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53 minutes ago, Peter Long said:

I'm going to enjoy my retirement. Ill spend it at my house, which is North of Kavala. I have a small farm that Bubbaloo works on, and from time to time I will pick peaches with my tempest device, which i will give freely to the citizens of Kavala. That being said, if the APD ever needs some tactical training, I'm always down to teach. As much as I will love being in retirement, I'll still want to fight every once in a while.


o7 Dili. You are/were the best Chief of Police, and your dedication to the APD is something that everyone should applaud.

LOL Bubbaloo working in your fields.


 Peter, you may not remember but we both were POs once before you got Corp buddy, we go way back as well, it's not goodbye as you still will be here. You are one of the most influential players I know man, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. On duty/Off duty you were a blast to play with. Now you will be up there with the Gods and Troll with the best of them (Gary). Hope to see ya soon!!!!!

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It's ok guys its just a prank look he still has it in his signature and is still whitelisted on the forums. Good Joke Peter now get back to Kavala.

We both know how much I appreciate everything you've done in bringing me to where I am on the APD and the staff today Peter.  I can't express how grateful I am for that.  I'm sad to see you go, but I understand.  You'll be missed.

Not to mention that now I have nobody to help balance dili's dumb ass with me.

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2 hours ago, Peter Long said:





Oh wait. Fuck. Nevermind. Coming back just to brownlist you. Then ill go.

Sir, I recall I am a higher rank then you now, I am taking over Deputy Chief of Police, you can suck a big fat juicy pickle.

Peter i can personally i have had the weirdest relationship with you out of anyone I have ever played games with. I literally did nothing but troll you and you on the forums and yet somehow you still liked me? Like i have no idea how you didnt hate me, or maybe you did and you never showed it. But i am VERY sad that you are stepping down, more sad than i think i would be if anyone else stepped down. You were truly the greatest APD member of all time. o7 peter

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Well i was not expecting to see this. It is a huge shame to see you leave such a respected position. I do completely understand why though. The APD channels will sure miss the crazy screaming that always scared the shit out of everyone. At the same time had everyone laughing their asses off. Good thing i bought that beach side house next to yours. Deff worth it now. Gotta use that deck of yours some time

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this is the Ap you'll get the D later...

You were the best holding that Positon, I just hope to see a deputy Peter Flying a Ghost hawk. :)

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11 hours ago, Rusty said:

hahahahahaha the mr kevin one LOL. and fuck you don't take tower 2 down :)

You didn't have to quote the entire thing you fucker 

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