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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Is that our fucking lockpicking sound in the background 

    2. JoeL


      I cant settle this song or this song for a montage 


  1. I have watched this about 100 times https://streamable.com/yz39l

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bow


      This is raw footage of Kavala attacking the police HQ

    3. Pledge


      @Silton is there anything wrong with that?

    4. silton


      @Pledge if you mean being an arsenal supporter. Yes :Kappa:


  2. tbf ronda rousey lasted longer then i did when i hit my first pussy

  3. my parents got me a trash can and a shaver/grooming kit xd MERRY CHRISTMAS

  4. merry christmas people keep it real smash dat like u know what time it is



    1. JoeL


      I was planning on using this for montage.. and you just give it to the forums, now everyone is gonna use it.

  6. i don't know how some of the admins survive the real world when they ban people for saying light shit compared to what you hear IRL being a SJW is a sin. fin.
  7. Always Sunny in Philly.

  9. got selected for grand jury someone got a spare noose?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moose


      Get paid shit'

    3. Dangus


      If I've heard correctly, you get paid for lunch, $5, and you get like a couple dollars an hour, I've heard it's $3 an hour, could be different elsewhere. So basically......... here ya go


      fuck, the image is too big.... but pretend there's a noose above this paragraph and below the other one.

    4. Dejay
  10. Both me and dejay play together almost all the time, so hes been playing asylum just as much as me. Hes not representing a sampling bias either.
  11. Personally for the past month i've played asylum more then olympus, And i got 0 texture bugs on asylum compared to just two or three days ago where i played for 3 hours and had 4 texture bugs on olympus. You can say its a sampling bias or say i'm playing with the truth, i really don't care. I'm just saying what i've experienced.
  12. Hes not saying its just olympus! He says it happens much more frequently in his experience, and i agree as it has in mine too.
  13. Ravioli Ravioli give me half your shitioli.

    1. JoeL


      That's something you need to bring up with ma boi Chef boi rD.. 

  14. Cant enjoy any fights with all the texture bugs and massive fps drops. Just had a situation were 5+ people in the our group all got texture bugged.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mafia


      In 2-3 hours of game play I will crash over 10 times due to texture bug. The only way for me to fix it is to restart my machine. Only happens on this server, note I don't play any other altis life servers only KOTH.

    3. RambleR


      Why i dont fight cops right now.. sad as it is

    4. Snare


      yeah that was fun. 

      Not really.

  15. hello friends in need of gang for gang wars can guarantee at least 1 death

    1. Linka


      I also need a spot so that'll be two free deaths god bless

    2. Willski


      Need a spot as well. Make that 3 deaths

    3. Linka
  16. fix hospitals add big towers and remove the fucking shooting range wtf is that shit?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. buckie


      oh shit i see what you did there

    3. Bow


      You didn't need to add a shooting range, that's why the Kavala gun store is placed with a direct line of sight to the square.

    4. JoeL


      Every other restart the big towers will appear and after that restart they're gone until the next. 

      That should be a thing .^.

  17. b909980c9ad394b0c6f481165fbb822b.png

    and i get placed at 2149 MMR KYS overwatch

    1. Fuzy


      Should have let me carry you.


    2. TheRealKyle


      1 hour ago, Fuzy said:

      Should have let me carry you.



    3. Temple


      i won 2 games, with 1 draw and 7 losses and got placed in diamond. its all based on your rank at the end of s2

  18. big towers donation goal

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