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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. I've noticed as of recently YouTube has been staggering out anti-adblocker notices and paywalls. The majority of people do not have these notices at all so I imagine they are doing it through certain IP ranges or something so they can avoid mass whining and a PR problem for their consumeristic money milking. The way it goes is it starts with a popup dialogue like this which forces you to wait before watching your video but still allows you to proceed with your current adBlock extension as normal. Then two-ish weeks later you will recieve this paywall exclusively for every video you attempt to watch without YouTube premium, which not quite all of us feel like paying for the services. That being said I've created a little guide on how to block these pesky little paywalls that YouTube has recently so forcefully shoved in my face. I've found that extensions like AdBlock — best ad blocker that are more popular tend to actually sell out to advertisers as an exchange for an intentionally neglected blacklist. Although each AdBlocker has their own set of quirks, the current extension I have been using to block these ads has been uOrigin. They are open source and do not sell out like most others have I have tried and was previously using back when I recieved these pesky messages. Although I think uOrigin blocks YouTube paywalls automatically now, here is a filter I used to previously use to block the specific elements: youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) Paywalls can kick rocks :).
  2. @ obytheone  @ xsmitherz  Congratulations you guys. With the APD hours posts I would get tagged in, it is pretty apparent that (Knawxx and Medusa alike), you guys have been putting in the work. Not only been dropping time but have spent the time really learning the rules. Congrats and don't lethal me in game pls.

  3. Thank you everyone so much for the birthday wishes. Love all you guys 🙂❤️

  4. Happy birthday @ Brolaf  🙂🎂!!

  5. klcgGNH.png
    pls don't remove me 😂❤️

  6. We discovered the bug a month ago but the patch was only implemented this update. Whether it would work or wouldn't work was all based on certain factors that had to be met. Either way it's patched though. You got me once with that and that was one time too many
  7. LZcZm3J.png

    1. N9ne


      I will not be restraining players and putting them in burning homes

    2. Benne


      omg save the kids, fuck the parents🤢

  8. Happy birthday @ Rexo !! 🎂

  9. Milo


    Using someones personal information as leverage or to endager their own personal saferty over disagreements from a video game is fucked. Even if you don't use the information to endanger someone, finding entertainment from dangling it and making them uncomfortable is still near equally fucked. People who dox and terrorize others deserve their perms.
  10. Nah but for real finding a 4 crater and garage in a good location anywhere be a struggle
  11. HAPPY almost BIRTHDAY @ ladymedusa  YOU RAT!!! 🥳🎂🎁

  12. Looks like a wonderful place to go on vacation. Little scared for my kidneys tho
  13. If you are having problems connecting to the Teamspeak make sure you are not connecting to the IP but the domain: ts.olympus-entertainment.com 🙂

  14. In case no one has said it yet @ Moxi The Loli  welcome to the hell hole lol

    1. Moxi The Loli

      Moxi The Loli

      What a warm and comforting welcome lmao

  15. @ Doc Pls tell me this isn't true.
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