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Cops are spoon-fed

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Cops are spoon-fed bitches.


They have access to the highest lethal weaponry, strong tasers and are well-armored and geared. The server would be better if any fucking Joe Shmoe couldn't apply and become an officer. Make sure to roll with the whole continent of India if you want to get these cops to fuck off, if you kill them they just "come back as a second wave of officers."

Shit, I mean you can't even drive an armored (not armed) vehicle that you made without 5 cop cars swarming you (and then leaving you to sit for 12 minutes) while they discuss, ultimately to seize it and all your inventory inside.


No wonder there's so much turnover, best of luck to anyone who plays solo.

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5 minutes ago, Timothy said:

Make sure to roll with the whole continent of India if you want to get these cops to fuck off.

Hands down this is top three funniest cop insults.

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Hey there! If you would like to apply for the APD go to https://olympus-entertainment.com/support click that big “New Request” button. After that, go to APD Application and fill out all the information accordingly! Make sure not to lie and read up om the APD Handbook!

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8 minutes ago, Timothy said:

Shit, I mean you can't even drive an armored (not armed) vehicle that you made without 5 cop cars swarming you (and then leaving you to sit for 12 minutes) while they discuss, ultimately to seize it and all your inventory inside.

1. Your armored (not armed) vehicle is illegal.

2. Cops must wait to call a situation clear before seizing your illegal vehicle (usually around 2 minutes, not 12), this is so that if they tase you, your friends can still come fight for your vehicle. Would you rather them be able to just tase you and take it immediately?

10 minutes ago, Timothy said:

They have access to the highest lethal weaponry, strong tasers and are well-armored and geared.

Wrong. The deputy vest is called a "cardboard vest" for a reason. Your mk200 with a suppressor is way less OP than my default MX.

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I’m in tears lmao this is the content I love to see

15 minutes ago, Timothy said:

Make sure to roll with the whole continent of India


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I remember hearing you getting processed in kav HQ and almost breaking your mic because you were yelling that the cops couldn't take your gun because you Rped and said it was a BB gun. you then proceeded to scream and slur insults while threatening to report them. 


if there was ever a perfect definition for a toxic scat, you'd probably fit the bit.

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Lmao Every Joe Shmoe can become a cop but to get the “good” gear is Corp plus and that’s not easy to achieve if you are just any Joe Shmoe. Obviously I am biased towards cop and you are biased towards civ we could both argue valid points all-day long and neither of us would change our minds on our views almost like politics so I’m not even going to waste my time. But just a FYI the wave rule and waiting “12 minutes” to search/ seize is a nerf to cops.

@Timothy,  I wish you took the time to make suggestions instead of just complaining.  I’ll try and help you out here.

Since the removal of quilins, driving off road sucks.  A vehicle like the hunter which is easy to shoot out, should not be illegal.  Or maybe driving an illegal ground vehicle should not be a means for engagement, but seizable if found to be involved in criminal activity.

Cop tasers are OP, but it’s Arma and you need to accept this.  

APD wave rule is something I would like to see addressed.  I am for multiple waves.  I am NOT for endless, giant multiple waves. Let’s say you start a Fed with 5 cops online.  All of a sudden, you see 15 cops online.  This becomes ridiculous for even the best gangs out there.  Wave rule is to simulate large police forces.  But having a large police force kind of multiplies this.  I would propose that no more than 2 cops would be allowed to join an active event once started.  If more than 2 joined the event, that a wave cooldown be implemented.  The drive from air to Fed is only 15 seconds or so.  On top of this, if a deputy is doing his best to take out the bad guys, he is told by uppers to push and die. As a Medic, we are taught to value our lives.  When a deputy is forced to push, he is not valuing his life and what cop would do this.

TL:DR- The APD has opportunities that they can address.  With an entirely new sAPD and Chief, I expect to see changes and I believe @Pledge has a good enough head on his shoulders to listen to your CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.  

@ThatNerdyGuy, was there something in particular that you didn’t like about this post?  I’ve always respected how you played cop and would be curious to hear your thoughts.

1 minute ago, RDyer216 said:

@ThatNerdyGuy, was there something in particular that you didn’t like about this post?  I’ve always respected how you played cop and would be curious to hear your thoughts.

When I get home from work, I will explain fully. 

45 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

TL:DR- The APD has opportunities that they can address.  With an entirely new sAPD and Chief, I expect to see changes and I believe @Pledge has a good enough head on his shoulders to listen to your CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.  

I dont really agree with your post, and I am sure Nerdy will have a constructive response, but really any type of nerf like you suggested is just overall convoluted and unneeded. The situations Civs dont see is when cops get fucked over. Its not unfair and the unfortunate thing is not every situation will be balanced 90% of the time it is completely OP for one side, depending on who is on. Yes if there is just 1 guy he will lose thag fight 90% of the time, but like Pledge said, Federal Events are 50/50 but most of the time, if multiple seniors are on the chances are 90/10 and part of doing a fed is it just hoping that more lethals dont log.

I don’t think there is a real awnser to the “problem”. But I do think that everybody has high hopes for this weekends APD meeting Pledge will have had a week or so to address some of these types of concerns.

5 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I dont really agree with your post, and I am sure Nerdy will have a constructive response, but really any type of nerf like you suggested is just overall convoluted and unneeded. The situations Civs dont see is when cops get fucked over. Its not unfair and the unfortunate thing is not every situation will be balanced 90% of the time it is completely OP for one side, depending on who is on. Yes if there is just 1 guy he will lose thag fight 90% of the time, but like Pledge said, Federal Events are 50/50 but most of the time, if multiple seniors are on the chances are 90/10 and part of doing a fed is it just hoping that more lethals dont log.

I don’t think there is a real awnser to the “problem”. But I do think that everybody has high hopes for this weekends APD meeting Pledge will have had a week or so to address some of these types of concerns.

I don’t participate in Feds, but you can see in side how well they are going.  When the stack gets to a certain point, it’s basically guaranteed that it won’t succeed.  Again, my solution may not be the one, but it’s better than what the OP proposed.

What are your thoughts on making the hunter legal, or not probable cause(not sure proper term) for engagement.  They are slow as shit, but not a death trap like a hatchback/suv.

In the end, my post was to give an example of how the OP should have started.  It’s not a bitch fest and cry session.  It’s all about dialogue.

24 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

I don’t participate in Feds, but you can see in side how well they are going.  When the stack gets to a certain point, it’s basically guaranteed that it won’t succeed.  Again, my solution may not be the one, but it’s better than what the OP proposed.

What are your thoughts on making the hunter legal, or not probable cause(not sure proper term) for engagement.  They are slow as shit, but not a death trap like a hatchback/suv.

In the end, my post was to give an example of how the OP should have started.  It’s not a bitch fest and cry session.  It’s all about dialogue.

Personally, I wouldnt be apposed to lowering the price or maybe MAYBE decriminalizing (Rebel only but legal) Hunters. They are slow and the easiest vehicle to pit. But honestly I dont know how others would feel about that.

2 hours ago, RDyer216 said:

Since the removal of quilins, driving off road sucks.  A vehicle like the hunter which is easy to shoot out, should not be illegal.  Or maybe driving an illegal ground vehicle should not be a means for engagement, but seizable if found to be involved in criminal activity.

So I get that driving offroad sucks, but you have got to be kidding me to say that it's easy to shoot out a hunter.  The majority of APD officers have 6.5mm, not 7.62, the vehicle needs to stay illegal.  I would rather add back Quilins and Prowlers instead of making those legal.  Making driving an illegal vehicle not probable cause makes absolutely no sense at all.  

2 hours ago, RDyer216 said:

Cop tasers are OP, but it’s Arma and you need to accept this.  

Facts, Arma has a shit engine that not only runs like shit.  But doesn't allow for "realistic" adjustments for everything.

2 hours ago, RDyer216 said:

APD wave rule is something I would like to see addressed.  I am for multiple waves.  I am NOT for endless, giant multiple waves. Let’s say you start a Fed with 5 cops online.  All of a sudden, you see 15 cops online.  This becomes ridiculous for even the best gangs out there.  Wave rule is to simulate large police forces.  But having a large police force kind of multiplies this.  I would propose that no more than 2 cops would be allowed to join an active event once started.  If more than 2 joined the event, that a wave cooldown be implemented.  The drive from air to Fed is only 15 seconds or so.  On top of this, if a deputy is doing his best to take out the bad guys, he is told by uppers to push and die. As a Medic, we are taught to value our lives.  When a deputy is forced to push, he is not valuing his life and what cop would do this.

So let's just get to the point here, not even the most Civ sided person would agree with your argument of only allowing 2 cops to log on when a fed starts.  You know how hard this would be to manage?  Like, some people don't understand wave rule as it is.  Putting another set of stipulations would make something that doesn't need to be complicated, more complicated.  Let's all be honest, a Deputy isn't very likely going to be the person that swings a Federal Event in the cops favor.  Hell, most of the time, the Civ "milk" the Deputy for multiple minutes by blocking him in, not shooting at him or waiting the minute for him to defuse the bomb.  

Your mention about a cop valuing his life, so you're supposed to tell me.  That you think, a cop should value his life when going to a Federal Event when there are literally 15+ Rebels shooting at him?  If he were smart, he'd turn the fuck around and go back home because that would be valuing his life.  

46 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Personally, I wouldnt be apposed to lowering the price or maybe MAYBE decriminalizing (Rebel only but legal) Hunters. They are slow and the easiest vehicle to pit. But honestly I dont know how others would feel about that.

The hunter is an armored vehicle, if Civ's are getting armored vehicles that are legal.  I want Hunters for Corporals.

2 hours ago, RDyer216 said:

 A vehicle like the hunter which is easy to shoot out, should not be illegal


Cops don't need any nerfs imo they are fine as they are now. The only part that is a bit iffy is the fact of them able to keep coming back over and over and over again. For most well established gangs with decent players cops are not an issue, however let's say a new gang with 3-4 players is on and the cops roll up on them, they kill the cops that come, if there is nothing better to do and there is a sizable bounty among one of those players every cop and their mother is going to come. Once that happens, cops just keep coming back endlessly after they die starts to become slightly cancerous. Obviously for federal events this does not apply, I'm just talking about the average engagement.

Edited by Grim Khan

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