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Josh Tombstone

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About Josh Tombstone

  • Birthday 10/04/1993

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I'm more likely to kavala space program a APD prowler into one. But that's only if your hovering over kavala like a dick. Just ask @Bow
  2. Having fun today Joshua? Seems like a shit storm is a brewing.

  3. There are alot of them on land around moonshine pro and that southern part of the map.
  4. At work, what's going on with gang wars? 


    1. billy4


      TI got DQ'ed. MC was eliminated first round.

    2. PoptartRex
    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I don't care about kd I wanna see a bracket win loss and highlights

      Phone was fucked, thanks for link

  5. Lol Tree..... disbanded. I doubt that.
  6. I know this is necromancer posting but the reason hades has 12k kills is because someone mentioned to him that they had the most kills and to troll them hades went into the logs and changed it. If I remember correctly.
  7. Communist inaccuracy. Tai your choice of words is always on par. o7


  8. Yes fist fights! Let's go back to the dayz standalone days where you can knock a fully kitted guy out and steal all his stuff :3
  9. Ignore them gidgit, what you just got, the snow wolf and the smok tank are both very good devices, they should keep you going for a while, the only recommendation I have for you with that setup is that pritty much everything for e cigs is much cheaper online, except for juce, just buy that local, but replacement atomizers and battery's are usually 40 to 50% cheeper online, I'm happy for you man, I've been off of cigs for 4 months now. It's a good thing. I'm proud of you gidgit.
  10. Don't shoot at the ghost hawk and it won't shoot at you. That simple
  11. As some of you know, and some don't, I have not been on for the last better part of three weeks, which is quite an undertaking, throughout my life gaming has been my main hobby, ever since I was a child playing Super Mario Brothers all of the way to a little before now. It has been a huge factor in my life. Containing many fond memories and also allowing me to make many friends. Throughout my whole life gaming is what I did, but it had a negative effect as well. It ended up costing me many of my relationships in my life, I ended up loosing people I cared about because of the amount of dedication I put into it. I was wholeheartedly dedicated to it. It was my addiction. It was my out. I spent my days at school or at work thinking about nothing but gaming. It cost me my education and the people I cared about. If that's not a trait of addiction, I don't know what is. Luckily some of the people that cared the most about me, my girlfriend and a small few of close friends never left me. Now I'm not going to sit here and claim that I have broken a had addiction, I'm not going to say that I am better then those that have broken addictions strong as the ones drugs hold on people. I'm simply describing my best way to describe my actions. Every 40 hours I would put into work, I would put 60+ into gaming. All I would do. Wake up, work, game, and sleep for about 4-6 hours a day. On my days off I would sleep for maybe 2 hours, I knew I could do it. The only people I would talk to were those that I was playing with. I would hardly text my girlfriend and hardly eat. I would spend my free time gaming and smoking. That was it. But at the time of writing this thread I have gone over 3 weeks not gaming, and 5 days not smoking. For me, I'm proud of this. It may not seem like alot to others but to me I have done what I thought was impossible. I am proud of myself. Now some of you will tell me that I can just moderate myself, only a few hours a day, and I understand where your coming from, But I can't. To go back to it, I feel will be the same as just smoking one cigarette, "oh one can't hurt, you need it". I feel that I would relapse, I would only play a little bit, but I would be craving more, more, it would be all I could think about. All I would want to do. I can't go back. I'm putting my life on track, I'm getting better. I'm happier and the people I care about are happier. Not all, as I know some of you will be upset to see me go. Alot of people on here, I would consider friends. I enjoyed playing with you all. Don't think that I'm insulting you and saying that you were my drug, or that I am belitteing you all by saying that I'm better b/c I have quit. Thats not what I am saying. I will miss all of you. You were all so great to me. So.... shout outs if your not on here please don't feel insulted. I'm going to try to give everyone I can think of one. Moob: UVF (Arrrggg) I know you hate that name. I've known you the longest, I feel that it is fitting that you make the top of the list. Since back in LOST we have known each other, back then we didn't get along the best, but I never would of called any other gang mine. You were always my leader, my inspiration, I wanted to be as good as you. I wanted to make you proud. You put your heart an soul into the gang and would always let me talk to you. Would always listen, and would back me up. I will miss you the most. I will always be proud to say that I was MC and I will never regret it. Midnight: Hey bud, I'm sorry I gotta piece out, you were my best friend in the gang, I didn't care what was going on, it was me and you. I will always remember you I'll miss you bud, and I will always remember our times crashing helicopters and playing bait car on cop. Bye bud. Shelby: Again, I'm sorry I gotta leave you girl, we have been through alot. You were always someone I could talk to about stuff, and I feel that I was the same to you. Your a good person and I promise you will find someone as amazing as you. I will miss you a lot, from kavala skatting, to teaching you how to run drugs, to RP'ing a relationship when I was on cop and you were on medic, I always enjoyed it and it was some of the best RP that I had gotten out of the server. Goodbye Shelby <3 Ghostface: Take it easy man, you always gave the best denture-less blowjobs of anyone on olympus, never forget this (get fucked Grandma Gary) EatMeth, Kyle, DJ,: Ahh the Nerdz boys, I was so happy when you all joined us, you all were always so outgoing and fun to be around you guys gave some solid RP on cop, and some of the funniest moments on civ, goodbye guys, I will miss you all. NERDZ NERDZ NERDZ NERDZ Tallindor and Underdone: Ahh the dynamic duo and fellow LOST, I got along great with you both, and you were always there to play with, and would always be there to help a gang member in need. Thanks for the memories guys. Alwayz: Your a laggy shitter. But still a decent player and were one of the few that I felt the only way to beet was by treating you different then anyone else. You were one of the best to fight with, and one of the hardest to beet, thanks for kicking ass and kicking mine in when we fought. Kanger: Always the guy to bring the Titan. You had one of the best accents on the server and were the best progeny that we could of ever gotten after death dingo. You made anyone in a helicopter afraid of being shot down with you online. Also on of your devices is helping me quit smoking top quality my friend, top quality. Pete: MK200 GOD. I didnt play with you much, but when I did you were just like alwayz top quality fighting and a blast to play with. Take it easy sir. Dustin: Goodbye my friend. I will miss you and I hope you excel at cop and make Dilli proud. MCDilli: I always enjoyed the RP and the fights I'm happy that you got yourself mod and also C.O.P. I hope you make the cop force an inspiration to all other one's. You will be the person to do it. I know that. Take it easy dilli. Tai: Glocks are ugly. That is all. (Seriously you were a great guy to play with man, take it easy) Gidgit: We didn't play to much together but from what little we talked I always enjoyed it. Try to wear safety glasses bud Hadies: I don't know if you will even read this. But you were the best Head Admin Olympus ever had. You were fair. Just. and such a Mischievous fellow Poseidon: You kept Olympus alive, you have done a great job. I hope you continue to do so. Take it easy sir. HamOfMoose: Always fun to play with, and always in a great mood. I hope that what ever you are doing. Your enjoying life. You deserve it man. Again, I am sure I missed alot of people, I just said the names that poped into my head at this time. Goodbye Olympus, I am happy to have called you home. And to have played with you all. ──────────██████ ─────────████████ ─────────████████ ─────────███████████ ─────────████████─█████ ──────────██████────██████ ──────────██████───────████████ ──────────██████──────────███████ ──────██████████████────────██████ ───███████████████████████████████ ─████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████ █████████████████████████ ██████████████████████
  12. Who da fuk is Billy?
  13. He ment it wouldn't hurt I believe muthinator. Just a mis type.
  14. I'll take you up on that bigpat if I see ya in game and you still got it.
  15. A friend of colt sounds good to me! Just make sure not to unlock to many peoples helis and steal them
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