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Everything posted by platinumfire

  1. question is do u own the garage next to that house?
  2. ya most likely @djwolf left the Dev team and he was the only one doing it.
  3. what if the Vtol shot epi pens at the player needing a revive now that would be somthing or it could shoot smoke
  4. Hahahaha this shit is tooo funny ''Peter's a Nerd'' haha Nerds always win always.
  5. Hey thanks for the great night hope to do it again :) 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Talindor


      First time taking a gal out to dinner lead to anything LOL.

    3. platinumfire


      Hahaha you guys are too funny

    4. I Am Fuzzy
  6. No i love the idea too just making fun at it thats all
  7. So there's going this new "APD Reserve Officer Program" and The Big Kahuna @Fat Clemenza says "No. It's not something that will need to be monitored all that much." Hell if its not monitored the APD Reserve Officer Program gona turn into this haha.
  8. Yes would love to see Ghost Hotel as a cartel once again
  9. platinumfire


    Hi B Kren Welcome to Olympus If you wish to live long don't come to Sofia on server 1
  10. So Ive been thinking Tonoa hasn't been what the community has been craving. What say you if we turned this server that has been lacking to say the least into a Takistan server where the map has been established as a great map for life servers this would be something new and fresh. What ya guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Modded Altis Life is my fav thing

    3. Rusty


      agree would be sick

    4. Augustus


      There's been literally no one to disagree with this. Why not give it a shot? It could have CUP_WEAPONS, TFR, and all that cool stuff

  11. Yes and No up in the air for me. they fucked up all the characters sooo it will be shit but have a feeling i will see it.
  12. When you spend 30min of you life trying to get a Zamak out...doesnt even matter just watch the video :)


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. platinumfire


      couldnt cuz it was someone we robed we tried idk why it didnt work

    3. Goodman
    4. platinumfire
  13. Im confused why would someone hack a small website. I guess they did everything this summer.
  14. When you don't like taking the stairs.


    1. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      New way for the APD to ambush Kavala Hospital???

  15. So I was listening to Spotify tonight and saw Christian Rock and thought " Hey this could be different" and i found out i really like Christian Rock. hahaha


    1. Fedot


      like i said earlier "Yall need jesus"

    2. Nuski
    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I never had a taste for it. I always found the Christian Rock & Roll artists tried to imitate the contemporary music of the day instead of making their own sound. To me, it was bland. Ironically, I know most of the stuff on guitar because I played on my church's youth worship team during 8th-9th grade. Funny how things turn out.

  16. Sad to see you go I wish you luck in your future endeavors
  17. Yes Peter make this happen we need something like this to make the server different and fun.
  18. Hahaha Twix blind as a bat on the ground but deadly in the air
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