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Status Replies posted by Orgondo

  1. I owe no explanation to any of you.

    1. Orgondo


      Says the girl who made up a fake identity and played it for years. Yeah real nice portraying the widow of a dead soldier, then claiming to be a lesbo and get shafted by Moob. 10/10 effort.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  2. I owe no explanation to any of you.

    1. Orgondo


      Maybe an IED will be in your path sometime soon, were all hoping.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  3. Exec backDoorFunc(); ?>

  4. imagine viging

    then saying eta

  5. Cartels/gang life still poppin? Need something to hold me over till wow classic ;)

  6. youve never felt fear until you see a orca drop fast ropes and fly towards you fr

  7. Where my OGs at?

  8. Tfw the BW is already broken, and instead of nerfing it you buff it. Holy shit what is going on.

  9. they fucking spawned ragnaros in the stress test LMFAO

  10. Fun Fact: 4/20/17-1/13/19 303,875,000$ in Recorded Comp to my members over the years. Mind you, there's probably another 75mil or so in unrecorded comps. Don't say me and @Cats ain't generous.

  11. Fun fact: 18% of goldbars sold since the stats started being tracked (when the stats page was updated by Bow in 2017) have been sold in the past month

  12. Fun fact: 18% of goldbars sold since the stats started being tracked (when the stats page was updated by Bow in 2017) have been sold in the past month

  13. selling

    1 Sergeant, 1 LT

    pm me

  14. @Pledge If i come back I can skip right to Corporal right? I've denied enough PO promotions to just skip right to it id say.

  15. @Pledge If i come back I can skip right to Corporal right? I've denied enough PO promotions to just skip right to it id say.

  16. You are all welcome.

  17. You are all welcome.

  18. If Cops can just surrender in the middle of a Fed, civs should be able to restrain them. Plain and Simple. Shit rule for shit players.

    1. Orgondo


      Don't even play anymore and getting the Civs rightful changes. Shit too ez

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  19. If Cops can just surrender in the middle of a Fed, civs should be able to restrain them. Plain and Simple. Shit rule for shit players.

    1. Orgondo


      @Pledge Shit bruh you've been changing a ton of rules without any Staff say, last time a Chief did that it didn't go so well for him. I don't think this little restrain thing will be an issue.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  20. If Cops can just surrender in the middle of a Fed, civs should be able to restrain them. Plain and Simple. Shit rule for shit players.

    1. Orgondo


      You heard it here boys. Restrain the cops and hide them away. Reducing the waves one by one


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  21. I would assume a lot of people are wondering why I did what I did and how long it took. Well its a good thing I made a video about it.

  22. Any vanilla OGs playin classic in august?

    Brings me back to my 4/6 t2 4/8 t3 hunter ;)

  23. if anyone here can make me a wow fury warrior looped AHK il give you a mill in game

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