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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. This is fucking great. lmao just watch it. @Sociopathic I love you dude.
  2. If anyone gets 12.7 mags from BW hmu.

    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      The asp kir is a good gun you just have to know the distance to what your shooting. @Jesse

  3. https://gyazo.com/3ecb50c80b512343b8ce06782a7712bb?token=e86274fa52ce60fb62cd5d6e04ff2898 @Tman15tmb Dude I'm pissed, I was shitting on the server then a little mofo killed me. 45,131
  4. wtf does that mean? Lmao that shit was at 6am and and we were all tired as fuck. It was lit tho.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Plumber


      NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Thats it! Im going on a infant strangling spree. Just watch the news. You'll see why I cant make my minutes for now on

  5. Time for a fucking memetage.
  6. What the fuck... Im lucky if i can make it past 2.....
  7. You mother fucker! lmao I remember that.
  8. Well maybe if you had not disbanded That one gang with the Tree people, that one Tree gang you know with the Tree people? Like the people that Worship a tree or some dumb shit. It might have been up there.
  9. I found this a long ass time ago and ran into it again, Watch this shit its fucking funny. 


    1. RambleR


      im fkn dead! 

  10. Notice how he takes his shirt off. xD
  11. Just got sent straight to jail for my first offense of verbal insults.... Fucking dumb cop. @Parker Radley

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy0yjBdpcNA whole video if you guys want to check it out. @Talindor @Bubbaloo Burrito @G.O.A.T. @McDili
  13. BEING toxic by saying take the fucking blind fold off? dont make me get on server one again...
  14. ok faggot.
  15. So with blindfolds in and cops being able to use them, Makes no fucking sense. Cops should not be able to use blindfolds. For one were talking about cops, hears a video of what I tried to rp and themountan cop had a shitty mic at first and was being a cunt. Then he dosnt even try to rp with me. I was going to pay my ticket if he would have just token the blind fold off. I seriously hate cops. Like fuck. Secondly, during the whole processing the were telling me what they were doing like it fucking ruins everything. Like trust me.
  16. 4 Crater 270m away from pro. will sell for 2.5mill Server 2
  17. Happy birthday @Sociopathic to my favorite cancer patient.

  18. I would not be ashamed of this...
  19. Yeah idk how to fix the volume in game. I use plays.tv and I have ingame @100%
  20. Me trying to doge bullets like. 


    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mory Mango

      Mory Mango

      "your the only person who thinks thatlol

    3. Snare


      @Mory Mango well i mean that makes one person and one mongol.

    4. Ham


      I'm obviously not, I'm just the only person that actually has said it to you. I would rather say it to you than to say it behind your back.

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