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Roundtable Summary 2024-07-13



Approved Ideas:


House / Storage Locker Additions

  • Ability to store current loadout in your house
    • 4 Slots
    • 10 Seconds to equip
    • Stores an individual loadout
  • Being able to move more than 1 item in a house at a time
  • Ability to click multiple things and move them up / down instead of just 1 item at a time
  • When you unlock your storage locker it stays "unlocked" for 5 minutes

Vigilante Vehicle Renowned Shop

  • Ability to purchase already available vehicles for renown points

Qilin to vigilante shop

  • Requires 100 arrests similar to the prowler

Warpoint / War Changes - Warpoint values for kill and death gear weight will change, poll is currently in progress for the removing of trading

  • ALL wars any individual gang might have are made group wide when in a group and will show as red names for everyone inside

Change APD Armed Plane insurance

  • The APD Armed Plane price is being increased to 3 000 000 and the insurance to 1 200 000

Rule Changes

  • As long as any faction holds a member of a player's group hostage, the engagement continues unless they are released or sent to jail without a shot having been fired for 5 mins. Potentially add a red name/notification to both sides

Improve Log-in rewards


Pararescue being able to request fires

  • Reduce it down from supervisor to pararescue to allow more opportunities to do fires.


Checking Vigilante license displays arrest count 

  • Instead of displaying arrest count we will introduce T6, T7, T8 etc ranks corresponding to the number of arrests above T5. (ex. T6 = T5 with 300 arrests etc)

Denied Ideas:


Increase retrieval price of APD Armored Vehicles

Reason for denial: This can be re-addressed in a future RT due to Qilin (Smokes) not being implemented yet. 

Cartel Hotzone

Reason for denial: Server initiated combat events are already oversaturated. Otherwise, we think it would be better to rework/improve the existing system rather than tacking on yet another half-baked event.


  • WPL Exclusive
  • Can only be used for items the pickaxe can currently gather
  • 75K Cost
  • Gathers 3 ingredients at a time compared to pickaxe gathering 1
  • Sellable to any merchant by anyone for 35k

Reason for denial: We're concerned that this is a very large buff and only for more established players doing larger legal runs - those are players that we want to see illegal runs


Re-open the casino to medics

Reason for denial: This will not be happening to remove additional obstacles that prevent medics from doing their duties, the point of the faction is to be on the front lines, reviving people and saving houses not sitting AFK gambling or going from revive to roulette wheel while people bleed out.

Change the current fatigues to use the Survival Fatigues

Reason for denial: Don't want to pursue utilizing the CMOD for clothing that doesn't necessarily have the inteded texture especially for a complete replacer of your fatigues.


Tool Kit Weight reduction

Reason for denial: Toolkits already being a split virtual and physical item provides a large variety choice in your loadouts between magazines or y space. We've increased virtual storage by adding the vest weight onto your total and gang perks up to +10, we won't be reducing what is essentially a critical part of a loadout to be more trivial.

  • Like 9
  • Hmm 1
  • Downvote 1
  • STFU 1

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