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Hot Pocket

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hot Pocket

  1. The Xbox X is 6 Teraflops... that is def a made up word.

    1. silton


      It's not, for example the Titan X is 11 teraflops

    2. -dante-


      Tera flops is starting to challenge bamboozled as my favorite word tbh

  2. so no negotiations needed or is this only for when negotiations fail?
  3. Feel free to go there
  4. @Tman15tmb I just saw a commercial saying Man N Cheetos are in Canada... wuuutttt

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      No, in the US we have Mac, you guys in Canada apparently have MAN.

    3. I Am Fuzzy
    4. Tman15tmb


      Hot pocket loves him some man n cheese.

  5. It still looks like that, but now its a zoomed in cartoon.
  6. I already couldn't fly... why you gotta do this to me :FeelsBad:

    1. J O E

      J O E

      Same.. .


    2. -dante-


      Just in time for @BobsYourAuntie to lose all of his Corproal orcas ^__^

  7. *logs into the forums after work*

    "congrats Dangus on Corporal"


    1. Dangus


      Quality meme!

  8. Congrats @BobsYourAuntie on Corporal... god help us all

  9. If they are free ill take one
  10. It's unfortunate that this happened to you but It is really rare that a 1k bounty loses connection and i personally would probably not send him to jail. Most of the time though, there are a lot of people who actually do log for small bounty... like how are we supposed to know if You're going to come back.
  11. I'm not usually a guy who shows a lot of emotion to these kind of posts but man, this makes me really sad. I only got to play games with you that much, but when I have, I have had a lot of fun. To all the people that feel like they need to rip someone apart in order to make yourself big... take a look in the mirror. Despite all the harassment that has been directed towards you, you never stooped down to there level, I don't think I am even as big of a person to that. I wish you luck in the future and know that you can get through this. I have been verbally harassed before in the past (not as bad as your case) and I know how it feels.... I know you can get through this!
  12. Happy birthday, Dez!

  13. god tier
  14. Get rid of us and there is no chance you're getting revived
  15. If you guys don't want us there, don't request... that simple
  16. it was bR, you dumb dumb @TGNova @Haiwood
  17. Love those Catrels



  18. @Dante Fleury and I are working on little project and we need someone that's good with Graphic design.

    PM for more details

    1. Tman15tmb


      I can draw a penis.

  19. Well, usually the plan is to play the factions you join and not do the bare minimum and when you have irl shit to do put in a leave of absence
  20. "Some people who actually have lives" lmao
  21. I think it would be cool if we could buy a property that came with a 4 Crater house, a heli pad and a garage. These would obviously cost a lot of money but I think it would be pretty cool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marty


      and a garden where you grow weed and a processor in the basement :D

    3. Tman15tmb


      I think it would be cool if you shut the fuck up with your pipe dream ideas! ^___^

    4. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      God dammit Tman, sorry for dreaming big!

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