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badaim last won the day on April 15 2016

badaim had the most liked content!


About badaim

  • Birthday 11/23/1997

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. where did all my pals go ?

  2. Never 4orget...


    Stole our shit from Los Pollitos and left. 




    1. obeymatt


      Don’t call my dad out like that cholo 

    2. badaim


      Damn feels bad we had a good run though :) 

  3. see ya later kid. its better this way trust me
  4. whats everyone doing still playing arma

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. andrewfam
    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      It’s more of a community than a game. 

    4. K3control


      I try getting on but I just don't enjoy this game at all I seriously don't understand how people are having fun on Olympus 

  5. badaim

    The End

    Even though I don't play I'm gonna miss you bub, you'll have more fun off of this game anyways trust me and obviously we're gonna keep in touch kid :*
  6. Why can't i run in jail, I'm in for 80 minutes I'm trying to burn some calories.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JAMIE


      9 hours ago, N7Zero said:

      if u press Z and spam X you should be the fastest nigga in jail.

      just don't use this to do something your not supposed to do 

    3. BlackJack


      dad is that you ?

    4. badaim
  7. where are all the cool montages at ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ItsGG


      literally only coptages now 

    3. buckie


      doesnt exist

    4. Linka


      they stopped after i left

  8. 100K
  9. Happy b-day i miss playing with you dad :wub: i wish you all the best. Ps don't get drunk too much  :Kappa: 

    1. badaim


      thanks buddy i miss playing with you too :*

  10. ENTER
  11. Hi dad

    1. HyperGoat


      he wont respond, hes too busy on some old trucks

    2. badaim


      whats going on bud i miss you :*

    3. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      hi dad miss you 2

  12. Jmb

    whens titans coming back pal

    1. falcon
    2. Fushigi
    3. badaim


      idk today ? ill just go inactive while other people play with my tag

  13. why are my houses being deleted even though i have checked/used them recently, im not the most active but i'd like to keep my houses please.

    1. Fedot


      bc u goota use Y dumb dumb

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