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Everything posted by Solomon

  1. I will have you know I made those, kinda. He just made them pretty.
  2. lmao, @MrBoonie I have copy rights on that, made it myself D:
  3. The big tower is on the southern end, you can fly on that side and have decent cover, as I said if you do it right it can be done.
  4. I do not know if you played on this server when big towers were virtually everywhere but hot dropping on big towers was quite common. If you know how to control your heli and position it in the right way it can be done, apply smokes on the bottom with an ifrit as well to help cause havok. I see no reason for peter to keep adding cartels if they are going to be the same thing over and over again. Instead look at what he has presented and try to adapt to it, personally I find the challenge part of the fun!
  5. If you fly in backwards you cant get shot out from the guys at the tower
  6. There is a large amount of cover from the tower to push other parts of a cartel. If you rush the bottom and drop on the top with a heli you can do some major damage. From what I have seen lag has not been an issue but I feel tower lag may be an issue in the future as it once was. I think it could be left for now and see what happens
  7. Anyone who updated teamspeak and lost their mass mover, here is an updated version. https://www.myteamspeak.com/addons/0c69eb4a-0c0a-41b6-b2be-9c0e5c0457fa 

    Simply download, install, restart ts, go to options, plugins, enable "admin tools" and you are good to go!

  8. Can confirm, one of our many skills. In all seriousness though dangus if you can't figure it out hop in the ts and ill work my magic.
  9. Have you tried contacting the support team?
  10. With the sound on your computer there is something called the default device, as well as the default communication device. For example my headset uses two different types of audio to ensure better quality based on what you are capturing, I.E. voice and in game audio. To fix this issue go to your search bar, type in sound. Go to output and set your audio device (headphones) as both the default device and the default communications device. Afterwards go ahead make sure shadowplay is using the same device aswell. If you have any questions about this or it simply does not work let me know, or I can help you in the teamspeak. Good luck!
  11. When I take hostages in kavala, I go hard...... 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      Going hard is taking a bunch of people with civ clothes and no vests or anything?

    3. Orgondo


      That's all you took hostage, and got in return for them... Weakkkk

    4. -dante-


      @TheRandomOne Its a joke. Do you not understand jokes?

  12. 1. He is not VX, he was kicked 2. When in the hell was the last time you fought any of us (especially at mush cartel, we are always at moon) 3. What is the reason for you responding to something that you find pointless? Mind your own business and if you are going to talk shit atleast have your facts right. Hop on server 1 sometime and see what goes on for yourself instead of bandwagoning some random roomers you heard from over 6 months ago. Honestly people like you should be fact checked before you go spewing random information about the forums..... I have nothing against you personally I just have a strong distaste for ignorance, which had a strong presence in your post. I do agree that this video is a special kind of stupid, but do not go grouping me or any of my members in with this.
  13. If I was going for OS it might help if I put in an application..... Just trying to be a good member of the community.
  14. I am pretty sure I was stuffing my face with dinner when he rolled up lol, anyway the point is to get people to stop breaking rules no matter how small. Rules are rules, I do not break them, and I am going to enforce them wherever I can. If you have a problem with that stop breaking the damn rules.....
  15. Yeah be a man about it, I have no shame. The sad part is that someone combat stored a hatchback not that they got reported for it
  16. Don't make me shoot down more of your orcas, two in two minutes is pretty hard to top
  17. Sitting in the water does not count as fighting cartels. But it is all good, ill just bring extra grenades for you fucks.
  18. I like you guys and all, well most of you, but I think ill enjoy my time on vacation.... Cya guys on friday!


  19. I can confirm I am a middle aged man that works at McDonalds.... seriously tho do you just record all of your fast food experiences?
  20. Anyone have some good suggestions of what headset I should get? Looking for it to have a very good mic (very little background noise) as well as good audio quality.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Joel


      Logitech G230's sound really good I never used the mic on them because I have a blue yeti but my friends have used the mic on their own and it sounds fine. I think they're like $30 on amazon 

  21. Hey @Grandma Gary, we need to have a talk about getting me some OS Recruiter tags in Teamspeak. Considering the last 4/5 people who got OS were from my gang and all :P

    Congrats @TheCmdrRex and @Bow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grandma Gary
    3. Solomon


      @Pledge I would say your parents make mistakes too but leaving you at the fire station was everything but a mistake.

    4. Dangus


      @Solomon going *bang bang*



      youre throwing shots... get it?

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