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Sacrificing, Where are we at?

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I’m going to post this video as an example of a sacrifice done the right way. 

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I mean almost everyone that Tree sacrifices is alright with it or goes along with it to the point where they think it might be funny and they don't report, but someone must have been  t i l t e d  to report them. :mellow:

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It's a really touchy subject

There's two types of killing in restraints, honestly. There's the typical RDMer that will just shoot you in the face after he restrains you, which is no RP and should be bannable, obviously

When someone does a kind of RP like above, it isn't really *fail* rp, you still RPed it out..

BUT, if we allow this to be okay other people will use it as an excuse to shoot people in restraints. So I don't know how to feel about it

My friend was sacrificed by tree and he was hella mad cuz he had some expensive ass loadout on him. I mean, unless the person is atleast 10% consenting it should be considered FailRP. Say I have a mar-10 and tree wants to have fun, decides to execute me with my mar-10 and i go cry in a corner for a few hours. that aint cool dawg

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I definitely understand where you are coming from here Nerdy, and I can see where the admins are coming from as well. Being someone who has been apart of a sacrifice at the hands of the notorious Tree Gang, I think their way of sacrificing should be within the rules, as killing someone in restraints is considered FailRP and what they are doing is basic RP. On the other hand lining up a vigilante just to execute because you hate them or robbing someone and shooting just because they say they don’t want to join a gang should and is fail RP

6 minutes ago, max^ said:


Doesn't matter, I've been told that it is a consensus opinion.

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Right.... I wouldn't trust the words of a staff member who had to ASK  what failrp is. Until I get @McDili or @Grandma Gary confirmation I will personally come back to login everyday for an hour to mass sacrifice people. (After I get off my 14d)

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8 minutes ago, lou25000 said:

LOL idc either way ban or not im sacrifcing ppl its fun and the guy getting sacrificed almost always has a good laugh 

This is the main reason I like how Tree sacrifices. Will always remember my EMT days when they rounded up every single civilian medic and cop in Kavala right before reset. It was a good time, and although we died, we had fun chatting in the helicopter and RPing back to them.

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18 minutes ago, mentalgaming13 said:

It's a really touchy subject

There's two types of killing in restraints, honestly. There's the typical RDMer that will just shoot you in the face after he restrains you, which is no RP and should be bannable, obviously

When someone does a kind of RP like above, it isn't really *fail* rp, you still RPed it out..

BUT, if we allow this to be okay other people will use it as an excuse to shoot people in restraints. So I don't know how to feel about it

There obviously has to be some guidelines, someone saying "I sacrifice you to the Great Cuthulu" means nothings.  However, if I spend like 10 minutes roleplaying, I shouldn't get banned for that.  There is a legit ritual in Tree.

imho, as long as you didnt rob them, you should be allowed to sacrifice them... so long as you rp it properly.. (ie. like what tree does)

If you rob them, you should have to release them though...

Personally most killing in restraints is fail RP. I however will allow it with excellent RP. 


If I see a Tree member just say that they are going to kill this guy for the great tree then shoot them, they are gonna get banned. However if it is done with good RP and great effort is put into it like Tree normally does, no reason to ban them as it is all in the spirit of the game. 

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It falls under the "Know your audience" Rule tbh.


A lot of the newer players and the players that we are seeing during the summer have this deadset mentality to report EVERYTHING, If you want to kill under restraints you have to break RP and ask the person and then continue, but always always always record.


You could RP your heart out, Play the game and have fun with the person you are engaged with, but they could still toss a report at you, I gave up the "Comp or Ban" mentality long ago and I just report if the person isn't there to let both parties enjoy themselves.


Today for example we had a cop restrained in our heli, Everything about the situation was legit, people were laughing and having fun, but when the 13 yr old derputy realized we are robbing him he started to threaten to ban us over a computer crash on a restrained person he witnessed during the RP session (Btw this person reconnected in less than 1 minute and turned themselves in)


Maybe it comes down to "if you cant beat them ban them"

Or the famous APD mentality to report people also in the APD and maybe you get promoted faster.... Pro tip, it makes you look like a weiner and no one wants to interact with you.



10 minutes ago, JamalJones said:

It falls under the "Know your audience" Rule tbh.


A lot of the newer players and the players that we are seeing during the summer have this deadset mentality to report EVERYTHING, If you want to kill under restraints you have to break RP and ask the person and then continue, but always always always record.


You could RP your heart out, Play the game and have fun with the person you are engaged with, but they could still toss a report at you, I gave up the "Comp or Ban" mentality long ago and I just report if the person isn't there to let both parties enjoy themselves.


Today for example we had a cop restrained in our heli, Everything about the situation was legit, people were laughing and having fun, but when the 13 yr old derputy realized we are robbing him he started to threaten to ban us over a computer crash on a restrained person he witnessed during the RP session (Btw this person reconnected in less than 1 minute and turned themselves in)


Maybe it comes down to "if you cant beat them ban them"

Or the famous APD mentality to report people also in the APD and maybe you get promoted faster.... Pro tip, it makes you look like a weiner and no one wants to interact with you.



Did you report the derputy for rule quoting then?

I would say taking someone by force as shown in the video would be RP. But asking someone to put there hands up, restraining them then executing them would be a ban, because if you follow the orders and do everything they ask it would be unacceptable. 

1 hour ago, communistjosh said:

I think if you cap someone in restraints it should be bannable in almost all situations

You are new around here. If you were here 2 years ago you would understand.

  • Head Admin
1 hour ago, Bloodmoon said:

Right.... I wouldn't trust the words of a staff member who had to ASK  what failrp is. Until I get @McDili or @Grandma Gary confirmation I will personally come back to login everyday for an hour to mass sacrifice people. (After I get off my 14d)

As always if the RP is top kek and theres a bunch of you put in time and effort like the Tree sacrifices of old OS will be fine with it.  If you put someone beside a rock and tell them you're gonna sacrifice them to the god Cthulhu and empty a clip into their face you'll catch these hands.  It's just something staff will look at on a case by case basis for any future incidents. 

1 hour ago, Colt said:

Is it bannable to role play ass fucking someone to death then kill them as a result of the ass fucking?

Would not ban for that. ;D

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