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Everything posted by Google

  1. Vital: "You guys are pussies if you won't push! Bots!!!"

    Us: *10 minutes later when they push*


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Google


      I'm not saying I'm a god you guys are just extremely bad.
      But let's also look at this


    3. bdj



      this kid has convinced himself hes sick for getting a little 'clip' and quickly grows an ego bigger that nicole's cock and assumes everyone must be terrible!

      how cute

    4. Google



      I mean dropping right in front of me from passenger in an ifrit means you're terrible. It's just facts. And me being able to drive up to Vender in a Hatchback with two people sitting there without being scratched means you're terrible. Stop making excuses for sucking at a game, get better bot.
      I sell lessons. Current pricing can be negotiated via, CFO of my Google CQC Administration Team, Walter.

  2. @Hadi Mokdad is best mod. ETA On admin?

  3. Hey I found this cool video by @Jimmy Jarvis Good work!


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skys


      Atleast he didn't sell ips he got from his cqc server

    3. Google



      I didn't make this to hate on him lolll I made this post because I dead ass have never seen these type of hacks in CS:GO Like I was like holy fuck wtfff that's pretty cool. Like most hacks are pretty boring. Just aimbot and etc. this shit was like on a different level.

    4. Skys


      check out boring channel he has some pretty dank cheats

  4. When I have a rocket launcher or any gun at all I can scroll wheel and it lets me select the gun to pull it out. If it's a primary weapon then I can just press Shift + F or just F.
  5. WTB S3 DP 23 Garage hmu
  6. Google


    Your best bet to join a gang would be to apply to a gang under: https://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/25-gang-recruitments/ Usually they require that you have tons of time in Arma 3 to prove that you're an experienced, well rounded player. To counter this I suggest just leaving your Arma 3 Launcher open to get tons of time in the game.
  7. Logic's book, Supermarket, has been #1 on Amazon's top selling books since it's released!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Google


      What? I love Logic @bigSMOKE... What are you talking about? I literally can remember riding home in like 6th grade on the bus when his Under Pressure album dropped and I bought the Album on iTunes immediately.

    3. bigSMOKE


      No one cares kys ddos kid

    4. Snare


      Wow your young then.

  8. What? I think I’ve done one report on someone, and that’s a maybe. Why would you waste time uploading and getting someone banned from a video game? I imagine you probably report people for NLR, that’s a big yikes.
  9. Why does Olympus #3 randomly get no messaged received sometimes?

  10. Google

    WTS Ghost Hawk

  11. You're one fucked up individual.
  12. Happy Birthday @P a g e!!¡!¡!¡!

    1. Page


      Cheers google ly 

  13. Sold all them sorry
  14. What I imagine would be cool is when a gang submits their roster they can either choose NA or EU gang (Maybe they can do it now, idk didn't fight in Gang Wars). Then this will be easy when setting up the bracket, just setup all EU gangs against each other and there's no need to ask who's a EU gang or anymore talking it's just all there with their roster.
  15. Google


    o7 even if gang wars was bad at least you tried to do it, instead of doing nothing.
  16. New people were hosting, doesn't change the fact that they should be able to learn from old gang wars. But hey, just my thoughts.
  17. Kinda crazy if ya think about it, this was Gang Wars XIV which means Gang Wars 14. After 14 Gang wars you still haven't perfected the process of doing gang wars. GG
  18. $3 mil?
  19. Oh then yeah I’d do that 100% just message me with your Steam
  20. And this guy wants to give me $440k for that. HELL nah fam
  21. How many war points does it cost
  22. Still selling are you interested still? Sorry just saw this
  23. I love Logic no homo


  24. Like the idea, but I think I would favor the other ideas over this one because I feel like the other ideas have the same result (Civs fighting cops), but with less need for development. I feel like the other idea(s) would be more optimal since developers are already being flooded with stuff to do.
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