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It's time to say enough.

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Omg. Dezree I'm going to miss you so much. You;ve helped me through sooo much and I've always looked up to you and aspired to be as strong and hard-working as you. I really hope that we can still be friends and still talk. I'm sorry that this community has been so toxic to you. In some ways I'm glad that you're being strong now and saving yourself but I will miss you :( You're amazing Dez and never ever forget that.



Dez, it's really saddening to see you go. I'm really sad that this has gotten so bad that you are leaving. The greatest memory I have is when we were playing cards against humanity and I just remember all the laughs we had. I can't share the jokes due to them being extremely inappropriate, but I know you probably remember how fun it was and all the laughs we had while playing. I just remember that whenever I saw that channel get created I would hop in there as it was always fun. I wish I could've gotten to know you better. You were a great admin and it will be extremely difficult to have someone fill your shoes. I hate that you are leaving but it is your choice and I can't even imagine now what you went through so that you are leaving. This'll sound weird but I guess I'm glad you're going because I'd hate to see you become even more miserable than it sounds like you are because of a bunch of fucking scumbags.



You people are real fucked up. The fact that you find enjoyment in bullying someone to the point where they leave a community they've loved is fucking psychotic. I hope to god I never find who you guys are for your sake, because I'd like to make you feel as miserable as you've made Dez.

o7 Dez! No one can fill your shoes you're leaving!


I know we only met briefly but every one I've met had nothing but great things to say about you. It's sad I will not get the opportunity to know you better.

I'm not ignorant to it but I did not realize such a high level of hate was in this community. It's disheartening not just as a woman but as a person to think that the fun I'm having now could eventually go sour. Thank you for your post because you are right, it may not make a difference to the lowest members of this community but maybe others might realize it's time for a tolerance adjustment.

Best wishes and good luck to you. 

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4 hours ago, Merpfer said:


I could put you in the dirt, but it's not worth it. Cunt.

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You know you used to be one of the staff members I liked/respected but recent events make me think it probably is time for you to stepdown. o7 thanks for your service and goodluck.

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The time soon comes for parting,
And our time is at an end,
The rest of your life is starting,
And we have no time at all to spend.

You knew one day you'd have to go,
But thought you'd have more time.
We can't reverse time's one-way flow,
But at least you'll have this rhyme.

You had your shining moments,
Upon this life's darkened stage,
And in my book of wonderments,
You'll never be just another page.

Like the exploding of a star,
You've changed me in and out,
Your light will travel with me far,
Past when all other lights go out.


Goodbye, you beautiful soul!


© Megan R. Bokowski
Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/poem-about-saying-googbye-the-drifters-melody

Thank you for what you've done for this community and I feel as this serves a lesson to those who choose to propagate hate on this server to not be a prick. We are all here to have fun on Olympus through this great community, and with the wonderful people within it. Sad to see you go Dezree. o7

I don't know what to say.... I applied to R&R after meeting you and I ended up doing my test with you.  You are going to be missed by A LOT of people. I think you can see that from the above posts.  I hope after some time away that you will be back. Very sad to see you go.  Wish you the best.  

I mean I guess it's fucked up but it's the internet there will be idiots I mean why would you put ur self out there to ppl for in IRL don't nobody give a fuck about u other than u fuk what ppl say they can eat a dick fucked up that u weren't as strong as u thought to deal with this and push on but sometimes life throws things that are a bit to hard to deal with and makes you give up sorry to see u go but u should've stuck threw it everything would've got better eventually 

The nude rumour has been going around for every girl in olympus. But someone has sent them, and thats what made it start. (Its not you)

Shame you feel the only way out is to quit but you gotta do what you gotta do. 
Haven't seen you staff or play the game, but staff leaving a community is always a change.

Also for a twist, half of theese people on this post, have said something about you in ways you'd be surprised.


On 5/5/2017 at 5:47 AM, [SoA]Steve said:

Hell, now when people talk shit to me or whatever I embrace it and that seems to trigger them.


Agreed, I learn't just to embrace things whenever people try making fun of me and turned it around and memed them or memed myself using it. It just triggers them and seems to help alot sometimes on really personal issues...

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3 hours ago, Barbie said:

Does this means there's a position opening? Can I take Dez's spot? 

You can't replace Dez :FeelsBad:

Sadly in every community, especially online ones, there are irrelevant fucks seeking attention and they don't care even if its negative attention. 

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