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Clark's Laws of Olympus

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  • #1 - You are not Superman. Do not think you can "do it alone" because you can't.
  • #2 - If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid. Get the job done...that's all that is important. Performance over appearance. 
  • #3 - Don't look conspicuous - it draws fire. The bigger target/threat you pose the Enemy, the more you risk being targeted.
  • #4 - When in doubt, empty your magazine. If you think a situation is going "SOUTH" (bad), do what you have to do to be safe.
  • #5 - Never share cover with anyone braver than you are. If you're "stuck" with someone braver than you...you'll be sucked into the Enemy's wrath.
  • #6 - Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder. Be prepared for Plan "B" because if something can break in combat, it will...
  • #7 - If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush. Be wary of an "easy" fight as it might be the Enemy luring your into a trap.
  • #8 - No plan survives the first contact intact. Military planning is important, but so are simple words on paper. Executing those words are much harder to do...
  • #9 - All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds. Expect the unexpected. If things can go wrong...they will.
  • #10 - Try to look unimportant because the bad guys may be low on ammo. The higher priority target you present, the higher priority target YOU become.
  • #11 - The simple things are always hard. Do NOT flip tank.
  • #12 - If the Enemy is in range, "SO ARE YOU!!!". Once you have "eyes" on the Enemy...so do they ! !
  • #13 - Beer math is: 2 beers times 37 men = 49 cases. This helps remind us of the importance of planning supplies correctly.
  • #14 - Body count math is: two guerrillas plus one portable plus two pigs = 37 Enemy killed in action. I have no idea what this means...
  • #15 - Anything can get you shot - including doing nothing. Remember to always improve your current situation, remaining static may not help you.
  • #16 - Tracers work both ways. Tracers and IR lasers help you sight -in the Enemy AND yourself...





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  • Clown 1
5 hours ago, Superman said:
  • #1 - You are not Superman. Do not think you can "do it alone" because you can't.
  • #2 - If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid. Get the job done...that's all that is important. Performance over appearance. 
  • #3 - Don't look conspicuous - it draws fire. The bigger target/threat you pose the Enemy, the more you risk being targeted.
  • #4 - When in doubt, empty your magazine. If you think a situation is going "SOUTH" (bad), do what you have to do to be safe.
  • #5 - Never share cover with anyone braver than you are. If you're "stuck" with someone braver than you...you'll be sucked into the Enemy's wrath.
  • #6 - Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder. Be prepared for Plan "B" because if something can break in combat, it will...
  • #7 - If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush. Be wary of an "easy" fight as it might be the Enemy luring your into a trap.
  • #8 - No plan survives the first contact intact. Military planning is important, but so are simple words on paper. Executing those words are much harder to do...
  • #9 - All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds. Expect the unexpected. If things can go wrong...they will.
  • #10 - Try to look unimportant because the bad guys may be low on ammo. The higher priority target you present, the higher priority target YOU become.
  • #11 - The simple things are always hard. Do NOT flip tank.
  • #12 - If the Enemy is in range, "SO ARE YOU!!!". Once you have "eyes" on the Enemy...so do they ! !
  • #13 - Beer math is: 2 beers times 37 men = 49 cases. This helps remind us of the importance of planning supplies correctly.
  • #14 - Body count math is: two guerrillas plus one portable plus two pigs = 37 Enemy killed in action. I have no idea what this means...
  • #15 - Anything can get you shot - including doing nothing. Remember to always improve your current situation, remaining static may not help you.
  • #16 - Tracers work both ways. Tracers and IR lasers help you sight -in the Enemy AND yourself...





You literally copied this off iFunny.

  • Clown 1
12 hours ago, Superman said:

You use iFunny? LMAOOO


I actually got this off of a Steam Guide 😅

Lol I saw this on i funny yesterday 

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