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Everything posted by PJ.

  1. Last hurricane I lost power for 7 days and I live in a pretty populated area. Can't wait this time
  2. Ive been saying this exact thing for months. I hope it was cause of me, if so I would like my "Contributor" tag now thanks
  3. Also you can wait in the Ban center on the Olympus teamspeak ts.olympus-entertainment.com Add the name of the Admin that issued the ban to your name on teamspeak, in this case it's Ikiled

  5. This will be hell of a grind but will be so worth it
  6. Everyones arguing and starting beef on here. Im just trying to grill for God's sake.....

    1. Unjo


      Turn that one around, get the juices flowing

  7. PJ.

    o7 APD

    Everyday a new warrior falls. o7
  8. PJ.


  9. PJ.


  10. They don't necessarily fall under the category of an illegal area when they are active. They fall under their own category of a "Federal event".
  11. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Just_PJ/
  12. I mean 98% of the time when Medics are in Kavala its because either A.) There are no revives or B.) They are EMT's and cant do much other than. Plus most of the time we get bombarded by people who wanna bet us and spam us with bets. Most Medics I see dont neglect their duties just to go pandering for bets in Kavala. It is what it is though :/
  13. Lets test that theory
  14. As a career Medic these R&R changes disappoint me all around. Everything else though is lit
  15. Im hyped. Hope the testing goes by smoothly UwU
  16. @TheCmdrRex @DeadPool I would love to see a detailed post on all the perks and how the scale up. (Ex: At X number of revives it becomes X percent faster, etc.). I don't think any exist, haven't seen anything about it since the May update. I'm very curious at how much the perk system affects long time players.
  17. Omg hire 10 devs ASAP so we can get this. Give this man a medal while they're at it.
  18. PJ.

    100m bet

    Didn't you just lose it all LMFAO. Wheres this next 100m coming from?
  19. What the hell do you mean by "regular" Spar Taser? The only ones there are are the ones you rob off APD.
  20. I wouldn't say thats the reason. I dont know much people who would be sitting in Kavala betting instead of going to revive. 9/10 times when we sit in Kavala and bet is because there are 6 medics and 10 cops on a server of 50 people and no one is requesting. I do see your point but I wouldn't remove it.
  21. Is there really any point to that? Im just confused on why they would disable it.
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