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APD Handbook Update 4/24/2019

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Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft

  1. The Ghosthawk

    1. Ghosthawk Patrol - Ghosthawk patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity

    2. The Ghosthawk’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt, or in an exception listed below.

    3. If giving chase to an aircraft piloted by, or containing, a suspect of a crime, the pilot is to be notified by text message 1 time to land the vehicle or be shot, and given 10 seconds to comply.

             1. Exception: You can fire upon an illegal ground vehicles (including stolen APD Hunters and Striders), if given 1 text message and 10 seconds to comply.

             2. If an aircraft is over water and receives a text from a Ghosthawk it must attempt to land at the nearest body of land. If an aircraft continues to fly out to sea it can be shot down over the water.

    4. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon by a titan, the Ghosthawk remains guns hot regardless of wave rule until the engagement has been broken for more than 5 minutes.

    5. If a Ghosthawk is stolen, and its operators utilize the guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy the stolen Ghosthawk (excluding breaking Server Rules).

             1. This clause also applies to any armed aerial vehicle.

    6. If hostile action is taken against the Ghosthawk, the APD may return fire with lethal force without sending a warning text first.

             1. This includes when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat (Example: civilian with an explosive launcher that has engaged the Ghosthawk via text or an explosive launcher clearly pointing at the Ghosthawk in a redzone).

    7. The directive to go guns hot must be given by a senior APD member inside the first ghosthawk to go guns hot.

             1. Exception: If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation any Sergeant and above may decide to use the Ghosthawk(s) guns hot provided they notify a member of the opposing force to surrender prior.

    8. Once a single Ghosthawk meets guns hot requirements, all Ghosthawks in the area of engagement may go guns hot without prior warning.

    9. For federal events only, once the prerequisite is met, the ghosthawk may respond to the federal event with GUNS HOT against all hostile robbery/jailbreak participants.

             1. The prerequisite is defined as:

                   1. The bomb blowing at a federal event. (Example: If the bomb blows on wave 5, wave 5 MUST FINISH before the Ghosthawk can come out on Wave 6)

                   2. Multiple Ghosthawks lost, with approval of Sergeant or higher.

             2.  Once rebels leave the federal event (Inner Anti-Air circle), the Ghosthawk ceases fire and resets to normal Ghosthawk rules.

    10. If a server reset occurs during an active situation and the Ghosthawk was guns hot prior to restart, the Ghosthawk may return to the situation (after restart) GUNS HOT at the rebels still at and/or fleeing the active situation.

    11. Armed Huron is treated as a Ghosthawk

Chapter XI - Illegal Areas

  1. Drug dealers, drug fields, drug processing, Federal Events* (during robbery), rebel outpost areas, Cartels/Warzone, and any other area marked with a red crosshatch are all considered illegal areas.

    1. *Federal Events are defined as: the Federal Reserve, the Federal Penitentiary (Jail), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility.
  2. Officers must announce themselves within any illegal area with code 3 (Lights and Sirens).*Texting to engage in an illegal zone is NOT ALLOWED*

    1. When using code 3 to enter an illegal area, this automatically engages all weapon-bearing civilians inside the illegal area.
  3. Officers may only patrol illegal areas every 15 minutes.
  4. Officers are not to remain in or near an illegal area if there is no apparent illegal activity.

    1. Looking into an illegal area is considered checking it.
  5. During active engagements in any illegal area, Officers are to respond in “waves”.

    1. Each wave of officers are active until all officers at the incident have been killed or neutralized.

                      1. If upon entering an illegal area and suspects are found, APD can call in backup. Backup can only enter on 1st wave as long as a member of the original group calling for backup is still on scene. If the first group is eliminated before backup arrives, then second wave begins, backup is no longer available, and normal wave rules apply.

                       2. If 1st wave backup does not arrive to the illegal area in time prior to the last death of the original group, the backup can wait at their current location (and go no further) for the 2nd wave to catch up.

                                          1. If 1st wave backup witnesses the civilians leaving the illegal area, they are authorized to engage the civilians and resume normal engagement/wave rule.

    2. All waves after the second, must start with ALL officers responding to the engagement being present in an APD HQ. Once all officers responding have returned to HQ, the next wave may begin. (Example: When the last officer dies the next wave may begin, even if the last cop that died has not respawned. The last cop that died In the first wave can still enter wave 2.)

    3. Any officers who are pulling out of responding to an incident or are retreating from the incident to start the next wave must return to a HQ before the next wave can begin.

    4. If a situation begins inside an illegal area and then moves outside the illegal area, waves are no longer required.
  6. Once an engagement within a red zone has been deemed clear by the highest ranking member present, all officers may return to the scene to clean up/provide prisoner transport.
  7. Officers may only enter Rebel outposts when:

    1. There is a Sergeant or higher in the group.

    2. At least 3 officers in the squad.

    3. The whole wave must all enter code 3, or must all enter "dark" with an intent to verbally engage. No mixing and matching.

    4. EXCEPTION: If during the process of a raid, the ranking officer is captured, that area may be raided by a corporal with intent to re-capture that officer.
  8.  Officers may only enter Cartels/Warzone when:

    1. Must follow same standards as entering a Rebel.

               1. Only Active SAPD members on the Chain of Command may raid Warzone without Probable Cause.

    2. May patrol only once every 45 minutes.

              1. Exceptions: 

              1. Reasonable suspicion that an APD member was kidnapped and taken to Cartels/Warzone.

              2. Reasonable suspicion of a suspect that you were once in active pursuit of entering a Cartel/Warzone.

    3. Received Probable Cause to enter (Such as a 911 Dispatch).

              1. 1. If you enter Warzone without a Sergeant or higher due to pursuing someone in, you must check the general area of the suspect you chased in. Once the situation is deemed clear, you are to leave. Do not check the rest of the Warzone Island. 

     4. Once APD have engaged rebel forces in a Cartel/Warzone, they may continue to raid it following standard rebel raid rules until the situation has been neutralized at that Cartel/Warzone.

    5. APD May enter Cartels/Warzone and Rebel Outposts for hostage situations.

             1. PO or higher to negotiate.

             2. Can be accompanied by other officers.

             3. Cannot return unless standard Cartel/Rebel prerequisites (mentioned above) are met.
  9. For federal event robberies/jailbreaks:

    1. No RP is required to engage rebels that are participating in a federal event. All APD are free to fire on rebels in these circumstances. If you see a rebel (Clearly participating in a federal event) you can shoot them.

    2. If in the instance there are multiple federal events going on at one time, the order of priority to respond is the Blackwater first, Federal Reserve second, and Jail last.

    3. APD are not to enter the Blackwater dome and Federal Reserve dome prior to an active robbery unless someone is trapped inside.

    4. If 5 or less APD members are online during a jail break then APD are NOT required to follow Wave Rule.

         5. APD officers are not to open the locked Federal Reserve door during an active robbery.


Chapter XIII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles

  1. APD Tools

    1. Weapons are to be carried in low-ready position when not engaged in a situation that warrants the use of the weapons.

    2. Tear gas, smoke grenades and flashbangs are to be used in tactical situations only

    3. Spike strips may be deployed on suspects utilizing ground vehicles who are attempting to evade the APD. Spike strips may be used in any situation provided they disable only suspects that the APD is actively engaged with.

    4. GPS Trackers may be used anytime, anywhere, for anything.

    5. Bolt Cutters are ONLY to be used by Patrol Officers or higher when the owner of a house is NOT online.

    6. The SDAR can be used by POs+ without approval of a Sergeant as long as the suspect is in the water or there is no other way of dealing with him (I.E. Suspect is on an unreachable roof). In other words, use it as a last resort.

              1. In all other cases, a Sergeant or higher will need to approve the use of an SDAR.
                          1. SDARs may only be authorized at the Federal Reserve and Blackwater with less than 5 minutes left on the bomb timer and a text must be sent to the gang/group participating in the event that SDARs are being authorized.

                          2. This does not mean you will be able to store an SDAR in your backpack. After you have used the SDAR, seize it.

                                          1. Exception: Exception: You may have an SDAR in your backpack during Boat Patrols and must be seized after the patrol is over.

    7. APD Officers are only authorized to use equipment available to them at their rank in the APD Shop.

    8. Bait Appliances may only be used on bait cars not intended for unmarked patrol. (No civilian or standard police vehicles) 
    9. Civilians will only be pardoned for being blindfolded during processing if they inform the officer they are blindfolded and the officer chooses to ignore them                                                                                                                                                                         
  2. Vehicles

    1. Police vehicles must be secured at all times. If an officer is expected to be away from their vehicle for a prolonged period of time, the vehicle should be impounded to prevent theft.

             1. This does not apply to active engagements or situations.

    2. Impounding any vehicle before a situation is clear is prohibited.

    3. Lights and sirens are to be used only in fulfillment of one’s duties as an officer.

    4. Officers may only utilize vehicles available to them at their current rank (Or with authorization from someone of that rank) (Thanks @Viper and @Xeltini for pointing this out)
  3. The Armed Jeep

    1. Armed Jeep Patrol - Armed Jeep patrols are conducted by Corporals and higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity. (Generally don't use for patrol against low risk interaction)

             1. Armed Jeeps will follow armed plane engagement rules.

Chapter M - Special People need Special Rules

  1. Viper and Xeltini can't do speedtraps 



Waves (and wave rule) begin when the Anti-Air is hacked at a federal event <3

  • Like 11
4 minutes ago, Pledge said:

Chapter M - Special People need Special Rules

  1. Viper and Xeltini can't do speedtraps 



2 minutes ago, Xeltini said:

Looks like we can still do speed traps @Viper


  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, JuanDeaged said:

What if the people dont hack the anti air?????:hmm:

then it is considered active when they boltcut the door or plant the charge (respectively)

18 minutes ago, Pledge said:

EXCEPTION: If during the process of a raid, the ranking officer is captured, that area may be raided by a corporal with intent to re-capture that officer.




  • Like 1
1 minute ago, an overweight giant retard said:




Cartel WZ follows rebel rules, so this would apply (says in handbook)

17 minutes ago, Pledge said:

Waves (and wave rule) begin when the Anti-Air is hacked at a federal event <3

: ) Finally kinda put in the handbook, EPIC

5 minutes ago, Pledge said:

then it is considered active when they boltcut the door or plant the charge (respectively)

I know its implied, but maybe add to the original post

16 hours ago, Pledge said:

Waves (and wave rule) begin when the Anti-Air is hacked at a federal event <3

bet some idiot tried to report me for this one, suck a fat one 

if wave rule applies then its an illegal area so shooting others civs when anti-air is hacked isn't rdm 

Edited by Jeffer Jeff
Just now, Zakaloko said:

I might be dumb but what are Speed traps? @Pledge

You don't want to know

17 minutes ago, Pledge said:

You don't want to know

But I wanna know !

So basically if you code 3 and I point an RPG at you then your guns hot? Because for RPG I don't need to txt engage I can shoot once you code 3

28 minutes ago, MAV said:

So basically if you code 3 and I point an RPG at you then your guns hot? Because for RPG I don't need to txt engage I can shoot once you code 3

Appears so :/

55 minutes ago, MAV said:

So basically if you code 3 and I point an RPG at you then your guns hot? Because for RPG I don't need to txt engage I can shoot once you code 3

Glad you saw the same thing.  I kept thinking it was “titan clarification” but doesn’t appear so.

6 minutes ago, Xeltini said:

When you sit on the msr somewhere waiting for speeders while playing brawl stars on your phone to serve and protect the Altos community.

Oh that actually sounds promising.  What are the requirements?

1 hour ago, MAV said:

So basically if you code 3 and I point an RPG at you then your guns hot? Because for RPG I don't need to txt engage I can shoot once you code 3

Yes. That is what this means. But again, has to be clear (not just sliding past the hawk as you turn around). But if you pull out an RPG and stare down my ghosthawk you will be shot.

16 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

Oh that actually sounds promising.  What are the requirements?

To not be xeltini or viper. Its actually quite encouraged by senior apd however, due to having to balance factions me and viper are being forced to not run them as civilians could not operate while our speed traps were in place. 

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  • Owner
18 hours ago, Zakaloko said:

I might be dumb but what are Speed traps? @Pledge


18 hours ago, Pledge said:

You don't want to know

Ask @Viper and @Xeltini they are pros!

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