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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Really?
  2. @yoitsdanny1 fuk u m8 <3
  3. No, synthetic is for the weak minded.
  4. Wow, synthetic division is for pussies. Long division all the way m8
  5. Buy me a pizza, no balls pussy.
  6. @Pledge Bet you won't send me a pizza, nerd. No balls.
  7. *Slurp*
  8. I'm laughing so fucking hard right now xD
  9. Check, what the absolute fuck...
  10. I wonder if Moob will forget me a third time.
  11. Ham


    Everyone at my school plays 2k. They're all fucking dweebs.
  12. :KappaHD:

    1. Fuzy


      Whalecum back

    2. JBruesch


      DID YOU KNOW, the average Sperm Whale can ejaculate 400 gallons of seamen at a time?
          But only about 40 gallons go into the female!!!


    3. Ham


      Still gone, probably gonna be another 2 weeks to a month or even longer. I really don't know...

  13. More like 5m xD
  14. True
  15. u rite No we didn't? DOES THIS RELATIONSHIP MEAN NOTHING TO YOU, JOHN??!!!!!!!?!
  16. Happy Bidet Gary :P bidet_spray2.jpg

  17. True
  18. No one can replace @Fedot I can't think of anyone else who's first weapon on cop was their Katiba.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lethals Loaded
    3. Ham


      Why can't I be given reputation? That's fucking bullshit.

    4. Ahmed99
  19. For 30,000,000 I better be getting what's in the house and a dad.
  20. Not looking forward to Zafirs and DMS scopes. Let's see how the Armory plays out.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Augustus


      @Brennan the stream did mention DMS scopes, nothing about zafirs tho

    3. Ham


      Confirmed Zafirs aren't a thing.

    4. Brennan


      @Hamstop spreading rumors you memer

  21. heh xd
  22. I would say A50's. I've had mine for nearly 3ish years.
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