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APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by Iceman

  1. Wait... @ Darn CONGRATS DOOD!

  2. This is a really tough look


  3. Congrats @ codeYeTi !! Sorry about @ Decimus code I saw his homework a few days ago 😩

  4. Happy Mothers day friends! 

  5. I enjoy the most recent change of not being invincible for the 30 second duration of being tased. However, I think that it should changed to being invincible for the first 5 seconds (or so.)

    Would cause a lot less disputes/sketchy situations between lethal loading cops and Jr. APD as well as Civ groups where some are running tasers and some are running lethals. Feel free to comment your opinion!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Millennium


      Koth is a completely different gamemode from RP servers. If you look at every other RP server they have 1 server. Not to mention that all those servers had more than 1 at some point in their years of life. Asylum, Grand Theft Arma, Reborne, etc. all only have 1 server.

      Koth is a different breed and people literally download Arma to play that and that is it. It is a very fun game mode.

      Also here are the stats for the top 10 Arma 3 servers in the last 24 hours.... we are #1


    3. Skorch



      Less average players in 2018/2019 and still managed to get 3 active servers.

      Ya, keep telling yourself it's because the game is old.  It's definitely not the glaring issues like the overpowered APD crushing new players.  Altis Life is a very fun gamemode, you guys just failed to address issues to keep it fun.

    4. Millennium


      @ Skorch I ain't gonna deny there are mistakes that owners/staff/etc. have made over the years. 

      Currently with the 1 server we have been the number 1 server of all the other servers on Arma 3. Beating Koth, and every other roleplay server. 

      The APD are not as overpowered as you think they are. To new players and solo players yes the APD are always going to have an advantage, this game mode you are meant to meet people and or join the server with people and learn/expand from there. You are meant to be in groups. There can be a tough start however it is usually not the APD that are the starting peoples problems it is the bigger gangs like Silla back in the day and new players spawning in Kavala, Silla stealing their kidneys or breaking rules against them in the first 5 minutes on the server.

      If you are new to the server you wouldn't have anything illegal, you wouldn't be doing anything illegal since you can't afford it. So how would the APD really impact them. If anything it is the other civilians that is their problem.

      The thought of "more lethals = less roleplay" is true... however Olympus is and always has been considered a light RP server. If you wanted hard RP servers you would go to modded servers as those cater to hard RP. Personally I like getting lethaled and I know a ton of people who would rather be lethaled than sent to jail. Lethals allow you to respawn after 30 seconds, or wait to get a revive, and wipes your bounty. getting tased, processed, and sent to jail can take a significant amount of time out of just playing the server. Going to jail for 10+ minutes is not ideal. Being in jail is boring as fuck and majority of the time I would either just log out or go and watch a video or something while picking contraband. I would say long jail sentences are far worse than APD lethals.

      We did have 2 servers up however we decided to take it down to just 1 with sever 2 coming up every so often because we would have 50 on 1 server and 50 on the other. Having 100 people on 1 server is a lot better because it allows for more interaction with other players, the map seems less empty, more events, etc. That is why we are down to 1 server with s2 coming up on the weekends and shtuff.

      Anyways I doubt I will change your thought on how we have screwed over this server, but that is just my 2 cents.

  6. image.png.7071bc59bc0eeb86b08ab99008e9cfea.png

    Would my design make the cut @ ZeRo

    1. ZeRo


      100% Instantly accepted

  7. Google & Microsoft 🤮 iykyk


  8. If tomorrow is Good Friday and I have work off, does that make today Better Thursday? Think about it! 

  9. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but...

    What if the April Fools update is that there is in-fact no April Fools update? Happy April Fools! 👀

  10. Congrats @ Caden Well deserved! 

  11. https://i.gyazo.com/ad657405b7d84bb9468aacf28bfd89be.mp4

    The Arma gods are on your side in times of financial hardship @ Super_Nova

    1. Super_Nova


      had like 86k left there

  12. Happy MAR 10 day gamers!

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