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Deep Dark Secrets Of SAPD

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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't exactly know the in and outs of what happened. But when I left I was forced stepped down. I was willing to make both Staff and APD work and I asked if I could go on LOA to figure stuff out because I also just started working my "first actual job" and they wouldn't allow me to. I wasn't the best LT but really wanted to stay to make it work. I was told if I left I was guarantee perm LT and if I stayed and went "inactive again" I would get nothing. In the end you will miss playing cop and interacting with some people but its less of a headache for urself. Enjoy the retirement my man and HMU on snap anytime if you wanna talk.

Don't get me wrong @ Winters  has done a lot for the APD since becoming Chief and I think every Sr that was/is under him can agree with me. But @ Winters  its time to hang it up.

Retire the jersey in the rafters for this man

Just saying we should have made @ ThatNerdyGuy  Chief when we had the chance.

On 5/1/2023 at 7:55 PM, Grandma Gary said:


For the record that would be @Senior APD Member.   If the majority of them feel the current Chief ain't up to task it's on them to do something.

"There will never be another coup as long as I am owner" from @ Ryan himself

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1 hour ago, Hurricane said:

 I was told if I left I was guarantee perm LT and if I stayed and went "inactive again" I would get nothing.

Hola [VX] Hurricane 🧡 

This tactic has been used a lot unfortunately. Even before Winters. You have a sr you don’t think deserves the spot anymore and you essentially bribe them to gtfo. It’s a shady practice and not something I liked as chief. I don’t know the full situation of you stepping down, but if there wasn’t some major mess ups, then you shouldn’t be bribed. But, outside looking in perspective. I know damn well how under wraps we try to keep Sr APD information in terms of removals of srs. But I never liked the idea of bribing. Either you’re not fit or you are. If you’re not, follow disciplinary protocol. Perm spots should be reserved for those leaving in good standing. Not as a bribing tool. 

1 hour ago, Hurricane said:

There will never be another coup as long as I am owner" from @ Ryan himself

I don’t like this either. No chief should ever feel untouchable. I was sr admin and chief and obviously it would have been tough to coup me if I didn’t leave as soon as I did, but the facts should be if there’s a high percentage of seniors who feel they’re being mislead, then they should be able to have some way to determine if their leader is unfit or not. I haven’t been here in a long time so I can’t and won’t bad mouth winters based off of forum posts. But if he’s causing that much turmoil, there should be a method that doesn’t involve just waiting until he leaves. 

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If most of the current sAPD felt the same way as most people in this post, Winters wouldn't be chief anymore. Or maybe they don't have the balls to do it, who knows?

But maybe the current seniors are not as close to each other as groups in the past.

Always some good ole APD drama though.


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Honestly winters is a cool dude.  Really chill, fun to play with... but if he isn't doing the job, he isn't doing the job. This aint personal.. it's all about the health of olympus and the APD faction so they have the morale to keep on going.  Things have been amazing with apd population 24 hours a day now.. and going back to the cop drought that lasted like 2 years is just not acceptable.. and without active leadership, it's unavoidable. 

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Just coup the English bastard. He offers nothing to the table; a monkey with a yes or no button would be a better chief than @ Winters . He would probably figure out how to click the play button when logging in. Bros "work" consists of "communicating" with his subordinates.. That would likely get along just fine without his communication because someone would step up and do that little effort. 

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On 6/3/2023 at 3:07 AM, Panda 🙂 said:

Seniors stopped being close after our “class” of seniors left hasn’t been the same since and probably never will be.

As retarded as the groups were those were the best times of the srAPD and the APD as a hole on GOD 💯

Also ❤️ @ Panda :)

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On 6/2/2023 at 9:23 AM, Hurricane said:

"There will never be another coup as long as I am owner" from @ Ryan himself

This guy made up a quote thinking I wont see this smh never said that

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  • 3 months later...
21 minutes ago, Linka said:

The best part of this entire thread is NOTHING has changed lol 

@ Winters  step up loser if you dont like the game anymore LEAVE

Crazy how mf hasnt been removed either 

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3 hours ago, Linka said:

The best part of this entire thread is NOTHING has changed lol 

@ Winters  step up loser if you dont like the game anymore LEAVE


poor lad getting brain washed rn

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