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Status Replies posted by Bloodmoon

  1. hey guys what do you think about illegal sells being boosted by 10%

  2. shout out the the apd that had to stick around all day for the 9 trident feds

  3. hot take but ex chiefs shouldnt still have their roles

  4. f779712b49f54918be8a6d1018ac2337.png what happened?

  5. if you can actually fly a blackfish msg me

  6. Perm banned forum account now I'm ban evading, can you perm me in game now? :) dffc0fa91235eace06b10cb14efebb24.png

  7. Perm banned forum account now I'm ban evading, can you perm me in game now? :) dffc0fa91235eace06b10cb14efebb24.png

  8. Since you wanna try to expose shit. I have not heard any ideas come from you that are not a single fucking meme. If all you plan on doing is making olympus like a dead server/community called asylum I will fight everything you do to make sure olympus will not become that.  

  9. People be straight Up tripping over civ rep. Like HOLY FUCK. Niggas need to chill. And run for Senior class president or some shit. That shit looks better on a resume the Olympus Civ Rep LMAO. Niggas straight tripping.   :b:

  10. "Google, you clearly don't have enough knowledge to be Civ Rep" - Kev (Trident Member)

    "Now, listen Kev don't exploit out of jail again that's exploiting okay... that is bannable." - Arigato (Olympus Staff Member)

    "Oh thank you, Mr. Arigato, had no clue that was bannable" - Kev

    "Google, shut up you don't have enough time on Olympus to run for Civ Rep" - Kev

    ...At least I know exploiting is bannable. Retard. @kev

  11. Nerf Salvaging 

  12. when kavala is dead so you take a rhib to pygros from kavala but eggman tells you to stop halfway :DansGame:

    #hate these new car physics i like my boat better

  13. someone bought moonshine distributor house on server 2 :/ @Jesse

  14. When you can't fit all the cops on the server in your 5 hunters so you have him pull a quiln not op btw not a stack btw balance btw....

  15. @Fake Grandma 

    Hopefully your mod status lasts longer than @Bloodmoon's corp....

  16. Flint's water system would cost 200m$ to fix while the missle attack cost 224m$


  17. If Putvert thinks hes gonna win, Last time I checked America was back to back World War Champs Bring it on you skinny Russian

  18. Only Real niggas can relate. 


  19. any recommendations for pre workout?

  20. any recommendations for pre workout?

  21. Is @McDili dead or just ignoring me i sent him a message on march 29 he read it on the 31 and never replied ive sent 2 messages since then and nothing he is my banning admin and i would like to have a chat with him just wondering if hes been busy or something or just doesnt want to talk to me 

  22. that feel when when apd cant have coin flips because we might trick civs into them thinking its a ticket. yikes.

  23. can we get a new drug or two?


  24. When google says he doesnt grab IP's on his training servers but when some1 makes a joke he sends me this saying dont mess with me (he got it from his training server)


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