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Where has the roleplay gone?

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Roleplay has died. Getting RDM'ed lmao, getting robo-copped, Christ listen if you don't want to RDM get off the server. I happen to like it here, but I hate it when people don't roleplay or follow the rules. You know who you are. Shape up or ship out, everyone is here for a good time, not to be abused by rule breakers.


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2 minutes ago, MrBoonie said:

And who are you again?

Why does everyone bring that into play now? All I see in a bunch of threads now is "Who are you?" You're Irrelevant'. All he is doing is putting out his own thoughts of how he feels about the server now.

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Well, RDM is never going to go away.  As unfortunate as that is.  As far as the robocop aspect is concerned.  Have you ever played cop?  If not then you should play with the APD before you judge. I can honestly say that on the rare occasion that I do play cop I loathe processing.  There is nothing more annoying then the person who just attempted to kill you, who ran, or who has a high bounty trying to sit there and RP after the fact to get out of charges.  Thats not RP.  Thats scrub lord shit.  If you want to RP with the cops then do it before you get caught and not after.  Once your caught its judgement day and its time to pay up or go to jail, period.  People always assume that its because all the cop cares about is money.  I am here to tell you I robocop the shit out of people and I dont give a fuck about money.  I make traffic stops for fucks sake.  I simply want to hook and book and move on so I can go actually try to RP and not sit and listen to some pud who thinks hes clever by being the thousandth person to claim that there illegal firearm is a pellet gun in a special case and all 15 of their manslaughters are self defense...  Not saying thats anyone in this thread but it does happen on a regular basis.  So next time you are sitting there wondering why the cop is a robocoping its probably because he or she is tired of stupid stories and people stalling so that there gang can come and rescue them.

  • Like 14
19 minutes ago, MrBoonie said:

And who are you again?


9 minutes ago, MrBoonie said:

If he's not happy leave, the server player actions and players in general wise really hasn't changed, rules have been implemented and things have changed, but to think that's going to stop the trolling and RDM and constant fighting he's absolutely mistaken, PS- Stay out of kavala

"I happen to like it here, but I hate it when people don't roleplay or follow the rules"

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1 hour ago, Coreh_Smithy said:

Getting RDM'ed lmao, getting robo-copped, Christ listen if you don't want to RDM get off the server. I happen to like it here, but I hate it when people don't roleplay or follow the rules. You know who you are. Shape up or ship out, everyone is here for a good time, not to be abused by rule breakers.


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"Getting RDM'ed lmao" - Report it. They'll be banned.

"getting robo-copped" - Report it as an APD Application if the RP is truly concerning. Everyone has their own forms of RP and sometimes cops robo-coping is allowed under circumstances. But if a cop does not properly process you it will influence their position in the APD. HOWEVER, just because you don't like their RP, doesn't mean it's bad. If you want to get technical, when cops take you to jail they only want to process you because you are just another criminal. They're not their to play clown games. They're purpose is to be professional and do their job.

"Shape up or ship out, everyone is here for a good time" - It seems a little extreme to tell people to leave because you don't approve of their roleplay. This is a light RP server that allows RP and prevents those who break it (FAIL RP). We don't make RP a requirement.

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12 minutes ago, Muthinator said:

Well, RDM is never going to go away.  As unfortunate as that is.  As far as the robocop aspect is concerned.  Have you ever played cop?  If not then you should play with the APD before you judge. I can honestly say that on the rare occasion that I do play cop I loathe processing.  There is nothing more annoying then the person who just attempted to kill you, who ran, or who has a high bounty trying to sit there and RP after the fact to get out of charges.  Thats not RP.  Thats scrub lord shit.  If you want to RP with the cops then do it before you get caught and not after.  Once your caught its judgement day and its time to pay up or go to jail, period.  People always assume that its because all the cop cares about is money.  I am here to tell you I robocop the shit out of people and I dont give a fuck about money.  I make traffic stops for fucks sake.  I simply want to hook and book and move on so I can go actually try to RP and not sit and listen to some pud who thinks hes clever by being the thousandth person to claim that there illegal firearm is a pellet gun in a special case and all 15 of their manslaughters are self defense...  Not saying thats anyone in this thread but it does happen on a regular basis.  So next time you are sitting there wondering why the cop is a robocoping its probably because he or she is tired of stupid stories and people stalling so that there gang can come and rescue them.

Couldnt have said it better! I give what what i get as a LT for the APD. If your cool and trying to RP, 99% of the time if u make me laugh i will pardon you. The same story over and over.. no one wants to listen unfortunately :(

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LOL @Muthinator 

You truly run in different circles from the rest of us plebs if you think the cops are going to RP with you BEFORE you're caught. All they see is that bounty and it's all 


I'm not saying there's anything inherently wrong with that per say, I'm just saying if I walk into HQ with a 750k bounty ain't no one talkin' to me 'bout shit.. ya heard?

1 hour ago, MrBoonie said:

you obviously aren't fully content with what olympus has to offer if you have to make a forum post to complain, you didn't give constructive feedback at all, just complained on how things aren't going YOUR way. Anyways hope things get better for you. Bye.


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remember when arma like first came out? tempests erewhere.. players without massive egos ? when rp was a thing ? when gangs would give people permission to do safe runs? respect? the days where everyone didn't know what they were doing ! 

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4 minutes ago, RAYRAY said:

remember when arma like first came out? tempests erewhere.. players without massive egos ? when rp was a thing ? when gangs would give people permission to do safe runs? respect? the days where everyone didn't know what they were doing ! 


There is hardcore rp where you wouldn't break character to save ur life, than there's minimum rp like hands up or die. 

Olympus isn't meant to be a hardcore rp server but there's still a little rp beyond the factions and that's all were looking for.

What roleplay. I joined a year and half almost ago most rp I got was hands up or die 54321 fuck no There was never any roleplay this topic is irrelevant please lock and delete ;)

1 hour ago, MrBoonie said:


We never had 15. In addition to not listening to Peter Long during the meeting or reading the rules, apparently you can't count either.


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Just now, MrBoonie said:

def had 14-15 every round but GG man you didn't win, don't go talking shit

LOL yeah man.. GG. Don't be so sensitive.

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