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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. Congrats to my man @Danger on Mod!

    Deputy Danger has come along way since I met him.

    1. Danger


      Haha thanks pal. It has been a long road.

  2. Get better pc
  3. @EatMeth Hello mr Obergruppenführer

    1. JoeL


      @G.O.A.T. Polizeipräsident

    2. EatMeth


      The 1000 year reich has begun.

  4. Yeah I'll be beating that tonight buddy.
  5. Congrats to ma boi RambleR :))


  6. Is there new cartels?
  7. https://gyazo.com/c107734bb7c6f5d257f179b5d04bab79
  8. I just press the reboot cycle button on my case when I ever I get a black screen p: very triggering. It also triggers me when you make your post lettering black.
  9. 4 Apples 2 Rook mags and... How ever many peaches my quad cant hold :))
  10. o7 :(( you were my favorite Sr. APD Memeber
  11. Plz add black carrier lites to rebel shop

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Linka


      1 hour ago, William 'Daniel' Wallace said:

      Please add rocket propelled shoulder mounted fucking weapons of mass destruction to the clothing store.

      wow that was really funny. you're actually autistic.

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      @Linka It's time to reform, don't call him autistic. You need to show your good side, he just has extra chromosomes. :)

    4. LongInactiveAccount
  12. Everything. I honestly have nothing to do with it. It's like 1-2 years old but still works I just upgraded.
  13. Like $150 i5 4690k; new 200 and it's used. Motherboard it's good I just don't remember what it's called and I have 8gb of ddr3 I'll give you. I got my new specs a couple weeks ago so I have that stuff just laying around.
  14. I'll sell you a motherboard, i5 4690k for cheap and you can buy the 1070 yourself.
  15. I think we should all open our schedule books and arrange specific times at which we arrive at the cartels and fight.
  16. Could've made a status update to update your status
  17. JoeL


    I can auto hover and land in 1.3 minutes tops. Beat that buddy
  18. Whip dab nae nae

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ScreaM
    3. asdasd123


      me and @Vanilla Coke vs olympus dance battle @Linka can host it we will whip nae nae dab hit them folks running man this server off the charts. AM I RITE ?????????/!11!!

    4. Vanilla Coke

      Vanilla Coke

      hey whip skrt hit the folks nae nae running man juju on that beat ooo hold up dab

    1. Dangus


      + (Infiniti symbol). 


      Yes. Remember it when I first joined the server I think. Maybe it was here for a while when I joined. But I loved it. Always fun fighting down there. There were always fights somewhere. There also was no point camping the outpost cause you could just go fight somewhere.

    2. OlympusAccount


      Shit dude, I forgot about that place. I never actually got to go there. What was at the Warzone Outpost?

    3. Augustus


      @OlympusAccount Just a rebel. Had a big tower, and one small tower.

  19. Rain Drop Drop Top I told you to stop stop..
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