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PSA - PLEASE READ - hacked cash/hacking etc.

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@MAV will medic revives be comped? Not the money but the revive counter itself. Can't find if this has been answered. Want to know if it is possible

if you have relative proof (such as a screenshot) of the revives you have, you can put in a comp tkt to have that manually updated. (easiest solution, each time you get off until roll back, take a screenshot in the Y menu)

@MAV My friend @Midnight Dream was recently banned because our gang mate (who is like 13-14 btw) thought it would be funny to put 11 million in hacked money into the gang funds.  The 3ic of the gang pulled this money out, not knowing it was hacked money, and ended up getting banned for 3-7 days for it (I can't recall).  @Midnight Dream was permanently banned from the server just because he was the gang leader, even though he had nothing to do with the hacked money and we have since exiled the gang member because he was a dumbass.


Is there any way he could sumbit a ban appeal and get unbanned?  Or is he fucked?

Just now, J.Glenn said:

@MAV My friend @Midnight Dream was recently banned because our gang mate (who is like 13-14 btw) thought it would be funny to put 11 million in hacked money into the gang funds.  The 3ic of the gang pulled this money out, not knowing it was hacked money, and ended up getting banned for 3-7 days for it (I can't recall).  @Midnight Dream was permanently banned from the server even though he had nothing to do with the hacked money and we have since exiled the gang member because he was a dumbass.


Is there any way he could sumbit a ban appeal and get unbanned?  Or is he fucked?

Yes he can submit a ban appeal at


Just now, NokiaStrong said:

Yes he can submit a ban appeal at


@MAV @NokiaStrong I know, I'm asking if regarding the specific circumstances there is a chance that he could be unbanned.


I don't know what the policy is on banning an entire gang due to hacked funds, because I personally haven't experienced it and I didn't want to touch that hacked money even with a 10 foot pole.


Because FUCK hacked money

4 minutes ago, J.Glenn said:

I know, I'm asking if regarding the specific circumstances there is a chance that he could be unbanned.


I don't know what the policy is on banning an entire gang due to hacked funds, because I personally haven't experienced it and I didn't touch that hacked money with a 10 foot pole.

Very likely if he didn’t know and is honest

but I’m not staff and it’s up to them

1 hour ago, Squeezy said:

Hope u keep that 21k from gangshed raids ;)

what about the tazers i seized ;)


On 4/29/2019 at 1:08 PM, MAV said:

Hi all,

First, I would like to thank each and every community member that has stuck with us through these dark times. Hackers unfortunately ruin the fun for each and every one of us. Ruins it for staff and especially ruins it for you, the community. You have to remember, our goal is to keep the player base as happy and fair as possible, which leads us to make some difficult decisions.

So on to the point of this post.

Hacked Cash

We are well aware the cash that was 'hacked in' has transferred so many hands at the point that tracking it would be a process that could take weeks. So Staff has decided we are going to have to roll back the servers to 4/26/2019 00:00 (or a time around then). This decision was a difficult one to make, but its for the betterment of the community. Unfortunately, some of the community members are to blame for this need by trying to 'beat the system' and launder the cash. If everyone followed the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) below we wouldn't have to do this, we could easily remove the cash and move on.

Before you pick up your torches and pickaxes and march down the streets of Kavala, there is a silver lining. In instances like these, all logs are preserved, so if you did 10 mil in runs over the last few days or got 40 Warpoints from fighting cartels, etc., you can submit a comp request to get this stuff back. Provide as much detail of the day and estimated time as you can and we will correlate with logs! This may take some time as we will get RAPED with comp requests, so be patient and we won't forget about you :) . FALSE COMP REQUESTS BEWARE, WE WILL COMP BAN YOU IF YOU TRY. (this means you won't be able to ask for comp for anything because you wasted our time by lying)

Moving forward, @destruct made a great post on what to do if you get hacked cash here:

The TL;DR of the post is, don't spend more money then you actually have and submit a comp request to get the money removed. (don't go out and buy 4 jets, 20 ifrits and 10 HEMMT's when you have 2 mil of earned cash, you will catch a ban because you know what you are doing is wrong. If you are given cash and want to know if its hacked, submit a general inquiry.

What is Olympus doing?

We have a few options on how to do this stuff. The dev team is working hard to write anti-cheats to stop these hacks and better detect it when it happens in the future. We are close to a solution and the rollback will happen when a solution is implemented (no point in rolling back if the hackers will just do it again). We also have other architecture based solutions that will take longer to implement that we are looking into which should help stop cheats / hacks which would ordinarily slip past the anti-cheat from working. We will update on this when there are more details to update.

The ear rape hack is a Arma thing and Bohimia should have fixed it in this update (i have not checked patch notes yet) So hopefully our ears can be safe!

How can the community help?

The best and most effective thing is to play honest (not abuse hacked items) and stay patient. We haven't shut the servers down because we plan on a roll back, so it doesn't matter what you do, it'll all be gone. But, just because we are rolling back, doesn't mean you are allowed to abuse the stuff the hackers gave you. Remember that.

Another thing is to report any suspicious activity. Make a post in game or go to the TS support room and someone from support can Ping a staff member to assist. The fast we know, the faster we can remove the hacked cash and ban the account doing the exploit!

TL;DR (for you lazy folks)

  • Rollback will happen and will rollback to about 04/26/2019 00:00:00 EST
    • Submit comp requests for money/items/WP you from then to now LEGITIMATELY. (winning a 50 mil bet against someone with hacked cash will not be comped)
    • Do not put in False Comps or you will be Comp Banned
  • Follow @destruct post on what to do if you get hacked cash. (generally don't spend more money then you legit have and submit comp request to get hacked amount removed)
  • Olympus is working on fixes for the issues and will have one soon, so stay tuned
  • Report suspicious activity and don't abuse hacked cash (this is what causes us to have to roll back)
  • STAFF <3 Community


I am leaving replies open for now so any questions you may have can be answered by staff (within reason)


Only money generated by the server will be comped... If you robbed someone for 50mil, prob not legit and won't be comped, also all bets from rollback to now will not be comped since you cant be sure where the money came from that was bet (sorry).. (just bet it all away again :) 

These things can be comped (including but not limited to):
- Warpoints
- Runs money (also robbing/seizing runs)
- Cop arrests
- Medic Revives
- Vigi arrests (both arrest # and money)
- etc.

What will happend to the money i got from cartels this Sunday and Monday? i got proper evidence of the money i got from them into my gang funds.

2 minutes ago, Strae said:

what about the tazers i seized ;)


Lol? I didn't think we had any tasers in there, but next time make sure to double check ur seizes :P U missed out.

18 hours ago, Eggman said:

I appreciate the concern, but from the people that run the servers (many of whom have years of experience on staff), we're asking that to maintain the balanced aspect of our servers, you trust that this is the only feasible option that we are granted in our current situation. No one is happy that a few inbred fucks got salty that we don't want cheaters on our server and decided to pull this shit.

WOW Nelly this seems like it touched a nerve bet youre excited to see whats coming :D 



3 minutes ago, Bezzy said:

WOW Nelly this seems like it touched a nerve bet youre excited to see whats coming :D 



No emotion, just facts :)

2 minutes ago, Eggman said:

No emotion, just facts :)

Im a queer :hmm:

I can join the server and make you go through logs for hours with 3 left button clicks so if that makes me a queer then IM A FUCKING QUEER :D 

13 hours ago, Jesse said:


If this happens I'll retire from hacking on Olympus

Crazy to think what a $1 transaction can do

Not sure if this has been addressed directly. I know they stated that medic times and revives will be comped with evidence but will the money for the revives be comped as well? I’ve seen some segueing it shouldn’t due to an increase in pvp activity due to hacked funds. Basically when you say revives will be comped is that saying the 17,500 per revive will be comped to the medic or is that saying that just the stat will be comped to the medic?

what day will the roleback happen? not the day it is going back to but when  it goes into effect

@Ryan @destruct @Eggman @TheCmdrRex please answer me when you have the time because i know you all are very busy and thanks have a good day 

11 minutes ago, EVAN95464 said:

what day will the roleback happen? not the day it is going back to but when  it goes into effect

Probably by the end of today or tomorow I think.

10 minutes ago, EVAN95464 said:

what day will the roleback happen? not the day it is going back to but when  it goes into effect

@Ryan @destruct @Eggman @TheCmdrRex please answer me when you have the time because i know you all are very busy and thanks have a good day 

When the update is out, we will roll back, dont have an exact eta, but soon

  • Owner
12 minutes ago, EVAN95464 said:

what day will the roleback happen? not the day it is going back to but when  it goes into effect

@Ryan @destruct @Eggman @TheCmdrRex please answer me when you have the time because i know you all are very busy and thanks have a good day 

It has been said multiple times we don’t have an exact time or date. Asking us constantly won’t change our answer. 

@Eggmanthanks for the quick reponse

Just now, Ryan said:

It has been said multiple times we don’t have an exact time or date. Asking us constantly won’t change our answer. 

ok sorry didn't mean to repeat a question that has been asked didn't see that 

If only it were only 200 war points. I got 1.4 billion war points. I heard that there was going to be a rollback so I didnt feel too bad about abusing the money. I turned the points into money and bought jets and crashed them into buildngs.

3 minutes ago, Tyler102 said:

Does it matter if I buy stuff with hacked money since the server will rollback anyways?

Read the fucking post. No you wont get in trouble...

4 hours ago, Strae said:

what about the tazers i seized ;)


What about all the people in restraints i killed... wait a minute

I see when you guys will roll back to but when is the roll back going to happen... can’t really play it’s a mute point. Didn’t feel like reading every single meme on this post so are we waiting on a update for the roll back or we just standing by to stand by. The one week I have away from my girl the servers are fucked mans. JW 

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