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Everything posted by ChubbyElf

  1. I got the garage by platinum pro
  2. HQ takeovers would be a good balance. Have a flagpole that requires lets say 2 minutes of capping, if you get restrained it obviously cancels. Cops can respawn as many times as they want until it is capped. Once it is capped, they cannot spawn there and must repair the flagpole by spawning somewhere else and driving in. Otherwise it will be automatically repaired after 5 minutes. This gives the civs enough time to escape. Maybe even give cops spawns outside of the HQ once the flagpole is capped? I don't see a problem with increasing the cost of guns to ~80k for a MX since they never lose them anyways
  3. Get fucked AAA Mom you hacking son of a bitch

  4. Lmao but seriously man I have not seen one APD nerf out of you since you've been chief
  5. Literally just buffed cops yet again. How do the higher up admins let you do this shit?
  6. @leslackinghobo
  7. Big gay
  8. that aint a meth house boi
  9. 1 milli
  10. Stop necroposting you retard

    1. SPBojo


      @lou25000 Proud to see your music career is booming.

  12. Biggest memer on the server mad respect
  13. Offer?
  14. S3 DP3 4 Crater / Garage
  15. DP23 Bungalow + Garage https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955214984625208182/DB422A06D2DEB2E5700A881CC5863F72848A07FC/ DP3 4 Crater + Garage https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955214984625207925/C6D32C0EFAC0FDB0FAD608E9D1A63664A40C5F3A/ Oil Pro 4 Crater https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955214984625207552/E624A4A8457A7DB698448C181D8836C480A22E2B/ Taking all offers!
  16. Taking any offers
  17. Just kiss each other already gosh

    1. ikiled
    2. GangPlay


      yo wtf @ChubbyElf why u gotta expose me like that


    3. Millennium


      Is there a suicide button somewhere

  19. like 8 mil
  20. 7
  21. 6m
  22. Offer me?
  23. Honest question is it gay to kiss your homies good night? Like after a long day of robbing and fighting I just have to let them know I appreciate them. Please give me your opinions

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      I tuck in and kiss my nigga @Bloodmoon every night. 

    3. Daddy Fenwick

      Daddy Fenwick

      It's only gay if you don't use tongue

    4. SPBojo


      Its only gay if they dont kiss back.

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