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APD State of Affairs from an External View

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14 hours ago, Space Ranger said:

@ nicole you've found the reason yourself, Same exact reason Brandyn isnt captain when he damn well should be. He should honestly have your position

You actually dribble don't you spazzy boy

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If 9/10 people on the APD have never met the chief, the APD is broken and needs to be fixed.  

29 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

If 9/10 people on the APD have never met the chief, the APD is broken and needs to be fixed.  

ahahahah if that, 99.5% probably haven't. He did almost a calendar year without touching the game whilst I was on civ council and he still had a massive say on the server.

Its a joke.

How much turmoil has to go through the APD for you guys to realize @ Winters  does not give a single fuck about any of you? If he cared he wouldn’t hide behind a curtain. If he cared he would have policies to instill a sense of transparency. If he cared he would actually take the time to reply to misunderstandings/frustration with SAPD.

These discussions will never have an impact on the APD in any capacity because he simply doesn’t give a fuck. Any of you dep chiefs or other sapd can flap your gums all day about how he’s a great leader, it’s not impressive. When/If @ Winters takes the time to give the impression he actually cares about the community and opinions within it, I expect to see a positive impact. Until then, him and all of you can expect this turmoil to continue.

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3 minutes ago, Keeper Of The Sheets said:


homeboy hasnt logged on is so long he dont even know he aint whitelisted

Lmao he whitelists himself as a lower ranking APD and changes his name so no one knows it’s him

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Just now, Tyrone Jefferson said:

Lmao he whitelists himself as a lower ranking APD and changes his name so no one knows it’s him

ive only seen 3 people hide who they were and lets be honest folks they were all gay we have figured it out a gay uk chief is a ticking tom bomb #nomorecrookedteeth

10 minutes ago, Tyrone Jefferson said:

How much turmoil has to go through the APD for you guys to realize @ Winters  does not give a single fuck about any of you? If he cared he wouldn’t hide behind a curtain. If he cared he would have policies to instill a sense of transparency. If he cared he would actually take the time to reply to misunderstandings/frustration with SAPD.

These discussions will never have an impact on the APD in any capacity because he simply doesn’t give a fuck. Any of you dep chiefs or other sapd can flap your gums all day about how he’s a great leader, it’s not impressive. When/If @ Winters takes the time to give the impression he actually cares about the community and opinions within it, I expect to see a positive impact. Until then, him and all of you can expect this turmoil to continue.

I mean look at this fucking forums post for example. An admin made post criticizing the APD for having imbalance with TEN FUCKING PAGES OF REPLIES. Does @ Winters  reply acknowledging a single concern brought up? Nope. He’d rather stick to his private group chat on Snapchat and keep everything behind closed doors because god forbid we have a little transparency. 

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  • Skull 1

It's pathetic when you have lieutenants robocopping people with a 300k bounty, especially when the detained person is being ok and trying to RP. When the lieutenant says "I always seize all guns, everytime with no questions asked no matter what", that gives a horseshit vibe.

22 minutes ago, Garth Flanders said:

It's pathetic when you have lieutenants robocopping people with a 300k bounty, especially when the detained person is being ok and trying to RP. When the lieutenant says "I always seize all guns, everytime with no questions asked no matter what", that gives a horseshit vibe.

I blame the parents of these tortured souls.

  • Admin
5 hours ago, Tyrone Jefferson said:

I mean look at this fucking forums post for example. An admin made post criticizing the APD for having imbalance with TEN FUCKING PAGES OF REPLIES. Does @ Winters  reply acknowledging a single concern brought up? Nope. He’d rather stick to his private group chat on Snapchat and keep everything behind closed doors because god forbid we have a little transparency. 

Best comment in this post 💯

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When it comes to @ King , being honest, my experience with him was limited.  I think he's a little too lax about the rules, and chain of command, but also, he at the very least plays with everyone.  He included and involved everyone.  That's worlds better than what @ Winters does.

When it comes to @ Rexo , he is the same.  He actively engages with the apd as a whole, and his only weakness tbh, is loyalty and defending winters regardless of his inaction.

When it comes to @ CaloomClark ,  and I know I keep bringing him up,  my time on the APD he did more leading than anyone I know during high pop times.  He followed the handbook to the letter at every single given situation.  He was polite to people who were not being polite to him (myself included, I had a grudge) and showed a level of professionalism above and beyond my expectations and won me over.  

Make @ Rexo  chief, make @ CaloomClark  and @ King  Dep Chiefs, and be done with it.  Half the time shit like this comes up, it's always 'yeah but he's the best we got' but that's not the situation here.  APD is completely stacked full of people more capable and qualified to do the job, and none of them are ever promoted because... some guy that used to play on the server apparently has the position for life. 

On 1/31/2024 at 11:57 PM, ThatNerdyGuy said:


 At the end of the day I just want the same APD that I spent a considerable amount of time in to, to be a fair and enjoyable place for all that want to play. Remove the cliques and friend groups that dominate the hierarchy, the nepotism is what kills this server for everyone other than those wanting to join that friend group. 


TLDR there are seemingly vast issues with the top of the Senior APD Chain of Command with a lack of transparency and accountability. 

Im not going to disagree with you on this post. But the SR APD was never good. Dont act like it was better when you were there. Even if it was a tiny bit better shit and bad still equals BAD. 

"to be a fair and enjoyable place for all that want to play" again as much as im sure you all wanted that it never was so stop acting like it. Its always been dominated by friend groups. For SAPD you are either friends with them or suck a lot of dick to get there. And if you want to say that you want transparency, fairness and accountability. Lets not forget when you were Dep chef you let people who break the APD and server rules several times, get a promotion next week. Because apparently "things can change" and a few wrong we can let slip by. Then you will go and demote and blacklist people who called someone "brain dead" on their live stream. Because " there is a right and wrong time to say things" "It matters who you say it to not what you say". So someone didnt like someone got butthurt. Insta demotion. Meanwhile we have high ranking community members telling people to KYS.


Not gonna go on a huge rant here but all im saying is SAPD is chalked ur not wrong @ ThatNerdyGuy  but you have no right to say it was any better when you were on it. Just be real for a second. It was always trash and will probably be bad for the remainder of Olympus.

On 2/1/2024 at 11:57 AM, Lucien said:

Regardless of potential interpretation, the rule still says x may do y with no further stipulations. I am a strong believer in rules being enforced as they are written rather than interpreted, especially by something like this where all that needed to be done is add “to balance the event” to the end of that rule if that is the only way Winters wants that enforced.

Personally in my experience of playing cop on Arma in general I much rather Asylums method of the rules/handbooks being explicit on what is permitted and not permitted (or at least it was like that when I played), this benefits both faction members and civs as you don’t need to know all the unwritten rules to properly defend yourself in an IA or take tests, etc.

W take. The only issue is the entirety of APD is based on "interpretations". I really wish it was black and white but even the handbook is so wonky. Some of the civ rules are even messed up were you can abuse it so as long as the admin watching your case sees to it. 

Another thing that APD has a problem with is balancing. Since the server started doing meetings with CC SAPD and Medic. Balancing the APD means buff and give gear when they are simply outskilled. Just because you suck and you lack the leadership and skill to win situations doesn't mean a faction should be buffed.

If we had the 20 best players all just spam fed and got the win rate to 80% plus all the SAPD would be crying for some buff to "help them balance" the factions. In reality they should be thinking about how to improve their own skills, and leadership qualities. If you cant improve without changing rules in your favor or giving OP gear you shouldnt be in those SR roles.

If they fed someone did go up to 80% win rate i bet the SAPD would have every cop lethals loaded after second wave, all SAPD have pilots and tier 5, with hawks in the air perma. and if they lost they would still cry that APD isnt broken

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In an honest retrospective: @ King  is a total idiot and should’ve been demoted for other things he’s done like his poor RP standards or how he speaks to people or how ban happy he is

But what he did to be demoted? Tell people not to respond to a toxic BW? Fuck off. They’ve only done this cause the idiots who were doing the BW got pissy and sad that they couldn’t ruin around an hour of people’s lives by wildly overstacking and being toxic with tasers etc. He’s within his rights to tell people not to respond.

@ nicole

You are useless as an sAPD member and I dislike you on a personal level because you’re a holier-than-thou arsehole who is the first one to throw a tantrum for any abuse or poor behaviour but also the first one to be a toxic person to everyone. I remember when you came into a cop channel when we were chilling shouting at someone for some minor incident, then left, the person called you names, someone in the channel told you, then you came down simultaneously saying how unacceptable it was, and calling that person every name under the sun.

90% of the senior APD is just a friends group who kiss each others arses and suck each other off. @ Winters  is not useless contrary to popular belief but he is functionally poor operating, and with the activity expectations of a Chief I honestly think him and @ Rexo  should swap places. I’d be more than happy for winters to remain advisory to someone who is more than competent (please notice the wording here!)

While I’m here with diarrhoea I’ll also add: what’s the point in having so much secrecy and cloak and dagger shit on a dying arma 3 server? At this point it’s more than obvious it’s going down the toilet, circling the drain like the liquid fire coming out of my rear end. Be open and transparent with the community about decisions made. I personally would LOVE a senior APD post on the forums weekly with every cop that was removed, and the basic reasons why, or the publishing of each IA, anonymised if no action taken, saying what happened, and why the action that was taken happened, and who by. Not only for the drama hounds, but also to show how active the SAPD actually are. It would be impossible to say that Winters is lazy or Nicole is a lazy heifer if you had the proof and evidence right in front of you in a weekly thread.


  • BlessUp 1

Holy shit, Im only on page 5 and its been like 20 mins. I don't know many of yall but this shit is entertaining! please do not lock, so far in this saga I'm understanding where @ King  is coming from tbh, I think there is a social bias growing inside of two social groups here , this would only be possible if the groups had enough distance for animosity to ferment because no communication is being facilitated. This post if anything is a neon sign showing that the APD should take a internal look at the bridge between the SAPD and APD because it looks like  its starting to smoke from my viewpoint.

Too much to read, remove inactive chief and give it to my mate @ Headtaps  he would do a great job

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Shit, at this point might as well just dissolve 90% of Sapd ranks, and let the apd force actually vote for who they would like in Senior roles.

On 2/3/2024 at 11:40 AM, Garth Flanders said:

Shit, at this point might as well just dissolve 90% of Sapd ranks, and let the apd force actually vote for who they would like in Senior roles.

Honestly we should go to public cop slots and say fuck it. No seniors, everyone is a PO, no whitelist. Prob would function better than this fuckery

  • BlessUp 1
  • Haha 1

I actually sat here for an hour reading all 10 pages. Few things I’ve noticed:


@ -Shawn- has been sneak dissing new sapd since this post began (thinks he is better/ reliving his glory days)


the status updates making rule changes are ridiculous, back in my time

@ ThatNerdyGuy would repost an updated apd handbook every few days finding random typos and unclear statements. (A practice that should be preserved)


idk much about the king situation but if he had multiple reprimands / warnings, and the fed thing was the final straw. I’ve seen people demoted/removed for much less, and it seems fair to me. Also, the basic excuse “show me in the handbook” is an overplayed hand used by POs who think they can bypass the rules when they know it’ll bite them in the ass. (I’d consider myself lucky if I got a whitelist after doing this)


The clique thing. Since my start to the apd, there was always cliques and will continue to be cliques. It is just a natural thing that the friends you make while grinding through the ranks are the people you value the most and raise up in meetings. The important part of being a senior is playing with everyone so you have an unbiased well backed opinion when names are brought up. The worst input a senior can give at a meeting is “idk him, if you are okay with it I am.” 

not trying to reignite this post, just had some thoughts on this topic and wanted to post em. (I have a ridiculous amount of free time nowadays)



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U guys need help, yall crying about a 10 yr old game like its life or death. Just stfu and go touch some grass.

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18 minutes ago, Fefe said:

U guys need help, yall crying about a 10 yr old game like its life or death. Just stfu and go touch some grass.

🚨🚨🚨‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ ANIME PIC DETECTED - - - OPINION REJECTED 🚨🚨‼️‼️‼️🚨💥💯💯❗❗🗣️🗣️🗣️💥💥‼️



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  • Lord of Tickets
3 hours ago, billdroid said:

@ -Shawn- has been sneak dissing new sapd since this post began (thinks he is better/ reliving his glory days

Shutup before I re create ballers on a budget again and make you join so we can troll caps 

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