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Everything posted by Colt

  1. peanut butter face oh my god hahahaha yep it all makes sense now.
  2. It's called shutting the fuck up with yo 1436 post having ass. Go make random shit post elsewhere.
  3. You turning into a soft little bitch huh? I expected this from any other olympus community member but from MAT THE SAVAGE nah Man MAT THE FUCKING PUSSY Is what i'm seeing
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan


      He still doesnt know @MAV

    3. MAV


      i know, thats the best part...dude thinks his machine is hacked....

    4. DashTonic


      Hope he clicks on the email I sent him

  4. The last SAPD fuck up was Kbdog and he can't really cover up leaking SAPD Info
  5. If it cant be covered up by SAPD then they have no choice but to take action it's how it always worked Just because I said you don't have worry about being demoted because you have a say in your own reports is true And you couldn't find a way to cover your fucking ass
  6. Where did I say no one can ever get demoted at LT I simply said that if it can't be covered up then your fucked. And your situation couldn't be covered up
  7. Sounds to me like you got caught abusing gray areas to your advantage not my fault you couldn't follow simple Handbook Wave Rules
  8. Sounds like there was some hard evidence against you I guess they couldn't cover that ass.
  9. The SAPD will lowkey pull you in a channel sit there and go over any ideas they can do and say to cover up your mistakes and if they can't then your fucked with a report
  10. APD In A Nutshell Only Takes "(28 hours) of playtime on civilian in Altis" Gets Deputy 2 tap instant taser Buys Loadout once until rank up or robbed Easy Money if you sit in kavala Only need to play cop 3 days then go back and forth to civ 2 weeks later gets PO test Gets Patrol Officer 75k max to get loadout upgrade and not lose it until rank up or robbed Gets Access to invincible quillin Ability to pardon in person Ability to add bullshit charges to anyone Sit there and johnson ride the higher ups for about 3-4 months Gets Corp Test Gets Corporal 90k Max to get Loadout upgrade and not lose it until rank up or robbed Gets Orca and flies to all redzone in under 30 mins or pull plane and check all redzone in 20mins Ability to buy no recoil spar 16s 150 rounds If you think I messed up meet me in the useless support channel or submit a report to the "Government" Any Report that can be covered up by SAPD will get denied Can now lethal after either 3rd wave Fed/Bw/Jail/Pharma, officer gets tazed, outnumbered, and 1st wave rebel or cartels raids If accidently lethals someone just respawn or die and comp 250k and ur ass is covered even the civ didn't ask for comp Sit back and really johnson ride for 5-12 months and get SGT Gets Sergeant (All you gotta do is sing like retard in front of 10+ grown men) Now you can give ur friends test and pass them Mk-1 and Mar-10 with LVL 4 vest and pilot helmet only need like 110k max for it and not lose it until rank up or robbed Ability to raid rebels and warzone Gets Ghosthawk with 2 4000 round mini guns that can go through anything and ricochet people to death no skill required Ability to buy hunters that only cost like 500k and 120k to insure No longer has to process anyone just let the lower ranks do it and collet money Gets Lieutenant All previous gear and vehicles just add LVL 5 vest and striders Sit back and never worry about being removed because you now have a say in ur own reports Gets Deputy Chief All previous perks just sit back and wait for chief to fall over dead and act like you deserve chief If any doesn't go your way just say you will quit and put your rank on it and bang get what you want Instant recommendation for staff position just wait 1 month retire and receive perm chief Get Undeserved Chief All previous perks Make your own rules Change your rules at any time Just show up to meetings and bitch and moan how your APD is underpowered because you lost one fight and feel the need for change Think of more way to buff the APD and continuously push them in the ears of McDili and Jesse Retire with perm chief thinking you did so much for this community when all you did was making the APD overpowered
  12. Congrats @Vacant out here making a comeback like never before!

  13. The only somali girl i know is

    1. Kamikaze


      short and sweet unlike pure p.k's dog shit vids

  15. Call majed hear he is an expert in helping people read books just ask @lou25000
  16. Is it bannable to role play ass fucking someone to death then kill them as a result of the ass fucking?
  17. Come watch deadpools crush


    1. Orgondo


      Yall fuckin cringe


  18. Get off my DICK!


  19. @Hades Happy Birthday you filthy Mongol "I WAS HACKING" YOU GOT ME. DUMBASS OF THE YEAR 2k15 holdin it down.

  20. @EatMeth @a overweight giant retard @TheRealKyle WEE WHOO going in to coke pro good times
    1. SPBojo


      Now this is the poll we need and deserve.

  21. Just patrolling the streets and watching over kavala the only way I know how.




    1. ikiled
    2. Colt


      Whos to say the ship really sunk

  22. come chill with the boy watching garfield https://www.rabb.it/Co1t515

    1. monster


      nah nigga fuck that gay shit, watch the good shit, aka Jimmy Neutron https://www0.123movies.fun/film/jimmy-neutron-boy-genius-6822/

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