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Olympus Entertainment 2024 Price Match & Black Friday Sales & $1000 Giveaway! ×


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Everything posted by DashTonic

  1. Its ok Nicole I know you get confused easily
  2. b^.^d
  3. Yeah have a video for the bounty you caught edit: since i cant edit the first post pm me a video of the bounty your caught if you trying to go for the highest bounty pm your PID so can look it up on the stats page heres a link to a doc so yall can keep up who sumit what https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jGLOXH7sbih0B46PhWPDvP_1WqVZy0c74SotiTJ2OOI/edit?usp=sharing
  4. The amount of vigis and cops trying to catch them
  5. Here it is if you can get and keep the highest bounty by the end of April 30 I'll give a $60 game. If can catch the highest bounty by April 30 you get the same prize If you on cop with multiple people that helped catch. sorry only one gets it. pm me a video of the bounty you caught if your trying to go for the highest bounty pm your PID so can look it up on the stats page heres a link to a doc so yall can keep up who sumit what https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jGLOXH7sbih0B46PhWPDvP_1WqVZy0c74SotiTJ2OOI/edit?usp=sharing Let the game begin
    1. Mighty
    2. DashTonic


      me and a group of randoms were bullying everyone 

    3. RambleR


      Dayumm! I missed out on that booty!

  6. I'm just gonna grab my mx and taze you without a vigi license
  7. I spent it Sending stuff to space gets expensive
  8. I pay someone 2mill ingamemoney to crawel from kavala to airhq they have to video the whole thing to get the money

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrispyK


      4 mil and we have a deal. i flew to colonia 3 times already in elite dangerou, google how long that shit takes.

    3. DeadPool


      make it 25 mil

    4. Prime


      Id do that for half that. Im poor as fuck

  9. Welcome. hope you enjoy the fun here. just a fair warning stay out of kavala
  10. Career cop Only 32k km on 1,700hr
  11. Happy birthday you dirty cunt

  12. Dam I still had three of thoses spar 16 sand when they were for vigis back in the day
  13. Selling drugs, Robing, being a vigi, staying out of kavala 99.9% of the time and get a house so you don't do one full run at once. Edit: or find someone to trade ingame money for stuff outside of the game. disclaimer"don't do it"
  14. @Ignis look it your best friend
  15. Yes. To fix your problem use OBS since shadow play is shit. Thank You
  16. This is the Apd
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