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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. Houses, vehicle names, etc should all be fixed on stats page & life control. Casino and conquest stats will be coming soon.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CocoisDead
    3. Zahzi


      5 hours ago, Kyle. said:

      idk i bought a house and soft logged and didnt own the house i bought

      Did you buy it before or after the hotfix?

      Did you buy it from another player via the auction feature or the market?

    4. Kyle


      I made a comp request there’s a few videos of what happened

  2. Yeah, that's why we're only planning on potentially doing the one conquest on the populated server. The other conquests will probably be better since they get a fresh & mostly empty server
  3. We will be experimenting with server schedules (shutting down s2 offpeak) and performance (on server 1 with the recent changes) this weekend. Server 2 will experience downtime offpeak to push players to server 1 for testing. Sorry for any inconveniences. Details 2020-10-15 Server 2 will be offline until 8PM EST, then online until 2AM EST. 2020-10-16 Server 2 will be offline until 8PM EST, then online until 2AM EST. Conquest will be on server 2 @ 8PM EST. 2020-10-17 Server 2 will be offline until 6PM EST, then online until 2AM EST. Conquest will be on server 2 @ 6PM EST. 2020-10-18 Server 2 will be offline until 6PM EST, then online until 2AM EST. Conquest will be on server 2 @ 6PM EST. 2020-10-19 Server 2 will be offline until 8PM EST, then online until 2AM EST.
  4. Don't see how you think we're making this a monkey sink? We literally took conquest from server 1/2 and put it on s3 with 2x points and 2x initial pot to see what would happen. In all, close to 40m was spawned from thin air and the other 75 came from lost loadouts. Ultimately, I'm not very opposed to adding a bit to the initial pot given the duration of the fight, we may end up doing that - or maybe tweaking something different, idk what the best solution is. Remember that this is the first time we've actually used this mission, the purpose was literally to figure out what needed to change, so feel free to leave any other feedback you might have, we've heard the complaints about money. SFA got 7.2m, y'all got 29m with a 10% winning bonus. You had more than twice as many players as them. More players -> less money, pretty simple. Y'all got less money individually than you might on s1/s2 during smaller conquests because you had more people and only had 28% of the points (ie, the fight was split a lot). wym? Imagine fighting for an hour and a half and you don't get any money because you logged out? I'll pass. If you think posts like that are actually going to help encourage me (or any dev) to work more on a mission exclusively for cartel players, you might have the freezer temperature IQ.
  5. We'll be testing the Malden mission file today on server 3 @ 6PM EST (assuming nothing comes up). There will probably be a few bugs, if there's anything too game breaking that we didn't already find in testing, we'll switch it back to the main server. There will most definitely be changes that need to be made, this is the initial test to help identify those changes, so constructive feedback is appreciated. This mission has a long way to go before it's "complete", but we need to do a test at some point. Ultimately, this mission won't be used for every conquest (more of a "special" thing for now). Details $20m initial point 10k points to win 5 captures points per zone, 2 rebels each 3 different sectors No second conquest is automatically started Money, warpoints, vehicles, etc are all synced with the live server Gear is saved, but not sync'd with the main servers Jail time is not sync'd, you can play even if you're arrested No cartels, no chopshops, etc. Just the capture points and rebels Safezone island that you can spawn at, gear up, etc until the conquest actually starts Can't take damage if you spawn there until you leave a 500m radius Scroll wheel to teleport to a conquest rebel
  6. .
  7. Servers are both updated for the new Arma update.

  8. Changelog updated with hotfix notes. Servers will update at some point tonight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

  9. Did you read my response? There won't be invulnerability at anything other than the blackjack table. The invulnerability will only be there while the player is vulnerable to losing money upon death. Won't be possible. Rules will deal with people that are intentionally trying to abuse it. No, but deputies and POs won't be shafted quite as much.
  10. It will only apply when the player is in a state where they would lose money by dying at the blackjack table. The slots/roulette tables will be adjusted such that you don't lose the money if you die mid spin.
  11. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/index.php?title=Altis_Life_Rules&type=revision&diff=3532&oldid=3264 TLDR: Added HQ takeover to rules. Rule was previously only displayed in game after initiating a takeover.
  12. It was ruled internally that a dead body doesn't count as "activity", and as a result, camping a body in a redzone is no longer allowed. No rule update needed, just an internal change to their definition of the word "activity".
  13. Would y'all rather have normal conquest on s1 @ 6PM or test the malden conquest mission on s3 @ 8PM EST?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. silton


      13 minutes ago, proud said:

      s1 now or test s3 now, 8pm way too late for eu ppl n we just had an 8pm one yesterday

      too early for AU sorry mate

    3. Civak


      half of AU just got global banned give it a rest

    4. swrvy
  14. Thoughts on the new despawn script?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Noahhh!


      My hemet full of MAR10s despawned while I was driving it help.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      We've been over this @Noahhh!.  Stop spawning shit you BISH

  15. Conquest will be on server 1 tonight at 8pm EST after a fresh restart instead of server 2. Testing some things 🙂 

    1. DABESTeva


      good shit cheesy keep up the great work cheese man

    2. Zurph


      @DABESTeva not good work Robin cant connect to 1

  16. It costs like 250k or something, so I suspect it'll only be used if you kill someone you really want to fuck with.
  17. I'm sure that @Mako will value your sacrifice while he flies his Taru with his new uniform
  18. Update is live on both servers.


  19. Added: Conquest stats for kills, deaths, and captures Casino stats for money won, money lost, times gambled Notification when unlocking titles Namable Vehicles - $50+ Edit names of vehicles in your garage When impounded or seized name will display in global chat When claimed at chop shop name will transfer over. Experimental performance enhancements Should increase server and client performance and allow further incremental performance updates moving forward Respawn button confirmation in escape menu and respawn screen $15k "Titan Hit" charge added on a successful titan hit Prowler to Corporal+ APD Tarus Sling Taru to SGT+ Bench and Transport Taru to Lieutenant+ New Lieutenant+ Uniform 6.5 suppressors for Deputy Chief+ 75rnd AK-12 magazines for Lieutenant+ Lethal Injector item for $250k. Use on a dead body to force a respawn and delete their gear Orca price increased to 500k to encourage usage of weaker helis Drug dealer interrogation. APD can scrollwheel a drug dealer and retrieve a list of people who recently sold drugs Automatically adds the "drug trafficking" charge ($15k, gives PC) to recent sellers Texture Additions Neon Rider Hatchback [1] [2] Venom Ifrit [1] [2] [3] Altis Racer Hatchback [1] [2] Mudiwa's gang uniform Changed: Vehicle despawn script @Trimorphious is at it again! This time vehicles will despawn if left unused for 5-10 minutes Vehicles with inventory items will not despawn Vehicles marked through the y menu will not despawn Vehicles with players within 10m will not despawn Vest warpoint prices brought in line with real warpoint value Group counter at top of group y menu tab. Armed Plane Rework Now with a .50 cal gun Price increased to $2m $500k unarmed racing plane that can be upgraded to an armed plane at a service station German Skin update[1] [2] Combat store timer replaced with 30 second progress bar to aid cancer patient gang members at rebels APD at Airdrop Cops may now respond to aidrops - see rules here 3 minute progress bar to seize crate (once situation is called clear), rewards cops nearby with money depending on what items are in the crate. Forced lethals for all ranks Blackwater vehicle seizure price now 4m, 3m for armed prowlers Cop sync loadout button moved to cop weapon shop "Seize Objects" moved to bottom of scroll menmu APD Skin Reworks Police Hatchback [1] Police SUV [1] Police Offroad [1] Medics now receive $17,500 for risky revives in warzone and rebel outposts. Fixed: Supervisor+ now have access to EMT hats Cop virtual inventory no longer disappears when epi'd Flash grenade no longer takes off earplugs Panic button now updates location properly on 2nd press Sofia impound lot Red burger in Athira Various bugs Removed: APD Jeep (Armed and Unarmed) Warzone drug dealer Kavala HQ submarine Texture Removals Redgull Hatchback Taxi Hatchback Ninja Turtles Ifrit Hotfix #1 Lethal injection stat Houses bought through auction house Receiving dopamine from medic & npc simultaneously no longer bugs the medic Spamming slots no longer breaks it Armed planes no longer decide to become unarmed Adding vehicles to gang garages no longer removes mods Removed white lights from APD/R&R vehicles (less eye cancer) Jets no longer can spawn with bombs Readded Tayte's gang uniform Fixed various logs Added surfer cap to rebel Fixed Various errors @Trimorphious @Fraali @Tech @Horizon @raykazi @Solomon @n-a As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it. We made some significant changes to hopefully improve performance which resulted in many scripts being modified. There is very likely going to be a few issues that we didn't notice while testing. If you find anything wrong, please make a bug report so we can fix it in a hotfix.
  20. Both game servers will be offline tomorrow (2020-10-07) from ~0630 to ~0800 EST (1030-1200 UTC) for the October content update and related maintenance. The forums, teamspeak, and other related services may also go down during this time. The server cycle will be adjusted to shut down at 0630, regardless of any runs that may be in progress. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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