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How To Bring Back Ganglife

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1 minute ago, SecTranLive said:

Actually -1000iq play on Aslyum and shows the intellect of their audience if you think unbanning hackers is going to bring back the population. They hacked moron, what do you think they’re going to do once they get clapped on cap again. Cmon kids, use your brain and get off the asylum train. 

I am not on the asylum train. It was simply an idea since all i have heard and seen is crying ab cartels. 

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Make people who want to be unbanned write a 5 page essay on why cheating is bad

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16 minutes ago, Grego said:

Hell yeah, let's unban all the ddosers!!! GREAT IDEA +1

Hi. Have I ddossd anyone since being unbanned for ddosing or caused a major problem? 

5 minutes ago, SecTranLive said:

Literally crying because you don’t know how to avoid a situation with the cops. Cya then bud, I’m sure this is the reason for the Olympus demise hahahah

I don't know who you are but all I know is you're a braindead bot that has no clue what they are talking about so I would like for you to get off this thread rat. Thank you

Edited by Silton
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22 minutes ago, MAV said:

lag switching IS HACKING

no it's not lol. it's a program that changes your firewall settings to block all internet traffic in/out hacking is modifying game settings lag switching is cheating not hacking. same with ahk scripts they aren't hacking they are basically keybinds they don't modify game files.

Edited by Snare
6 minutes ago, Edibletree066 said:

I think that cops shouldn't be able to load sdars if they out number the civs because it happened twice in one day for me seems a little bullshit.

I don't think SDARs should be used just because we can't win. Just my opinion.

4 minutes ago, Snare said:

no it's not lol. it's a program that changes your firewall settings to block all internet traffic in/out hacking is modifying game settings lag switching is cheating not hacking. same with ahk scripts they aren't hacking they are basically keybinds they don't modify game files.

Very good point

Quit saying gang life. Gang life ISNT cartel life. The servers aren’t dead, there’s 100 people on server 1 and 2 before 2pm PST when everyone’s sudden favorite server got new ownership. We’re having a lengthy staff meeting on Sunday and I’m sure it’ll be a discussion but there’s not many people that are currently permed with ban appeals in that deserve to be unbanned. Who is permed that deserves to be unpermed @ me right now and I’ll fight for you, I’m for the people. 

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3 minutes ago, MAV said:

can you explain to me how any of what you explained here would be different on asylum..?

I can go further into debt after I’m done eating but cops aren’t OP on that server, they don’t make half the money olympus cops do. Interactions with cops on that server have actually been fun for me because they’re all mature and none of them robocop or try to buff themselves against civs. I talked to a LT and SGT and they all have gear that POs wear on olympus, they are against buffs for APD and their goals are to enhance the gameplay for civs rather than completely fuck them over and seek revenge such as what 2 lieutenants did to me a couple months ago on olympus. They camped my house with all of the gear I had won for over 5 months in [ - ] with RPGs and other rare gear that actually meant a lot to me. Hawk told me that they sat there for around 2-3 hours just to steal everything that our gang had in our homes. When I lost all my possessions on this server, I was so close to quitting and going to another server with most of the other old [ - ] guys. If that same event happened now and [ - ] was still a thing, Olympus would have lost another major gang to Asylum.

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People fighting cartels now didn’t fight when fighting was at its prime, they just roach then tase you on warzone, actually the gayest shit, fights used to be legit but now it’s all about something stupid happening to ruin it. 

Edited by bigSMOKE
  • Hmm 2
16 minutes ago, Snare said:

no it's not lol. it's a program that changes your firewall settings to block all internet traffic in/out hacking is modifying game settings lag switching is cheating not hacking.

you don't need to modify game files / settings to hack... hacking is classified as making a computer device do as you would like it to do instead of what it is intended to do (look up life hacking, no modifying files there) In this instance you are, as you said, manipulating network traffic to/from your system in order to trick the server in believing are lagging allowing you to gain a competitive advantage... its hacking / cheating / or whatever term you want to use for it since you are changing how network traffic is supposed to flow giving you a desired result.

21 minutes ago, indian said:

I would actually hate to switch to asylum but it seems like my last resort at this point because there’s no more fun in gang activities on oly. APD is too OP and somehow makes it’s way into every encounter between civs with their broken loadouts and no nlr, barely any cops ever role play and are all robocops, most of them are on for hours and money so they can sell for IRL, Feds are broken because all updates towards them are all either directly or indirectly APD buffs, sAPD can camp people’s properties until the homeowner gets on and opens a door to give cops the ability to take everything that player had worked so long for in that house, the sAPD that is telling civs to come up with new Fed strats after cops are getting monthly buffs are the ones that only know one strat which is load SDAR’s on 2nd wave, cop stacks go from 6 to 25 with 10 lethals which usually doubles the amount of civs even doing a fed, the list goes on and on. It’s sad knowing that cops have to get buffed on here to compensate how horrible they are. And yes, APD does win again, simply because majority of sAPD is staff on this server and they ultimately decide everything behind the scenes. Corruption at its finest ladies and gentleman, welcome to Olympus. Oh and btw, close to none of what I listed above occurs on asylum, which is why gang life actually has strong potential on there. They already have Jesse and their developers aren’t people in college that’ll most likely leave in less than a year due to schoolwork. Unless shit changes around here or something bad happens over at asylum, it seems to me like Olympus’ demise is near.

Maybe, I’m a brain dead idiot and some sAPD is going to bash my head in with some long rant quoting this post. Made this in 20 seconds and I’m open minded so lmk if something that I said isn’t true.

@indian how did you get civ rep and you’re posting all this junk on here?  You are supposed to be a voice to make it better.  Not a voice to trash it.  Leave the bad posts to rapid, lion and xanx

When it comes to Federal Events, trust me, were well aware and working on it, we got the boys strapped and ready.
Image result for nerf gun

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The thing about Olympus is... there has always been fights. Its the community that convinces themselves that the server is dead. If you want to fight its simple, get your gang on, get on cap, spam ETA. People WILL come. If not, go kill all the retards doing runs instead of fighting, or switch servers. Asylum has convinced some people from our player base that there will be fights on their server, however there is absolutely nothing stopping you from getting on cap and fighting in Olympus right now. Hell Im fighting as I type this. If Asylums player base is going to be built on the rats who will switch server communities for the "promise" of a fight, it surely wont last. Unbanning people who were banned under reasonable conditions will not solve the problem. 

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7 minutes ago, indian said:

I can go further into debt after I’m done eating but cops aren’t OP on that server, they don’t make half the money olympus cops do. Interactions with cops on that server have actually been fun for me because they’re all mature and none of them robocop or try to buff themselves against civs. I talked to a LT and SGT and they all have gear that POs wear on olympus, they are against buffs for APD and their goals are to enhance the gameplay for civs rather than completely fuck them over and seek revenge such as what 2 lieutenants did to me a couple months ago on olympus. They camped my house with all of the gear I had won for over 5 months in [ - ] with RPGs and other rare gear that actually meant a lot to me. Hawk told me that they sat there for around 2-3 hours just to steal everything that our gang had in our homes. When I lost all my possessions on this server, I was so close to quitting and going to another server with most of the other old [ - ] guys. If that same event happened now and [ - ] was still a thing, Olympus would have lost another major gang to Asylum.

sorry to say this... but y'all in [ - ] asked for it... you continue to taunt a faction (and a specific high level group of that faction) you get what you get.. take that as a lesson in life... you kick the bear enough, he's eventually going to wake up...

  • Downvote 2
Just now, RDyer216 said:

@indian how did you get civ rep and you’re posting all this junk on here?  You are supposed to be a voice to make it better.  Not a voice to trash it.  Leave the bad posts to rapid, lion and xanx

Pushing for APD nerfs and trying to keep civs, specifically gangs on the server is junk?

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@draMa i had the whole community vouching for my unban on a post i made a week ago and the post was just deleted and nothing was said about the matter

Senior staff team are not even willing to get in a channel and speak to me even though i have so many people supporting me i think i at least deserve that


Edited by ApacheWarrior
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12 minutes ago, draMa said:

Quit saying gang life. Gang life ISNT cartel life. The servers aren’t dead, there’s 100 people on server 1 and 2 before 2pm PST when everyone’s sudden favorite server got new ownership. We’re having a lengthy staff meeting on Sunday and I’m sure it’ll be a discussion but there’s not many people that are currently permed with ban appeals in that deserve to be unbanned. Who is permed that deserves to be unpermed @ me right now and I’ll fight for you, I’m for the people. 

@ApacheWarrior @draMa get er done

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3 minutes ago, MAV said:

sorry to say this... but y'all in [ - ] asked for it... you continue to taunt a faction (and a specific high level group of that faction) you get what you get.. take that as a lesson in life... you kick the bear enough, he's eventually going to wake up...

still a ratty thing to camp someones house for hours

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I can vouche that if @ApacheWarrior is unbanned and some other key cartel fighters banned for something other than DDoS and Hacking AKA PBO, Aimbot, etc. the server FROM A CARTEL ASPECT will pop off. 100% we have a high pop and its dope, but there if a difference between being populated and having fun and being populated with everyone farming runs all day. 

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1 minute ago, ApacheWarrior said:

@draMa i had the whole community vouching for my unban on a post i made a week ago and the post was just deleted and nothing was said about the matter

Because they want plague and mL to leave with the rest of the cartel gangs that have already left over the months.

Just now, Lukeee said:

still a ratty thing to do to camp someones house for hours

pretty ratty to humiliate folks months on end with status updates and taunts... 

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2 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

@indian how did you get civ rep and you’re posting all this junk on here?  You are supposed to be a voice to make it better.  Not a voice to trash it.  Leave the bad posts to rapid, lion and xanx

He's definitely not trashing it, he's literally giving his own opinion. The closest his opinion got to "trashing" this server was just saying that the demise of Olympus is here, which is how he feels, yet still not trashing.


You act like he's trashing it when he QUITE LITERALLY gave ways to fix it, with which admins replied saying that it was in the works.



To add to what @indian said, yes, I believe that the cops on Olympus are so much worse, skillwise and roleplay wise, than Asylum. In Asylum, cops always have to pair up in cars of two, I have seen countless officers dip their outpost solo hatchback, that in no way follows roleplay. Also, cops here are robocops, arresting and restraining asap and running around saying very little. It always feel like I have some cop that snorted fucking speed when they tase and restrain which in no way is entertaining and not fun in the roleplay aspect.

People actually get cop roles on this server for the money, people get cop on Asylum for the money and the gameplay.




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9 minutes ago, Lukeee said:

still a ratty thing to do to camp someones house for hours

What sAPD did to me by camping houses and sheds is comparible to people being able to camp HQs for cops to spawn in for them to get auto tased and robbed of over 50 cop loadouts at a time

Edited by indian
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1 minute ago, Wesly ツ said:

I have seen countless officers dip their outpost solo hatchback, that in no way follows roleplay.

cops outside main cities dont have partners... they role solo all the time unless in training.

2 minutes ago, Wesly ツ said:

Also, cops here are robocops, arresting and restraining asap and running around saying very little. It always feel like I have some cop that snorted fucking speed when they tase and restrain which in no way is entertaining and not fun in the roleplay aspect.


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