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Hot Pocket

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hot Pocket

  1. The fact that everybody's getting hyped over someone shaving is how you know the servers deas

  2. I liked Jake, until he joined BW and got an ego
  3. That's what the captain's are for first of all and I would at least fight and see what happens before being salty
  4. I don't understand why people would we to throw? People are always complaining about not getting fights, why would you want to throw away something new and different then just the same shit everyday. If some people could not let their egos get carried away then we should be fine.
  5. ur gay
  6. Hey @Poseidon, if i wanted to play on a server with 3 people on it i'd go on Archetype : ) 

  7. Pretty sure this was an idea before I don't know what happened to it...
  8. Whatever civ rep that can help revive cartel life has my vote.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ScreaM


      check out my statement

    3. Orgondo


      Honestly there is no hope for Cartel life until something like ridiculously good gets released or a ton of people get unpermed


    4. Temple


      vote tommy and i will make kavala a cartel

  9. Lol "Sr Johnny"
  10. Well, that's a new one 


    1. Turtle Chris

      Turtle Chris

      He was messaging me about North Korea and aliens?

    2. Tman15tmb
  11. I don't know how you people are so stupid. People always get caught. If you loved the server so much like you claim you do, you wouldn't of done it.
  12. Accepted! @Aunt Jemima @Dante Fleury
  13. When people actually apply for Cy6 and not Ballers on a Budget... @Aunt Jemima

    1. Chickenlittle
    2. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      When was the last time cy6 fought a cartel? 

    3. ItsGG


      This is what Oly,pus has come to....sheeeiiiit lmao

  14. Really sorry for you bro! Gotta push through these rough times, 07.
  15. It all depends what kind of people you run into. If your run into to me though, I'm coming for that ass boyyyyy.
  16. @BobsYourAuntie crack this code and you get un-permed!
  17. @Aunt Jemima trying to fight cartels lately 


    1. ItsGG


      sums up my cartel experience in the past week perfectly. :/

  18. Dante has a Santa beard 

  19. Status update?
  20. I will trade you my Kendrick disk set, 1 pilot coveralls and a free hug card.
  21. I think there needs to be more than 4 teams, I actually want to play
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