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APD Handbook Update 5/5/2019 V2.0

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Wait patrol officers have scroll wheel lethals? Or am I just dumb and don't understand this.


Do I even need to try to speak to you again or you just gonna tell me to talk to pledge when nothing is gonna get resolved.


4 minutes ago, DeadPool said:


Do I even need to try to speak to you again or you just gonna tell me to talk to pledge when nothing is gonna get resolved.


You havent even tried talking to me.


Besides a single TS question about the gray area I just got rid of

3 minutes ago, Pledge said:

You havent even tried talking to me.


Besides a single TS question about the gray area I just got rid of

I know I havent talked to you. I already know the outcome.

you literally just made the rule change even worse.

You went from sdars only to all APD normal wepaons to lethal at a Srs opinion. Which means Lethal all the time. 

BTW only one federal event got changed map wise but you went ahead and said fuck it and made the rule apply to both. Which makes 0 sense.

The community Donated towards this donation goal to buff the federal events so we can enjoy them. APD can enjoy them too if you actually cared to try in one instead of pushing in Qaud bikes and fucking around.

Peter allowed the APD to have lethals for everyone in Any means only not for federal events. He even said if he went out of that it would be removed for abuse.

You have absolutely no understand of balance at all if you think allowing every single fucking cop be lethals is ok.

@Ares are you gonna allow the APD to have every single cop lethal over 3 deer stands that was approved at a staff meeting and publically known for months.

2 minutes ago, DeadPool said:

I know I havent talked to you. I already know the outcome.

you literally just made the rule change even worse.

You went from sdars only to all APD normal wepaons to lethal at a Srs opinion. Which means Lethal all the time. 

BTW only one federal event got changed map wise but you went ahead and said fuck it and made the rule apply to both. Which makes 0 sense.

The community Donated towards this donation goal to buff the federal events so we can enjoy them. APD can enjoy them too if you actually cared to try in one instead of pushing in Qaud bikes and fucking around.

Peter allowed the APD to have lethals for everyone in Any means only not for federal events. He even said if he went out of that it would be removed for abuse.

You have absolutely no understand of balance at all if you think allowing every single fucking cop be lethals is ok.

@Ares are you gonna allow the APD to have every single cop lethal over 3 deer stands that was approved at a staff meeting and publically known for months.



To quote you:

"So please Read what I post before you come at my neck with a stupid comment again."

This is for PO and up, so not the deputies you like to milk so much.

Secondly, when you have 30 people all rocking tier 5 vests that you basically all got for free after winning 10 blackwaters in a row in 48 hours, its pretty hard to win. And I hardly call digging up something that was approved ALMOST HALF A YEAR AGO as things being known.



As stated this is temporary, and will be undone when the balance is returned. Which after I pointed out your sneaky update not in changelogs it was made clear to me that the balance would be fixed VERY QUICKLY. So hopefully you don't have to wait too long. 


I also enjoy how you are complaining about this without it being used even once so far. Never abused, never missused, never even thought about, and you already argue like we are going to destroy the world with our crazy abuse.

  • Like 3
1 minute ago, Pledge said:

This is for PO and up, so not the deputies you like to milk so much.

So typically the majority of people in a fed.

1 minute ago, Pledge said:

=Secondly, when you have 30 people all rocking tier 5 vests that you basically all got for free after winning 10 blackwaters in a row in 48 hours, its pretty hard to win. 

We're simply taking the apd advice to heart, you guys always say to get more people and we do. It wouldn't be a free BW if your apd would stop troll pushing and using the tools that seniors have at their disposal.

3 minutes ago, Pledge said:

Which after I pointed out your sneaky update not in changelogs

AGAIN, it was brought up during a staff meeting and was approved by the necessary powers.

4 minutes ago, Pledge said:

I also enjoy how you are complaining about this without it being used even once so far. Never abused, never missused, never even thought about, and you already argue like we are going to destroy the world with our crazy abuse.

That's because this is pretty much the old SDAR system which was evidently abused and was changed as a result. No doubt this is going to be abused just like how SDAR's were

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Pledge said:

This is for PO and up, so not the deputies you like to milk so much

So basically everyone at a fed

3 minutes ago, Pledge said:

so not the deputies you like to milk so much.

Have one of your (8?) FTOs teach deps to always stock up on FAKS. It's literally not hard.

4 minutes ago, Pledge said:

Secondly, when you have 30 people all rocking tier 5 vests that you basically all got for free after winning 10 blackwaters in a row in 48 hours, its pretty hard to win. And I hardly call digging up something that

The APD gave us those for free because they didn't try. 


ok we literally talked about this in TS and you assured me you would fix it, not make it worse..

the big issue I had was that seniors would authorize PO lethals because they think they're "heavily outnumbered" when really it's only a 10v18 or somewhere around there and they misjudged the numbers.. now you completely removed the heavily outnumbered part and made it so they can authorize them at their own discretion, even if they're not heavily outnumbered, like homie that's not what you made it sound like when we were talking

not to mention you think every person doing a federal event has a T5 vest on when that's nowhere even close to being true


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  • Lead Map Designer
20 minutes ago, DeadPool said:

APD can enjoy them too if you actually cared to try in one instead of pushing in Qaud bikes and fucking around.


9 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

It wouldn't be a free BW if your apd would stop troll pushing and using the tools that seniors have at their disposal.

What do you suggest we push in then?  Ghosthawks?  Hunters?  Striders?  Then you complain about them?  

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  • Lead Map Designer
Just now, Bloodmoon said:

Do you not see a trend here? We complain when they are abused buddy.

Has the new fed lethal system been abused, buddy?

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Zeuse said:

What do you suggest we push in then?  Ghosthawks?  Hunters?  Striders?  Then you complain about them?  

you guys already push in Hunters and Striders and get wiped

not to mention in the TWO times a Ghosthawk was pulled, one of the times the sAPD member just flew it right into the hacked AA and killed himself

just because you're not using what you have available PROPERLY doesn't mean you should give yourself more options

  • Lead Map Designer
Just now, Bloodmoon said:

Haven't done a fed yet because there's no point in doing one when seniors masslog like 18 lethals on, retard.

But you just said you complain once they get abused.  If they have not been abused, why are you complaining, what could the problem possibly be?

  • Like 1
Just now, Zeuse said:

But you just said you complain once they get abused.  If they have not been abused, why are you complaining, what could the problem possibly be?


16 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

That's because this is pretty much the old SDAR system which was evidently abused and was changed as a result. No doubt this is going to be abused just like how SDAR's were


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  • Lead Map Designer
1 minute ago, Civak said:

Just because you're not using what you have available PROPERLY doesn't mean you should give yourself more options

But if we do use them properly then it is deemed as abusing them as bloodmoon said.

1 minute ago, Bloodmoon said:



Pretty much and is are two different things.

2 minutes ago, Zeuse said:

But if we do use them properly then it is deemed as abusing them as bloodmoon said.

there are no public guidelines as to what constitutes them being "used properly" since they were literally changed to "at a senior's discretion"

I don't see why you just merge some rules together eg. make it so that once 5 mins left to the federal event you can authorise lethals rather than at a SENIORS discretion it is 5 mins till the bomb blows and it gets a few waves in.

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  • Owner
3 minutes ago, rabeed said:

@Vis Brings his hunters all the time just ask @Ryan

Can confirm I have blown up every damn hunter to pieces ;) Thanks @Vis for allowing me to waste my warpoints somehow! :wub:

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Zeuse said:

But if we do use them properly then it is deemed as abusing them as bloodmoon said.

Pretty much and is are two different things.

Here, let me make it go through your thick skull, this is the EXACT system as the old SDAR rule. Like, you're literally retarded, stop putting words in my mouth, pulling 6 hawks for a 13 man fed is abuse, 15 hunters for a 20 man fed is abuse. 

  • Like 2
  • Lead Map Designer
1 minute ago, Civak said:

there are no public guidelines as to what constitutes them being "used properly" since they were literally changed to "at a senior's discretion"

There are many things which are not public, in reality though the new lethal system probably won't be used much and if it is and is abused, then there will obviously be a change whether it does come from sAPD or staff themselves. 

Point being you're all complaining about something that's been out for a few hours saying it will be abused when in reality you don't know it will.  Sure, it might be similar to the old SDAR system, but it's not the same.  Some suggestions have been to properly use the sAPD tools (ghs hunters striders), but if we do use them, you complain about them and say we abuse those too.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Zeuse said:

 Sure, it might be similar to the old SDAR system, but it's not the same.  Some suggestions have been to properly use the sAPD tools (ghs hunters striders), but if we do use them, you complain about them and say we abuse those too.

You're retarded. Your forums account was made in june 2018 you have no clue what the old SDAR rule was. I don't see anyone relevent complaining about tools that are properly used and not abused. Take sapd dick out of your mouth and stop talking about stuff you're clueless about, this isn't the way to get FTO.

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