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big niko

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Everything posted by big niko

  1. Ok pretty straight forward, I was wondering if by chance if we could get some sort of Shoutbox type thing on this forums, what are your guys thoughts?
  3. @Bow you ban @Airborne for 14 days for joining the server with a * and act all big man wtf? 


    1. ScreaM



    2. Apathy


      Best song out of the album is probably Youngest Flexer... What do you guys think of his new album xd.

    3. JAMIE


      The minds of our youth are done for.

  5. Are you selling the pliotoes helmetetoes?
  6. Toasty, the only scope that is possible to range it with is the DMS.
  7. Kids like you make my eyes bleed reaing what you guys say. The ASP-1 is a subsonic sinper rifle and is only effective at a 100m range because it's subsonic, personaly if I was gonna choice the MAR-10 or ASP-1 for Ifrit droping/smashing I would use the ASP-1.
  8. You guys made us push you on the carrier cause you guys take about 74 years to push, typical Tree.
    1. rp slayer

      rp slayer

      @Nikoteen do I need to link the gyazo of you potatoing a whole mag in haze's montage or u done?

    2. ItsGG


      who the fuck was eating on the mic?? that shit was custtyyy

  9. Because people want the Sand MK1? Sorry that people find the Green and black one fucking butt ugly.
  10. All ass throwback @Ares @Dezree @Grandma GaryEA5A53755A9C0315EB0ED9CEB1F440473F153838

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pledge


      You are correct...

      That is all ass

    3. ItsGG


      why does Gary have an mk14......:huh:

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Cause I don't need the best weaponry available to be my crutch when I shoot people ^_^

  11. Yeah your right we shouldn't be flaming a dead gang sorry.
  12. Proud you were always the first guy to die and bullshit me on that you monkey.
  13. Ok lmao sorry that I am in a active gang that plays unlike Trident, but honestly why do you both say the same shit in a post about the same shit, you guys are legit so aids and about my signature look at yours and click that link where my eyes bleed.
  14. You literally were getting roasted everytime you left TS Channels and was about to get kicked but you gave fucking 5 dollars to not get kicked you can look on Viper's Steam for that you fucking joke lmao. Savage don't make me end you and you garabage ass montages and trying to shit talk poeple and for my gang atlease we play lmao go scull fuck your retarded brother Proud just get the fuck off my ass.
  15. Alright cause buying a hunter for a mill is not stupid, ok sounds good even though you buy Ifrits for 800k alright then sped sounds good Lmao.
  16. Yeah oookkk, goodluck retard.
  17. The only thing bad with the Hunter is that the windows are weak and they penetrate with one 7.62, and one more thing is that you can't shoot trough the back of it so if you go reverse with it you can use that to your advantage.
  18. Here we go.
  19. Like Hiroshima?
  20. I'll buy some
  21. Server? Mr. Stelar Dragonvish.
  22. Jesse, Nigga I can't let this slide. You have Lighting MaQueen on that shit? Why?
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