowed to be here again, I guess people just gotta not be dumb enough to give you access to their IP.
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